Storyboard is a multi-user agile planning board with drag and drop support. It shows how little code is needed to build a complete application with Deltawerken. It consists of 39 classes, of which 7 are announcements (very simple). It allows you to quickly enter stories, estimate and prioritize them. In addition to stories you can add issue, documentation and chore cards. The cards are colored based on their story state. More details can be entered/viewed by expanding the card. In the expanded view a change history is shown. Other users of Storyboard can be invited to participate.
Deltawerken is a Seaside application level framework, allowing fast application development for medium-sized applications. We have used an earlier extended version of it to build a system with about 150 domain classes. Complexity was deliberately and systematically pushed from the application to the framework. It uses a declarative way to describe domain classes somewhat similar to Magritte or Mold. It uses Announcements, jQuery and jQueryUI. Storyboard was announced at ESUG2012
Thank you Stephan Eggermont!
(Note: feel free to contact me if you want to publish on PharoCasts)