SVN 3.7 platforms?

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SVN 3.7 platforms?

Tim Rowledge-2
Do we have a 3.7 platform tree in SVN? As in, the code that one would
point people to to make a nice shiny 3.7b6 vm for any platform?

And assuming we have such a thing, is it in a form that would allow one
to update some of the files? It is entirely possible for example that
one or more of my platform files would be out of date.

Tim Rowledge, [hidden email],
There are never any bugs you haven't found yet.

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Re: SVN 3.7 platforms?

Ian Piumarta-3
On Mar 22, 2005, at 16:32, Tim Rowledge wrote:

> Do we have a 3.7 platform tree in SVN?

That's entirely between you and your user.

Since my tree is not the same as your tree and builds using different
assumptions about the image, and my releases don't always coincide with
stable points in the other platform trees, I make totally independent
tags corresponding to Unix releases.  The last one was
'squeak/tags/unix-3.7-7'.  Andreas does the same for windows (and will
be very happy now that tags can contain periods and dashes ;-).  If you
want to make a 'riscos-3.7b6 tag in the repository, you already have
the necessary privileges to do so.  Whether or not anyone else ever
looks at it is then up to your PR department.

> And assuming we have such a thing, is it in a form that would allow one
> to update some of the files?

There is no difference between the trunk, a branch, and a tag -- other
than logistical differences you want to place on the interpretation of
(the names of the parent directories of) their content.  If this isn't
clear: here's (effectively) what I did to create the repository:

     svnadmin create .../squeak
     svn co .../squeak
     cd squeak
     mkdir trunk branches tags
     svn add trunk branches tags
     svn commit -m 'framework'
     cd ..
     rm -rf squeak

then import the CVS HEAD into trunk, branches into branches, tags into
tags.  (No difference whatsoever in the handling or 'social status' of
trunk, branches or tags.  If you wanted a completely different logical
framework, you could make it.  SVN sees only files and directories and
cares not for what you put in them; end of story.  BTW: all this is
explained succinctly and lucidly at the beginning of the SVN manual.)

>  It is entirely possible for example that
> one or more of my platform files would be out of date.

Then you should check out your tag, modify the file(s), and commit the
change(s).  Since it's your tag (and affects nobody else) nothing you
do in there could possibly affect any of the other platforms.

The only thing that's even slightly difficult in any of SVN is avoiding
disorientation: accidentally modifying and committing something in the
wrong local copy of the trunk or a tag or a branch (since they all
look, feel and behave exactly the same).


PS: Is this list flakey?  I posted something (twice) three hours ago
and never got either copy back.

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Re: SVN 3.7 platforms?

Ian Piumarta-3
In reply to this post by Tim Rowledge-2
On Mar 22, 2005, at 16:32, Tim Rowledge wrote:

> And assuming we have such a thing, is it in a form that would allow one
> to update some of the files?

Apologies: it just occurred to me that I made a huge assumption in my
previous e-mail.

Tags are just copies of the trunk.  (Copying the trunk is a very cheap
operation in SVN.)  To create a tag you do this:

   svn cp <url-for-existing-dir> <url-for-new-dir> -m 'log message for

The last such command I issued was:

   svn cp

(and if you look closely you'll see there's already one file in there
that I updated since making the tag to fix an obscure problem).
