ST - Dolphin Smalltalk

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ST - Dolphin Smalltalk

[please use the Followup-To comp.lang.smalltalk. Thank you]

A few time ago i had a discussion about Dolphin Smalltalk:

I spent time and give a worthfull "first contact user analysis".

follow the link, and choose "viel completed thread" to see more:$nim$1@...

Visiting the webpage again, i see that nothing changes.

My generalization from this:

Customer feedback is not handled in a professional manner, so product
enhancements take place based on customer needs.


I'm happy that many other versions exist.

So there is no "have to" finally.

I don't like "have to's".


And maybe Object Arts changes his policy.

Maybe whilst taking the growing competition into account.


Minimum resistance trial.

Click - download - setup.exe


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Re: ST - Dolphin Smalltalk

Andy Bower

Unless you really feel strongly about this please don't feel the need to
reply to this timewaster.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: ST - Dolphin Smalltalk

Jochen Riekhof-3
> Unless you really feel strongly about this please don't feel the need to
> reply to this timewaster.

AFAIK it's a touring machine...



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Re: ST - Dolphin Smalltalk

Andy Bower

"Jochen Riekhof" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> > Unless you really feel strongly about this please don't feel the need to
> > reply to this timewaster.
> AFAIK it's a touring machine...

Ho ho. Did you mean to say that?
Actually, it's quite true as can be seen from the way it "tours" the
comp.lang newgroups posting drivel.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?