STON - new release?

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STON - new release?

Usman Bhatti
Hi Sven,

I have used STON to serialize some of my objects and it is really simple and cool to work with STON. For my project, I loaded the stable version. When I tried to customize the names of my classes for serialization using stonName, I got errors of MetaClass DNU. I saw that you already fixed this problem a few months back. I loaded recent changes and the problem was resolved.

I would like to load a newer version of STON with this bug fix. Do you plan to update ConfigOf with a latest release because I would like to avoid loading a baseline?


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Re: STON - new release?

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
Hi Usman,

Your are right, the configuration was running a bit behind - fixed:

Name: ConfigurationOfSton-SvenVanCaekenberghe.11
Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe
Time: 8 December 2014, 11:39:39.045546 pm
UUID: 06b682e1-4589-41db-9a63-56bde6aaf34d
Ancestors: ConfigurationOfSton-SvenVanCaekenberghe.10

Updated #stable to v10


> On 08 Dec 2014, at 17:11, Usman Bhatti <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Sven,
> I have used STON to serialize some of my objects and it is really simple and cool to work with STON. For my project, I loaded the stable version. When I tried to customize the names of my classes for serialization using stonName, I got errors of MetaClass DNU. I saw that you already fixed this problem a few months back. I loaded recent changes and the problem was resolved.
> I would like to load a newer version of STON with this bug fix. Do you plan to update ConfigOf with a latest release because I would like to avoid loading a baseline?
> thanks.
> usman