SUnit test suite

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SUnit test suite

Bob Jarvis
Does anyone have a working, loadable copy of the SUnit 2.7 suite for
Dolphin 3.0?  The versions I've pulled from SourceForge
( fail to
load into either Dolphin 3.06 or Dolphin 4.0 PL1, suggesting that the
packages at SourceForge have been corrupted somehow.  I'd appreciate it
if someone has a set of packages that work and can email them to me, or
can point me to a site where I can pick them up.
Bob Jarvis
Compuware @ Timken

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Re: SUnit test suite

Richard A. Harmon
On Fri, 12 Jan 2001 15:17:51 GMT, Bob Jarvis <[hidden email]>

>Does anyone have a working, loadable copy of the SUnit 2.7 suite for
>Dolphin 3.0?  The versions I've pulled from SourceForge
>( fail to
>load into either Dolphin 3.06 or Dolphin 4.0 PL1, suggesting that the
>packages at SourceForge have been corrupted somehow.  I'd appreciate it
>if someone has a set of packages that work and can email them to me, or
>can point me to a site where I can pick them up.

I have the Camp Smalltalk (CS) SUnit Testing Framework 2.7 for Dolphin
3.06 that is available for a number of dialects at the CS SourceForge
site.  The Dolphin SUnit files downloaded from there won't install, so
I have a version of them that install correctly.  It is at my web page

Sames sent them to me in a zip.

Email me if you (or anyone have problems).

Richard A. Harmon          "The only good zombie is a dead zombie"
[hidden email]           E. G. McCarthy

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Re: SUnit test suite

Bob Jarvis
In article <[hidden email]>,
  [hidden email] (Richard A. Harmon) wrote:

> I have the Camp Smalltalk (CS) SUnit Testing Framework 2.7 for Dolphin
> 3.06 that is available for a number of dialects at the CS SourceForge
> site.  The Dolphin SUnit files downloaded from there won't install, so
> I have a version of them that install correctly.  It is at my web page
> at:
> Sames sent them to me in a zip.
> Email me if you (or anyone have problems).

Thanks for your help, Richard.  The packages I pulled from your site
loaded just fine into my 4.0 PL1 image.
Bob Jarvis
Compuware @ Timken

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