Scroll wheel handling in Pharo 3.0

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Scroll wheel handling in Pharo 3.0

Peter Kenny
I have a puzzle in using the scroll wheel in Pharo 3.0. Lately I have been playing with Moose 4.8, which I think is Pharo 2.0 plus some extras, and with a fresh download of Pharo 3.0. In the Moose image, if I open a system browser, for example, I find that the scroll wheel will scroll whichever pane the cursor is in. In Pharo 3.0, it is necessary to make a pane active, by clicking in it, before it can be scrolled. I find the first possibility more convenient; for example, if I click in the categories pane to make it active, it almost always has the effect of making a selection from among the visible categories, which is not what I want. Is there any easy way of fixing the Pharo 3 image so that it will have the effect of scrolling the pane - or the window - which contains the cursor? I have searched the settings browser headings, but I could not find anything that looked relevant.
Some years ago, I poked into the innards of Dolphin Smalltalk and tweaked it to produce the effect I want. It was not a major change, so it might be educational for me to try the same trick in Pharo. Still, as there is a version that does what I want, I thought I would ask if it can be done just by changing a setting.
Thanks for any advice
Peter Kenny
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Re: Scroll wheel handling in Pharo 3.0

The mouse wheel event is not really good and we planned to addressed it but the planned and allocated resources left
and we lost the money. So we will have to schedule it again.

On 17/5/14 18:00, PBK Research wrote:
I have a puzzle in using the scroll wheel in Pharo 3.0. Lately I have been playing with Moose 4.8, which I think is Pharo 2.0 plus some extras, and with a fresh download of Pharo 3.0. In the Moose image, if I open a system browser, for example, I find that the scroll wheel will scroll whichever pane the cursor is in. In Pharo 3.0, it is necessary to make a pane active, by clicking in it, before it can be scrolled. I find the first possibility more convenient; for example, if I click in the categories pane to make it active, it almost always has the effect of making a selection from among the visible categories, which is not what I want. Is there any easy way of fixing the Pharo 3 image so that it will have the effect of scrolling the pane - or the window - which contains the cursor? I have searched the settings browser headings, but I could not find anything that looked relevant.
Some years ago, I poked into the innards of Dolphin Smalltalk and tweaked it to produce the effect I want. It was not a major change, so it might be educational for me to try the same trick in Pharo.

and remember that Pharo is not ours but yours.

Still, as there is a version that does what I want, I thought I would ask if it can be done just by changing a setting.
Thanks for any advice
Peter Kenny