SRNC 2.001: Dynamic Signatures

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SRNC 2.001: Dynamic Signatures

Panu Viljamaa
Signature Revealing Naming Convention
         for Smalltalk (SRNC-ST v. 2.001)

is available at:

The main innovation of revision 2.001 is its support
for 'Dynamic Interfaces'. These are declared with the
help of  State-Change-Expressions (SCE) of form:

   self NextState: #{The name of an interface class}.

This means that instead of preconditions on
a validity of an interface you can model
the state-chart of an object's signatures

For instance, the method #pop of Stack can
be declared as:

    (self size = 1)
      ifTrue: [self NextState: #EmptyStack]
      ifFalse:[self NextState: #Stack].

instead of the more conventional:
      self assert: [self isEmpty not ].

What's the difference ?  Categorizing the possible
dynamic states of an object's interface  is a natural
way of characterizing an object's states succinctly.
For instance even though a Stack of size 2 is in a
different 'state' than a stack of size 529, they are
in the same 'signature state'. The difference between
their states is smaller than  the difference between
Stacks of size 1 and 0 (the last one can't be sent
the message #pop).

A quote from
Note the general Object-Oriented principle at work:
Instead of  defining a single method that tests for
the type of the current object, each (Object-Oriented)
class can define its own polymorphic version of the
method. In SRNC,  instead of  defining a single
interface-signature with lots of tests and
preconditions on its validity, we can define a
separate signature for each state. As a by-product
we get a formal definition of  the state-chart
of the object.

Comments and feedback welcome !