SciAbstractSocket>>#accept: not setting the socket address

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SciAbstractSocket>>#accept: not setting the socket address
Me again....

I apologize for all of the socket-related questions I have had, with switching to VA 9.
But I have another.....

My product has a client and a server.  The clients send messages to the server over TCP/IP,
by creating a socket to the server.

The server listens for incoming connections, by sending #accept: to its socket
(instantiated by SciSocket newStreamSocket).  The argument passed into #accept:
is supposed to be a new instance of SciSocketAddress, which gets
"updated with information about the connecting socket" (according to the method comment).

When my server picks up a message over this socket, it logs the address of the sender,
by sending #asString to the socketAddress that I passed to #accept:.

In VA9, this is now giving me back: "EINVAL (10022): Invalid argument".
When I inspect the socketAddress, family = 2, but all other instance variables are nil. makes me think that #accept: is no longer setting the information in the socketAddress

I hope this all makes sense.

Anyone with some insight?


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Re: SciAbstractSocket>>#accept: not setting the socket address

Hi Julian

We are using #getPeerName to get information about the connecting socket. And yes, in VA 9.1.1 address and port of aClientSocketAddress are nil after used by #accept:
We never use aClientSocketAddress after #accept:

aClientSocketAddress := SciSocketAddress new.
aClientSocket := self serverSocket accept: aClientSocketAddress.

aClientSocket getPeerName
NetworkAddress <  -  Port 51490  Family 2>

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Re: SciAbstractSocket>>#accept: not setting the socket address
That worked perfectly.

Thank you, Norbert!!


On Wednesday, November 21, 2018 at 6:04:58 AM UTC-5, Norbert Schlemmer wrote:
Hi Julian

We are using #getPeerName to get information about the connecting socket. And yes, in VA 9.1.1 address and port of aClientSocketAddress are nil after used by #accept:
We never use aClientSocketAddress after #accept:

aClientSocketAddress := SciSocketAddress new.
aClientSocket := self serverSocket accept: aClientSocketAddress.

aClientSocket getPeerName
NetworkAddress <  -  Port 51490  Family 2>

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