maybe someone can give me a hint. I use SPEC for an elaborate GUI with the need to switch autoaccept of inputFields off. So accept of textInputFields is by Return. Since Tabs are used to navigate anyway, It would be great to "accept" on leaving the inputField. I found the possibility to bind a key/keyCombination to an action (as is done in ButtonModel initialize: self bindKeyCombination: Character space toAction: [ self action ] ) However the following code in a TextinputFieldModel textinputField bindKeyCombination: Character tab toAction: textinputField acceptBlock did not work. What should I do? Thanks for a hint --
Hartmut Krasemann |
Hi harmunt I'm doing too many things to get energy to be concentrated on Spec. Now I'm surprised that Character space would work as a KeyCombination and I saw that the eventKeyStrokes are often converted into a keyCombination for the next previous event. registerKeyStrokesForNextFor: aWidget aWidget ifNil: [ ^ self ]. self eventKeyStrokesForNextFocus do: [:each | aWidget bindKeyCombination: each toAction: [ self giveFocusToNextFrom: self ] ] eventKeyStrokesForNextFocus "String describing the keystroke to perform to jump to the next widget" ^ { Character tab asKeyCombination } Can you try textinputField bindKeyCombination: Character tab asKeyCombination toAction: textinputField acceptBlock Tx On Sat, May 6, 2017 at 10:22 PM, Hartmut Krasemann <[hidden email]> wrote:
The error I made: textinputField acceptBlock does not work. the action seems to take a morph. The following worked for me. textinputField bindKeyCombination: Character tab toAction: [:morph| "hereTheAcceptBlockContent." textInputField text: morph text]. But this is ugly. I use a spec with 5 TextinputFields. with or without "asKeyCombination" the additionalKeyBindings only sometimes work, ie. on some of the fields in a spec, but not all (this was even dynamically changing). In those cases where the additional binding of the tab works, the navigation fails. It seems that the tab is consumed either by navigation or the additional keyBinding. And which one is decided by chance. So this will not help me. Any idea? Am 07.05.17 um 09:34 schrieb Stephane Ducasse:
Hartmut Krasemann |
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