ST Compatability

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ST Compatability

Günther Schmidt

I need to explain to a friend, a non ST java person, the issues of
compatibility between the different ST dialects.

Does anybody know of a good website for this?


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Re: ST Compatability

Udo Schneider
Günther Schmidt wrote:
> I need to explain to a friend, a non ST java person, the issues of
> compatibility between the different ST dialects.
One thing that jumps onto my mind is to use the different Java GUI
Toolkits (e.g. AWT, SWING and SWT) as an example where the same language
is having three different class libraries with roughly the same
functionality but totally different API and Architecture.

The Smalltalk "core" is more or less the same for e.g. Dolphin, VW and
VA although the GUI libraries are totally different.



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Re: ST Compatability

In reply to this post by Günther Schmidt
Do you want to explain the language, the core API, or non-core (gui for
example) API differences between the different SmallTalks?

Java and C# are nearly identical languages, with very similar APIs, and
very different GUI APIs.