SQLiteEXDI: Speedup and some enhancements

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SQLiteEXDI: Speedup and some enhancements

Joachim Geidel
I have published a new version of SQLite3EXDI to the public repository:

        SQLite3EXDI 7.7 - 11 + AR 63279 1 + jg 1

When a SELECT-Statement has a large answer set where at least one column
contains Strings, the previous versions created a new EncodedStream for
every single String which was read from the database. This is slow. There
were some other methods which slowed things down. I have tuned this a bit.
For a table with one INTEGER and two TEXT columns and 1 million rows,
reading the complete table from a disk based SQLite database came down
from 21 seconds to 9 seconds on my MacBook Pro.

I have also added methods which can be used to backup a database, load a
disk based database into an in-memory database, read and set pragma
values, and attach/detach additional databases to an SQLite3Connection.

If you are using SQLite, give it a try, and let me know if I have broken

@Cincom: Please consider merging my changes into the trunk.

Joachim Geidel

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