SandstoneDb infos

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SandstoneDb infos

laurent laffont

Ramon Leon brings some clarification on SandstoneDb, good to know:

If you'd like to avoid restarting the image when you create subclasses, you can just run

SDCheckPointer startUp: true.

This is what happens at image startup that ensures all the directories exist and reloads the database.

Also, just FYI, you don't need to make all biz objects active records, had the tweets just been an Object subclass, they would have been save with the Person in the same file as the Person atomically. Of course, then the only way to get the tweets would be through the person, since it'd be the aggregate root for that aggregate object cluster.

Anyway, nice screencast.

Posted by Ramon Leon to Pharocasts at April 26, 2010 3:06 PM

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