Searching for similiar projects

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Searching for similiar projects

Jigyasa Grover
Hello :D

I am a newbie in Pharo and have started to build my first application i.e. 
an offline text search application namely searchQuick which returns the list of file titles from the pre-loaded text files present in the resource folder when a string is searched for. 

You all are welcome to fork the code ( , try the infancy application and send in suggestions. 

Further, I would like to request to put up my application on the CI Automated Build server for Pharo. 
I have already registered on INRIA and my request to join 'Pharo Contribution' has also been approved. 
Further, I am searching for similiar projects as sQuick so that it would be easier to put for automated build using the existing build.

It would be great if someone could guide me how to find similiar projects or exisiting templates.

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Re: Searching for similiar projects

Damien Cassou-2

Jigyasa Grover <[hidden email]> writes:

> Further, I would like to request to put up my application on the CI Automated
> Build server for Pharo.
> I have already registered on INRIA and my request to join 'Pharo
> Contribution' has also been approved.
> Further, I am searching for similiar projects as sQuick so that it would be
> easier to put for automated build using the existing build.

click "New Job" in the top left corner of Choose a name and select "Create
from template". Choose TemplateJob (or JobTemplate, I forgot).

Damien Cassou

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