ScriptManager Deprecated in Pharo3?

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ScriptManager Deprecated in Pharo3?

I tried to load my ScriptManager package from SmalltalkHub into a new Paro3 image. I got this error:

"The method UITheme>>smallLeftFlushIcon has been deprecated.
You need to use Smalltalk ui icons"

How do I find/use Smalltalk ui icons?

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Re: ScriptManager Deprecated in Pharo3?

Sean P. DeNigris
bprior wrote
How do I find/use Smalltalk ui icons?
Change the offending method in the debugger from "[receiver] smallLeftFlushIcon" to  "Smalltalk ui icons smallLeftFlushIcon"
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Re: ScriptManager Deprecated in Pharo3?

In reply to this post by bprior

Hope you won't be discouraged from posting to this user mail list, regardless.  :-)

Maybe add a post to the "tips" mail list regarding Thorsten B. advice on ui icons ?

best regards

a Pharo user

On 7 January 2014 18:00, Bruce Prior <[hidden email]> wrote:
I tried to load my ScriptManager package from SmalltalkHub into a new Paro3 image. I got this error:

"The method UITheme>>smallLeftFlushIcon has been deprecated.
You need to use Smalltalk ui icons"

How do I find/use Smalltalk ui icons?