Scriptaculous in place editor and comanche adaptor

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Scriptaculous in place editor and comanche adaptor
Hi there,

I’m seeing this weird error when posting with a scriptaculous in place editor on the latest seaside with comanche.

MessageNotUnderstood: GRPharoUtf8Codec>>invalidUtf8

What the debugger shows?

In #decode: the string seems to be already decoded from utf hence the exception

Any ideas on how to prevent decoding twice?

PD: it will not fail when you post text that doesn’t have diacritics so make sure you use something like 'organição'

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Re: Scriptaculous in place editor and comanche adaptor
there’s a problem about PTSelector that DNU #canvas anymore 

The windows tab of the demo isn’t working

Ideas welcome

On Jan 25, 2014, at 3:23 PM, Sebastian Sastre <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi there,

I’m seeing this weird error when posting with a scriptaculous in place editor on the latest seaside with comanche.

MessageNotUnderstood: GRPharoUtf8Codec>>invalidUtf8

What the debugger shows?

In #decode: the string seems to be already decoded from utf hence the exception

Any ideas on how to prevent decoding twice?

PD: it will not fail when you post text that doesn’t have diacritics so make sure you use something like 'organição'

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Re: Scriptaculous in place editor and comanche adaptor
this one seems solved by:

PTEnumerable>>iteratorFor: anObject return: aBoolean
^ (anObject isKindOf: BlockClosure)
ifFalse: [ anObject asFunction ]
ifTrue: [ (JSFunction context: renderContext iterator: anObject) return: aBoolean ]

but there are problems with 


all test fail, printString not giving what’s expected

On Jan 25, 2014, at 7:36 PM, Sebastian Sastre <[hidden email]> wrote:

there’s a problem about PTSelector that DNU #canvas anymore 

The windows tab of the demo isn’t working

Ideas welcome

On Jan 25, 2014, at 3:23 PM, Sebastian Sastre <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi there,

I’m seeing this weird error when posting with a scriptaculous in place editor on the latest seaside with comanche.

MessageNotUnderstood: GRPharoUtf8Codec>>invalidUtf8

What the debugger shows?

In #decode: the string seems to be already decoded from utf hence the exception

Any ideas on how to prevent decoding twice?

PD: it will not fail when you post text that doesn’t have diacritics so make sure you use something like 'organição'

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Re: Scriptaculous in place editor and comanche adaptor
In reply to this post by
here is something that doesn’t feel right but works

WAComancheRequestConverter>>postFieldsOf: aNativeRequest into: aRequestFields
"puts all the POST parameters of the given request decoded into a WARequestFields"
| isUrlEncoded |
isUrlEncoded := self isUrlEncoded: aNativeRequest.
^ self
decodeFields: aNativeRequest postFields
using: [ :each |
ifTrue: [ each ] <**** not decoding
ifFalse: [ self codec decode: each ] ]
into: aRequestFields

On Jan 25, 2014, at 3:23 PM, Sebastian Sastre <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi there,

I’m seeing this weird error when posting with a scriptaculous in place editor on the latest seaside with comanche.

MessageNotUnderstood: GRPharoUtf8Codec>>invalidUtf8

What the debugger shows?

In #decode: the string seems to be already decoded from utf hence the exception

Any ideas on how to prevent decoding twice?

PD: it will not fail when you post text that doesn’t have diacritics so make sure you use something like 'organição'

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