ST3D: *.std

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ST3D: *.std

Christoph J. Bachinger
At the script about CoolPool,
there is talked about the "PGPoolGameShell loads the pool table and room
from disk (see roomTable2.stb)"
is there a possibility to watch this *.stb with an editor
or something like that,
and how is this file created?

Greets and Thanks,

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Re: *.std

Chris Hayes-4
"Katjana T." <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> At the script about CoolPool,
> there is talked about the "PGPoolGameShell loads the pool table and room
> from disk (see roomTable2.stb)"
> is there a possibility to watch this *.stb with an editor
> or something like that,
> and how is this file created?


The file roomTable2.stb was created using the ST3D Part Editor.  See

You can view the file in the Part Editor by using "File->Open".

Please feel free to send ST3D-specific questions like this directly to
[hidden email]


Chris Hayes
Creative Computing