Saving pictures on a web site from within Dolphin

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Saving pictures on a web site from within Dolphin

Mikael Svane
I am writing a small progam that will automatically download pictures from a
web site (a book that has been scanned and is stored as 358 different
pictures at '' and so on). Basically,
the behaviour that I want is the same as one gets by right-clicking on the
picture in Internet Explorer and choosing "save link as..." but automatic. I
have a working solution which uses URLMonLibrary>>urlDownload:toFile: to
download the source of the web page, which is then analysed for links to
pictures, which are downloaded and saved as files, also using
#urlDownload:toFile:. Since this solution is a bit complex, especially the
part that identifies links to the pictures, I was wondering if there might
be a better solution to the problem. I have investigated the Internet
Explorer package with it's IWebBrowser class, but have found nothing useful
so far.

Best regards,

Mikael Svane

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Re: Saving pictures on a web site from within Dolphin

Christopher J. Demers
"Mikael Svane" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...

>I am writing a small progam that will automatically download pictures from
>a web site (a book that has been scanned and is stored as 358 different
>pictures at '' and so on). Basically,
>the behaviour that I want is the same as one gets by right-clicking on the
>picture in Internet Explorer and choosing "save link as..." but automatic.
>I have a working solution which uses URLMonLibrary>>urlDownload:toFile: to
>download the source of the web page, which is then analysed for links to
>pictures, which are downloaded and saved as files, also using
>#urlDownload:toFile:. Since this solution is a bit complex, especially the
>part that identifies links to the pictures, I was wondering if there might
>be a better solution to the problem. I have investigated the Internet
>Explorer package with it's IWebBrowser class, but have found nothing useful
>so far.

I am not sure about the assumptions one can make, or the generalality of
solution desired.  You could continue to do it in a way simliar to what you
do not, but use a Stream on the page source for parseing, since there is no
need to save it to a file.  You certainly could drive IE via automation, but
unless you need to do lots of parsing or web interaction it may not be worth
htmlStream := (FileStream on: (IStream onURL:
'') text: true).
refText := 'alt="scanned image"'.
htmlStream skipToAll: refText.
htmlStream position: htmlStream position - refText size.
[htmlStream pop; peek =$"] whileFalse.
endPos := htmlStream position.
[htmlStream pop; peek =$"] whileFalse.
htmlStream skip: 1.
startPos := htmlStream position.
relativeImageURL := htmlStream next: endPos -startPos.

I took a look at the site, and I see that just as the HTML pages have
predictable file names so do the images.

Since you know the format of the url, and the number of pages, why not do
something like this:
firstPageNum := 1.
lastPageNum := 358.
urlCol := (firstPageNum to: lastPageNum) collect: [:pageNum |
    '' sprintfWith: pageNum].
Then just use your existing code to save all the images in the urlCol.
