STInst regression in aa62468d8c092f368ebb98036802585d35c08dce

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STInst regression in aa62468d8c092f368ebb98036802585d35c08dce

Holger Freyther
Hi Paolo,

the above commit broke the import of Squeak sourcecode. Do you still remember
the testcase you had for the Behavior>>#evaluate: fix? I could create unit
tests to make sure that we don't regress in any of the two ways.


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Re: STInst regression in aa62468d8c092f368ebb98036802585d35c08dce

Paolo Bonzini-2
On 02/01/2011 10:18 PM, Holger Hans Peter Freyther wrote:
> Hi Paolo,
> the above commit broke the import of Squeak sourcecode. Do you still remember
> the testcase you had for the Behavior>>#evaluate: fix? I could create unit
> tests to make sure that we don't regress in any of the two ways.

Yes, see


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Re: STInst regression in aa62468d8c092f368ebb98036802585d35c08dce

Holger Freyther
On 02/02/2011 08:47 AM, Paolo Bonzini wrote:


Hi Paolo,

this makes the manual test of the Compiler work again, it then moves this and
the code from the above issue into an autotest. I have also added the snippet
for the Squeak code that is not parsable anymore.

Now I just need to fix the regression itself..


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0001-stinst-Make-the-manual-test-work-again.patch (1K) Download Attachment
0002-stinst-Start-a-autotest-test-for-the-STInST-parser-a.patch (6K) Download Attachment