Lundi 4 Decembre Lukas Renggli un des experts europeens de Seaside
( viendra nous parler de Magritte
son meta-modele pour definir des applications web dynamiques ainsi
que la maniere dont seaside gere le Web2.0.
A 18h30 a l'ESIA a annecy le vieux.
This tutorial will present Magritte, a recursive meta-model to
describe objects and classes. The framework provides a meta-data meta-
model integrated into the Smalltalk reflective meta-model. The
adaptive model enables not only to describe existing classes, but
also let end users build their own meta-models adaptively on the fly.
Magritte allows to automatically build views, reports, validating
editors and persistency mechanisms from the specified meta-descriptions.
The tutorial will give an overview of the use and the customization
of Magritte in the context of Seaside Web applications. It will also
give an insight into the internal workings and the design of the
framework. During the following hands-on exercise session some simple
meta-modelling and interpretation of the data will be done in Squeak
and Seaside.
Seaside is a mature Web application framework. It has always been
able to fly Web 2.0 style, a long time before this term was actually
coined. This presentation presents the integration of Web 2.0
technologies in Seaside. Add add auto-completion, drag and drop,
visual effects, instant feedback, and server push technology, usually
without writing a single line of Javascript code by hand.
Bio: Lukas Renggli is expert in the development of Web applications
and Content Management Systems. He is an active contributor to
Seaside and related frameworks. He is the author of Magritte, a
framework to ease domain object modelling using meta-data, and Pier,
a meta-described CMS entirely based on objects. Lukas Renggli is
currently doing a PhD at the Software Composition Group, University
of Bern. He is working for, where he is building Web
applications in the business domain for financial institutions,
insurances and print-shops. Lukas Renggli has given talks at ESUG
2002, ESUG 2003, LOTS 2004, ESUG 2005, RMLL 2005, STS 2006, for
CHOOSE and ObjectForum.
Lukas Renggli
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