In a previous e-mail I announced client code for Dropbox. The Dropbox
API requires HTTPS so I'm using the 7.7.1 security parcels in 7.8
"download edition" of VisualWorks at the moment. The python SDK that I
translated the client from had the attached set of certs. When I load
them with:
pem := 'trusted-certs.crt' asFilename.
bundle := CertificateFileReader new readFrom: pem readStream.
X509Registry trustedCertificates addAll: bundle.
and try to talk with the dropbox API endpoint, I get
Security.SSLWarning Certificate Subject Failed Validation !. I have
attached a sample walkback. I was assuming (hoping) that including the
certs supplied by dropbox would make the SSL framework happy. The
python SDK is happy with them. I don't understand the SSL validation
process so any help would be appreciated...I hate just ignoring these
warnings (for now I'm just resume-ing the exception).
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