i do some test for manage ScaledDecimal instances with SIXX into GLASS and Pharo. The first problem is the relative to the ScaledDecimal class definition: In Pharo is : Fraction subclass: #ScaledDecimal instanceVariableNames: 'scale' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Kernel-Numbers' In Gemstone is: Number subclass: 'ScaledDecimal' instVarNames: #( numerator denominator scale) classVars: #() classInstVars: #() poolDictionaries: #[] inDictionary: 'Globals' category: 'User Classes' This is the first problem because ScaledDecimal class, in GLASS don't know some method define in Fraction. ( createInstanceOf: aClass withSixxElement: sixxElement / readSixxContentStringFrom: aStream ) But change the hierarchy in GLASS , i think is not enough because i lose the scale of the ScaledDecimal instance. I have do this change to ScaledDecimal : A) For create SIXX reference: a1) sixxContentOn: aStream indent: level context: dictionary aStream nextPutAll: self sixxString a2) sixxString " DTR rende stringa per SIXX (123/2s2) " ^ String streamContents: [ :aStream | aStream nextPut: $(. numerator printOn: aStream "base: 10". aStream nextPut: $/. denominator printOn: aStream "base: 10". aStream nextPut: $s. scale printOn: aStream "base: 10". aStream nextPut: $). ] B) For read data from SIXX file and create a new ScaledDecimal instance: b1) createInstanceOf: aClass withSixxElement: sixxElement ^ self readSixxContentStringFrom: (ReadStream on: (SixxXmlUtil characterDataFrom: sixxElement)) b2) readSixxContentStringFrom: aStream | numerator denominator scale | aStream next. "skip $(" numerator := aStream upTo: $/ . denominator := aStream upTo: $s. scale := aStream upTo: $). ^ self numerator: numerator asNumber denominator: denominator asNumber scale: scale asNumber These are my considerations, Any other pointers would be greatly appreciated ! Dario |
i have do some test about the problem. The change i have do to ScaledDecimal class are: For class side : A) createInstanceOf: aClass withSixxElement: sixxElement ^ self readSixxContentStringFrom: (ReadStream on: (SixxXmlUtil characterDataFrom: sixxElement)) B) readSixxContentStringFrom: aStream | numerator denominator scale | aStream next. "skip $(" numerator := aStream upTo: $/ . denominator := aStream upTo: $s. scale := aStream upTo: $). ^ self numerator: numerator asNumber denominator: denominator asNumber scale: scale asNumber For instance side: C) sixxContentOn: aStream indent: level context: dictionary aStream nextPutAll: self sixxContentString D) sixxContentString ^ String streamContents: [:s | self storeOn: s] E) storeOn: aStream aStream nextPut: $(; store: numerator; nextPut: $/; store: denominator; nextPut: $s; store: scale; nextPut: $) It work fine. I have found problem in the SixxGeneratingTestCase where i add the test : testSixxStringForScaledDecimal | expectedStr | expectedStr := '<sixx.object sixx.id="0" sixx.type="ScaledDecimal" >(15432/125s3)</sixx.object> '. self should: [123.456s3 sixxString = expectedStr] Now my OODB run on MacBook and my Locale decimalPoint is set to ',' ( comma ) Now the: 123.456s3 sixxString or 123,456s3 sixxString are not right interpreted. The same problem when i do it in the Glass transcript. Any idea about it ? One other problem is relative to the asString. If scale is set to 0 the string report is 123, In this case i had " append 0 if not scale" scale = 0 ifTrue:[ aString nextPut: $0]. at the end of the method. If scale is set to 0 the string report is now 123,0 asString "Returns a String of the form '123.56 for a number with scale = 2." " by OODB with change for Squeak compatibility : WriteStream " " DTR append 0 after , if not scale " | x num aString wholePart fraction | aString := WriteStream on: ( String new ). scale == nil ifTrue:[ ^ '(uninitialized ScaledDecimal)' "fix bug 13190"]. x := 10 raisedToInteger: scale . num := ((numerator * x) + (denominator quo: 2)) // denominator. (numerator < 0) ifTrue: [ aString nextPut: $-. num := num negated. ]. wholePart := num // x. fraction := num \\ x. aString nextPutAll: (wholePart asString). aString nextPutAll: (Locale decimalPoint). "fix 36666" scale timesRepeat: [ fraction := fraction * 10. aString nextPutAll: (fraction // x) asString. fraction := fraction \\ x. ]. " append 0 if not scale" scale = 0 ifTrue:[ aString nextPut: $0]. ^ aString contents Anyone can generate a new Monticello version with integrations ? I can do it ? For other Dialect ( Pharo - VW ) how do new version ? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated ! Thanks, Dario |
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