Seaside- Glamour + Magritte Presentation

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Seaside- Glamour + Magritte Presentation

Dear all,
The idea of my work is to be able to build some browser in order to navigate inside these kind of
models and also with the help of Glamour-Seaside, we want to provide
the same interface on the web.
 I use Magritte Presentation to visualise my interface.
It runs very well on Glamour + moose 4.8 + Pharo + Seaside.
      Glamour Example --> GLMBasicExample --> magritte

But when i try to display it on Seaside Web (i use Firefox). There were two panels panel (#list and panel #detail) but i just only see one (panel #list).
Is it display correctly on your computer and your browser? isn't it?
Could you help me, please! It is very important for me.
