[Seaside] Package conventions & monticello versioning

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[Seaside] Package conventions & monticello versioning


Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core package, what's the best way to work on issues & patches using Monticello?
The best option I can think of is:
1) do your work on the issue
2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous fix inside the image

This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code mixed-up along the fixes you submit.

Is this the right way?


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Re: [Seaside] Package conventions & monticello versioning

Julian Fitzell-2
Hi Avi,

Sounds sensible, yes...


On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 6:41 PM, Avi Shefi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core
> package, what's the best way to work on issues & patches using Monticello?
> The best option I can think of is:
> 1) do your work on the issue
> 2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
> 3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
> 4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous fix
> inside the image
> This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be able
> to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code
> mixed-up along the fixes you submit.
> Is this the right way?
> Thanks,
> Avi.
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Re: [Seaside] Package conventions & monticello versioning

Dale Henrichs
In reply to this post by littleSmalltalker

I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension or you will get into even more trouble.

I have had success over the years using the following pattern:


This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.


On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:

Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core package, what's the best way to work on issues & patches using Monticello?
The best option I can think of is:
1) do your work on the issue
2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous fix inside the image

This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code mixed-up along the fixes you submit.

Is this the right way?



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Re: [Seaside] Package conventions & monticello versioning

Thank you.
I'm just trying to keep track of all the changes I'm doing while working on issues.
It seems like you have to work your way around this, since Monticello doesn't provide you with a tool/methodology for this use case.


On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension or you will get into even more trouble.

I have had success over the years using the following pattern:


This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.


On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:

Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core package, what's the best way to work on issues & patches using Monticello?
The best option I can think of is:
1) do your work on the issue
2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous fix inside the image

This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code mixed-up along the fixes you submit.

Is this the right way?



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Re: [Seaside] Package conventions & monticello versioning

Dale Henrichs

There have been a number of package naming conventions over the years, but unfortunately none of the conventions have been enforced by the GUI, so folks have been free to create mcz files of all sorts ...

Now technically Monticello itself does not care about the name of the mcz file ... any old name will do, but it is useful for humans and tools to be able to interpret the file name as an indication of the contents of the mcz file and as a result it is unfortunate that the file name and mcz contents are not synchronized ...

For your personal use only it almost doesn't matter what names you use, however, you have to be aware that Gofer/Monticello can get confused if you have "private" mcz files in your package-cache that inadvertently match a pattern...


On Feb 4, 2011, at 5:54 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:

Thank you.
I'm just trying to keep track of all the changes I'm doing while working on issues.
It seems like you have to work your way around this, since Monticello doesn't provide you with a tool/methodology for this use case.


On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:

I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension or you will get into even more trouble.

I have had success over the years using the following pattern:


This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.


On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:

Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core package, what's the best way to work on issues & patches using Monticello?
The best option I can think of is:
1) do your work on the issue
2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous fix inside the image

This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code mixed-up along the fixes you submit.

Is this the right way?



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Re: [Seaside] Package conventions & monticello versioning

Julian Fitzell-2
In reply to this post by Dale Henrichs
Good point, Dale.

The best option is probably to use Monticello's branch naming convention:


The MC UI will maintain all the dotted segments, incrementing the last
segment (count) on each commit. It got broken for a while, but recent
version of MC have it fixed again.

Using this pattern means the tools will maintain the branch for you on
each subsequent commit and the versions will still show up in the
version list for the package.


On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Avi,
> I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension or you will get into even more trouble.
> I have had success over the years using the following pattern:
>  Seaside-Core.IssueXXX-<initials>.<count>.mcz
> This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.
> Dale
> On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:
> Hi,
> Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core package, what's the best way to work on issues & patches using Monticello?
> The best option I can think of is:
> 1) do your work on the issue
> 2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
> 3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
> 4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous fix inside the image
> This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code mixed-up along the fixes you submit.
> Is this the right way?
> Thanks,
> Avi.
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Re: [Seaside] Package conventions & monticello versioning

Dale Henrichs
Just one minor point ... you are referring to Pharo's branch naming convention for Monticello ... The Squeak and GemStone tools don't follow that convention.



On Feb 4, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:

> Good point, Dale.
> The best option is probably to use Monticello's branch naming convention:
> <package>-<initials>.<branch>.<count>.mcz
> The MC UI will maintain all the dotted segments, incrementing the last
> segment (count) on each commit. It got broken for a while, but recent
> version of MC have it fixed again.
> Using this pattern means the tools will maintain the branch for you on
> each subsequent commit and the versions will still show up in the
> version list for the package.
> Julian
> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Avi,
>> I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension or you will get into even more trouble.
>> I have had success over the years using the following pattern:
>>  Seaside-Core.IssueXXX-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>> This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.
>> Dale
>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core package, what's the best way to work on issues & patches using Monticello?
>> The best option I can think of is:
>> 1) do your work on the issue
>> 2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
>> 3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
>> 4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous fix inside the image
>> This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code mixed-up along the fixes you submit.
>> Is this the right way?
>> Thanks,
>> Avi.
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Re: [Seaside] Package conventions & monticello versioning

Hi Avi.

You may find these blog posts on Lukas's blog helpful:


On 4 February 2011 14:58, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
Just one minor point ... you are referring to Pharo's branch naming convention for Monticello ... The Squeak and GemStone tools don't follow that convention.



On Feb 4, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:

> Good point, Dale.
> The best option is probably to use Monticello's branch naming convention:
> <package>-<initials>.<branch>.<count>.mcz
> The MC UI will maintain all the dotted segments, incrementing the last
> segment (count) on each commit. It got broken for a while, but recent
> version of MC have it fixed again.
> Using this pattern means the tools will maintain the branch for you on
> each subsequent commit and the versions will still show up in the
> version list for the package.
> Julian
> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Avi,
>> I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension or you will get into even more trouble.
>> I have had success over the years using the following pattern:
>>  Seaside-Core.IssueXXX-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>> This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.
>> Dale
>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core package, what's the best way to work on issues & patches using Monticello?
>> The best option I can think of is:
>> 1) do your work on the issue
>> 2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
>> 3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
>> 4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous fix inside the image
>> This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code mixed-up along the fixes you submit.
>> Is this the right way?
>> Thanks,
>> Avi.
>> <ATT00001..txt>
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Re: [Seaside] Package conventions & monticello versioning

Julian Fitzell-2
In reply to this post by Dale Henrichs
The Squeak one should (have)... it's been built into MC since the dawn
of time. As I said, though, it was never really well-known and got
broken at some point by someone changing the code. It may be that I
only pushed to have the fix included in Pharo and Squeak never
followed suit. They should though - it's definitely not


On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Just one minor point ... you are referring to Pharo's branch naming convention for Monticello ... The Squeak and GemStone tools don't follow that convention.
> Sigh....
> Dale
> On Feb 4, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>> Good point, Dale.
>> The best option is probably to use Monticello's branch naming convention:
>> <package>-<initials>.<branch>.<count>.mcz
>> The MC UI will maintain all the dotted segments, incrementing the last
>> segment (count) on each commit. It got broken for a while, but recent
>> version of MC have it fixed again.
>> Using this pattern means the tools will maintain the branch for you on
>> each subsequent commit and the versions will still show up in the
>> version list for the package.
>> Julian
>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Avi,
>>> I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension or you will get into even more trouble.
>>> I have had success over the years using the following pattern:
>>>  Seaside-Core.IssueXXX-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>> This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.
>>> Dale
>>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core package, what's the best way to work on issues & patches using Monticello?
>>> The best option I can think of is:
>>> 1) do your work on the issue
>>> 2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
>>> 3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
>>> 4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous fix inside the image
>>> This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code mixed-up along the fixes you submit.
>>> Is this the right way?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Avi.
>>> <ATT00001..txt>
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Re: [Seaside] Package conventions & monticello versioning

Thanks all of you guys. Nick - I've read these articles before, they are really helpful.

So... isn't Monticello supported/maintained by someone? is it implemented by the needs and wants of different Smalltalk dialects?
Monticello versioning, and the image directory access (asked on another thread) always remind me of the inefficiency of having different language dialects... and it comes second-hand to me since I've dealt with LISP & Scheme dialects.

I like the idea of Grease, but that too comes with a set of limitations.
I prefer having an *extension* of some sort that can gap the dialects' differences, but that will require a large cooperation from everyone's dialects..
Does this "dialect wars" have an ending? I don't see the point.


On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Julian Fitzell <[hidden email]> wrote:
The Squeak one should (have)... it's been built into MC since the dawn
of time. As I said, though, it was never really well-known and got
broken at some point by someone changing the code. It may be that I
only pushed to have the fix included in Pharo and Squeak never
followed suit. They should though - it's definitely not


On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Just one minor point ... you are referring to Pharo's branch naming convention for Monticello ... The Squeak and GemStone tools don't follow that convention.
> Sigh....
> Dale
> On Feb 4, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>> Good point, Dale.
>> The best option is probably to use Monticello's branch naming convention:
>> <package>-<initials>.<branch>.<count>.mcz
>> The MC UI will maintain all the dotted segments, incrementing the last
>> segment (count) on each commit. It got broken for a while, but recent
>> version of MC have it fixed again.
>> Using this pattern means the tools will maintain the branch for you on
>> each subsequent commit and the versions will still show up in the
>> version list for the package.
>> Julian
>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Avi,
>>> I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension or you will get into even more trouble.
>>> I have had success over the years using the following pattern:
>>>  Seaside-Core.IssueXXX-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>> This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.
>>> Dale
>>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core package, what's the best way to work on issues & patches using Monticello?
>>> The best option I can think of is:
>>> 1) do your work on the issue
>>> 2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
>>> 3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
>>> 4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous fix inside the image
>>> This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code mixed-up along the fixes you submit.
>>> Is this the right way?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Avi.
>>> <ATT00001..txt>
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Re: [Seaside] Package conventions & monticello versioning

Julian Fitzell-2
On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Avi Shefi <[hidden email]> wrote:
> So... isn't Monticello supported/maintained by someone? is it implemented by
> the needs and wants of different Smalltalk dialects?

Sort of. It was (and is again, in theory) maintained by Colin Putney.
But for a long time it wasn't and several people picked it up and
started customizing it. There are essentially forks now in all the
different Smalltalks.

> I like the idea of Grease, but that too comes with a set of limitations.
> I prefer having an *extension* of some sort that can gap the dialects'
> differences, but that will require a large cooperation from everyone's
> dialects.. Does this "dialect wars" have an ending? I don't see the point.

It's not a war... just a reality, really. Not sure what you mean by
extension... by my definition, Grease *is* a (highly pragmatic)

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Re: [Seaside] Package conventions & monticello versioning

Dale Henrichs
In reply to this post by Julian Fitzell-2

I don't know which dawn of time you are referring to, but the older
versions of Monticello and the current versions of Squeak and GemStone
use the convention:


where the branch name includes the characters up to the last '-'. The
author initials are inserted using the current author initials and any
pharo-style branch information is ignored.

In Squeak4.2, you can create an mcz file of the form:


but if you try to save a second version of a "branched" packaged, the
'branch' is ignored and you are presented with the following pattern:


Soooo, if anyone is doing cross-platform development you are better off
staying away from the pharo-specific conventions, because not many
developers are in the habit of looking at the new name of the package
that gets generated and the tools are definitely inconsistent.


On 02/04/2011 08:15 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:

> The Squeak one should (have)... it's been built into MC since the dawn
> of time. As I said, though, it was never really well-known and got
> broken at some point by someone changing the code. It may be that I
> only pushed to have the fix included in Pharo and Squeak never
> followed suit. They should though - it's definitely not
> Pharo-specific.
> Julian
> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>> Just one minor point ... you are referring to Pharo's branch naming convention for Monticello ... The Squeak and GemStone tools don't follow that convention.
>> Sigh....
>> Dale
>> On Feb 4, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>> Good point, Dale.
>>> The best option is probably to use Monticello's branch naming convention:
>>> <package>-<initials>.<branch>.<count>.mcz
>>> The MC UI will maintain all the dotted segments, incrementing the last
>>> segment (count) on each commit. It got broken for a while, but recent
>>> version of MC have it fixed again.
>>> Using this pattern means the tools will maintain the branch for you on
>>> each subsequent commit and the versions will still show up in the
>>> version list for the package.
>>> Julian
>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>>>> Avi,
>>>> I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension or you will get into even more trouble.
>>>> I have had success over the years using the following pattern:
>>>>   Seaside-Core.IssueXXX-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>>> This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.
>>>> Dale
>>>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core package, what's the best way to work on issues&  patches using Monticello?
>>>> The best option I can think of is:
>>>> 1) do your work on the issue
>>>> 2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
>>>> 3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
>>>> 4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous fix inside the image
>>>> This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code mixed-up along the fixes you submit.
>>>> Is this the right way?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Avi.
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Re: [Seaside] Package conventions & monticello versioning

Julian Fitzell-2
Hi Dale,

That's exactly the regression I'm talking about. MC is *supposed* to
consider what you are calling "count" a dotted sequence of tokens. It
could be "1.2.3" or "mybranch.1" and in those cases, MC should
increment the last segment (I believe it would add a new .1 to the end
of the last segment is not numeric) and leave the others as they were.

That's how MC was created. Avi and Colin and I used it that way for
years, and then someone who didn't know it was supposed to work that
way broke the code after Colin stopped maintaining it. When I came
back to Seaside three years ago and noticed it was broken, we pushed a
fix into Pharo and I guess Squeak hasn't picked it up. But it's not
Pharo-specific - it's the way MC always worked, it just wasn't well


I'd suggest Squeak and Gemstone consider adopting the same fix.


On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Julian,
> I don't know which dawn of time you are referring to, but the older versions
> of Monticello and the current versions of Squeak and GemStone use the
> convention:
>  branch-<initials>.count
> where the branch name includes the characters up to the last '-'. The author
> initials are inserted using the current author initials and any pharo-style
> branch information is ignored.
> In Squeak4.2, you can create an mcz file of the form:
>  package-<initials>.branch.count
> but if you try to save a second version of a "branched" packaged, the
> 'branch' is ignored and you are presented with the following pattern:
>  package-<initials>.count
> Soooo, if anyone is doing cross-platform development you are better off
> staying away from the pharo-specific conventions, because not many
> developers are in the habit of looking at the new name of the package that
> gets generated and the tools are definitely inconsistent.
> Dale
> On 02/04/2011 08:15 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>> The Squeak one should (have)... it's been built into MC since the dawn
>> of time. As I said, though, it was never really well-known and got
>> broken at some point by someone changing the code. It may be that I
>> only pushed to have the fix included in Pharo and Squeak never
>> followed suit. They should though - it's definitely not
>> Pharo-specific.
>> Julian
>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>>> Just one minor point ... you are referring to Pharo's branch naming
>>> convention for Monticello ... The Squeak and GemStone tools don't follow
>>> that convention.
>>> Sigh....
>>> Dale
>>> On Feb 4, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>> Good point, Dale.
>>>> The best option is probably to use Monticello's branch naming
>>>> convention:
>>>> <package>-<initials>.<branch>.<count>.mcz
>>>> The MC UI will maintain all the dotted segments, incrementing the last
>>>> segment (count) on each commit. It got broken for a while, but recent
>>>> version of MC have it fixed again.
>>>> Using this pattern means the tools will maintain the branch for you on
>>>> each subsequent commit and the versions will still show up in the
>>>> version list for the package.
>>>> Julian
>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> Avi,
>>>>> I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and
>>>>> issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in
>>>>> interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you
>>>>> suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also
>>>>> you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension
>>>>> or you will get into even more trouble.
>>>>> I have had success over the years using the following pattern:
>>>>>  Seaside-Core.IssueXXX-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>>>> This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core
>>>>> package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.
>>>>> Dale
>>>>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core
>>>>> package, what's the best way to work on issues&  patches using Monticello?
>>>>> The best option I can think of is:
>>>>> 1) do your work on the issue
>>>>> 2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
>>>>> 3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
>>>>> 4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous
>>>>> fix inside the image
>>>>> This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be
>>>>> able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code
>>>>> mixed-up along the fixes you submit.
>>>>> Is this the right way?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Avi.
>>>>> <ATT00001..txt>
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Re: Package conventions & monticello versioning

Dale Henrichs

When I first started porting Seaside GemStone to GemStone I asked Avi, what naming convention to use and I did not get the spiel that you have just given. Also, I've never actually seen the naming convention that you mention in the wild ... the old seaside packages don't follow that naming convention. It would have been nice that the naming conventions had been documented and enforced because over the years I have seen a wildly varying number of conventions used.

In the end though isn't it true that Monticello really doesn't care what the name of the file is? Monticello stores all of the branching and ancestral information in it's meta data and the name of the file has no semantic meaning whatsoever.

Finally, from a practical perspective have you actually tried to use your "proposed"  naming convention in a real project?

I have just spent a few minutes experimenting with the Pharo tools using your "proposed" branch naming convention and it doesn't take long to recognize that the tools do not support this model very well - at all.

I suggest that you actually spend some time trying to use this convention in a real project before suggesting that Squeak and GemStone adopt the convention. I will wait until I know how big a job I am faced with in converting the GemStone tool set to support the new model ... that work has not yet been done in Pharo, yet.

As I mention in my original response, in the projects that I have been working on for several years now, where I do a lot of branching, I have found that the following pattern works _very_ well with all of the existing toolset on all platforms:



On Feb 5, 2011, at 5:45 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:

> Hi Dale,
> That's exactly the regression I'm talking about. MC is *supposed* to
> consider what you are calling "count" a dotted sequence of tokens. It
> could be "1.2.3" or "mybranch.1" and in those cases, MC should
> increment the last segment (I believe it would add a new .1 to the end
> of the last segment is not numeric) and leave the others as they were.
> That's how MC was created. Avi and Colin and I used it that way for
> years, and then someone who didn't know it was supposed to work that
> way broke the code after Colin stopped maintaining it. When I came
> back to Seaside three years ago and noticed it was broken, we pushed a
> fix into Pharo and I guess Squeak hasn't picked it up. But it's not
> Pharo-specific - it's the way MC always worked, it just wasn't well
> documented.
> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=281
> I'd suggest Squeak and Gemstone consider adopting the same fix.
> Julian
> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Julian,
>> I don't know which dawn of time you are referring to, but the older versions
>> of Monticello and the current versions of Squeak and GemStone use the
>> convention:
>>  branch-<initials>.count
>> where the branch name includes the characters up to the last '-'. The author
>> initials are inserted using the current author initials and any pharo-style
>> branch information is ignored.
>> In Squeak4.2, you can create an mcz file of the form:
>>  package-<initials>.branch.count
>> but if you try to save a second version of a "branched" packaged, the
>> 'branch' is ignored and you are presented with the following pattern:
>>  package-<initials>.count
>> Soooo, if anyone is doing cross-platform development you are better off
>> staying away from the pharo-specific conventions, because not many
>> developers are in the habit of looking at the new name of the package that
>> gets generated and the tools are definitely inconsistent.
>> Dale
>> On 02/04/2011 08:15 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>> The Squeak one should (have)... it's been built into MC since the dawn
>>> of time. As I said, though, it was never really well-known and got
>>> broken at some point by someone changing the code. It may be that I
>>> only pushed to have the fix included in Pharo and Squeak never
>>> followed suit. They should though - it's definitely not
>>> Pharo-specific.
>>> Julian
>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>>>> Just one minor point ... you are referring to Pharo's branch naming
>>>> convention for Monticello ... The Squeak and GemStone tools don't follow
>>>> that convention.
>>>> Sigh....
>>>> Dale
>>>> On Feb 4, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>> Good point, Dale.
>>>>> The best option is probably to use Monticello's branch naming
>>>>> convention:
>>>>> <package>-<initials>.<branch>.<count>.mcz
>>>>> The MC UI will maintain all the dotted segments, incrementing the last
>>>>> segment (count) on each commit. It got broken for a while, but recent
>>>>> version of MC have it fixed again.
>>>>> Using this pattern means the tools will maintain the branch for you on
>>>>> each subsequent commit and the versions will still show up in the
>>>>> version list for the package.
>>>>> Julian
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>
>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>> Avi,
>>>>>> I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and
>>>>>> issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in
>>>>>> interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you
>>>>>> suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also
>>>>>> you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension
>>>>>> or you will get into even more trouble.
>>>>>> I have had success over the years using the following pattern:
>>>>>>  Seaside-Core.IssueXXX-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>>>>> This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core
>>>>>> package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.
>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core
>>>>>> package, what's the best way to work on issues&  patches using Monticello?
>>>>>> The best option I can think of is:
>>>>>> 1) do your work on the issue
>>>>>> 2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
>>>>>> 3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
>>>>>> 4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous
>>>>>> fix inside the image
>>>>>> This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be
>>>>>> able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code
>>>>>> mixed-up along the fixes you submit.
>>>>>> Is this the right way?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Avi.
>>>>>> <ATT00001..txt>
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Re: Package conventions & monticello versioning

Julian Fitzell-2
Ergh... sorry Dale. You are absolutely, totally, and in all other ways correct.

We *have* been using the convention I was just describing in Seaside
for the past few years (and its the one I pushed a fix^H^H^Hhack into
Pharo for) but I just went and checked and it is *not* the convention
we were originally using. Obviously I got a wire crossed either while
trying to create a branch in the first place or while fixing the bug
in Pharo and it has remain crossed in my mind since (reinforced by the
fact that the other form now works in Pharo :) ).

What you describe below (packageName.branch-initials.count.mcz) is the
format that should be supported and the tools do currently seem to
treat them as the correct package and increment the count properly.
I'm not sure if I'm happy with the current UI showing branches as
separate left-column-entries when browsing a repository (very annoying
with even a small number of branches in a project with lots of
packages), but that's a minor issue.

So my advice to Avi (Shefi, that is) is still be the same, but using
the correct naming convention:


And regarding the other format, should I file an issue with Pharo to
back out the change from Issue 281?


On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 5:36 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Julian,
> When I first started porting Seaside GemStone to GemStone I asked Avi, what naming convention to use and I did not get the spiel that you have just given. Also, I've never actually seen the naming convention that you mention in the wild ... the old seaside packages don't follow that naming convention. It would have been nice that the naming conventions had been documented and enforced because over the years I have seen a wildly varying number of conventions used.
> In the end though isn't it true that Monticello really doesn't care what the name of the file is? Monticello stores all of the branching and ancestral information in it's meta data and the name of the file has no semantic meaning whatsoever.
> Finally, from a practical perspective have you actually tried to use your "proposed"  naming convention in a real project?
> I have just spent a few minutes experimenting with the Pharo tools using your "proposed" branch naming convention and it doesn't take long to recognize that the tools do not support this model very well - at all.
> I suggest that you actually spend some time trying to use this convention in a real project before suggesting that Squeak and GemStone adopt the convention. I will wait until I know how big a job I am faced with in converting the GemStone tool set to support the new model ... that work has not yet been done in Pharo, yet.
> As I mention in my original response, in the projects that I have been working on for several years now, where I do a lot of branching, I have found that the following pattern works _very_ well with all of the existing toolset on all platforms:
>  packageName.branch-initials.count.mcz
> Dale
> On Feb 5, 2011, at 5:45 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>> Hi Dale,
>> That's exactly the regression I'm talking about. MC is *supposed* to
>> consider what you are calling "count" a dotted sequence of tokens. It
>> could be "1.2.3" or "mybranch.1" and in those cases, MC should
>> increment the last segment (I believe it would add a new .1 to the end
>> of the last segment is not numeric) and leave the others as they were.
>> That's how MC was created. Avi and Colin and I used it that way for
>> years, and then someone who didn't know it was supposed to work that
>> way broke the code after Colin stopped maintaining it. When I came
>> back to Seaside three years ago and noticed it was broken, we pushed a
>> fix into Pharo and I guess Squeak hasn't picked it up. But it's not
>> Pharo-specific - it's the way MC always worked, it just wasn't well
>> documented.
>> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=281
>> I'd suggest Squeak and Gemstone consider adopting the same fix.
>> Julian
>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Julian,
>>> I don't know which dawn of time you are referring to, but the older versions
>>> of Monticello and the current versions of Squeak and GemStone use the
>>> convention:
>>>  branch-<initials>.count
>>> where the branch name includes the characters up to the last '-'. The author
>>> initials are inserted using the current author initials and any pharo-style
>>> branch information is ignored.
>>> In Squeak4.2, you can create an mcz file of the form:
>>>  package-<initials>.branch.count
>>> but if you try to save a second version of a "branched" packaged, the
>>> 'branch' is ignored and you are presented with the following pattern:
>>>  package-<initials>.count
>>> Soooo, if anyone is doing cross-platform development you are better off
>>> staying away from the pharo-specific conventions, because not many
>>> developers are in the habit of looking at the new name of the package that
>>> gets generated and the tools are definitely inconsistent.
>>> Dale
>>> On 02/04/2011 08:15 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>> The Squeak one should (have)... it's been built into MC since the dawn
>>>> of time. As I said, though, it was never really well-known and got
>>>> broken at some point by someone changing the code. It may be that I
>>>> only pushed to have the fix included in Pharo and Squeak never
>>>> followed suit. They should though - it's definitely not
>>>> Pharo-specific.
>>>> Julian
>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>>>>> Just one minor point ... you are referring to Pharo's branch naming
>>>>> convention for Monticello ... The Squeak and GemStone tools don't follow
>>>>> that convention.
>>>>> Sigh....
>>>>> Dale
>>>>> On Feb 4, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>>> Good point, Dale.
>>>>>> The best option is probably to use Monticello's branch naming
>>>>>> convention:
>>>>>> <package>-<initials>.<branch>.<count>.mcz
>>>>>> The MC UI will maintain all the dotted segments, incrementing the last
>>>>>> segment (count) on each commit. It got broken for a while, but recent
>>>>>> version of MC have it fixed again.
>>>>>> Using this pattern means the tools will maintain the branch for you on
>>>>>> each subsequent commit and the versions will still show up in the
>>>>>> version list for the package.
>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>
>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>> Avi,
>>>>>>> I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and
>>>>>>> issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in
>>>>>>> interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you
>>>>>>> suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also
>>>>>>> you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension
>>>>>>> or you will get into even more trouble.
>>>>>>> I have had success over the years using the following pattern:
>>>>>>>  Seaside-Core.IssueXXX-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>>>>>> This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core
>>>>>>> package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.
>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core
>>>>>>> package, what's the best way to work on issues&  patches using Monticello?
>>>>>>> The best option I can think of is:
>>>>>>> 1) do your work on the issue
>>>>>>> 2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
>>>>>>> 3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
>>>>>>> 4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous
>>>>>>> fix inside the image
>>>>>>> This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be
>>>>>>> able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code
>>>>>>> mixed-up along the fixes you submit.
>>>>>>> Is this the right way?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Avi.
>>>>>>> <ATT00001..txt>
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Re: Package conventions & monticello versioning

Dale Henrichs

I appreciate the apology:)

I have been mystified about this naming convention ever since I first saw it, so I'm glad to put it down to a simple mistake and crossed wires ... I've certainly had my share of mis-rememberings and crossing wires so I fully understand.

I agree that this is the naming convention that is consistent with the current tool sets on all three platforms:


I also agree that the UI could be improved in the way that it handles branches, I've monkeyed around a bit with the GemTools for Monticello, but haven't come up with a better solution ...

An issue to back out the UI changes is a good idea ... also note that the sorting algorithm in Gofer which is based on the wrong convention needs an Issue report as well... as far as I know, these are the only two places to which the wrong naming convention has propagated.


On Feb 5, 2011, at 10:23 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:

> Ergh... sorry Dale. You are absolutely, totally, and in all other ways correct.
> We *have* been using the convention I was just describing in Seaside
> for the past few years (and its the one I pushed a fix^H^H^Hhack into
> Pharo for) but I just went and checked and it is *not* the convention
> we were originally using. Obviously I got a wire crossed either while
> trying to create a branch in the first place or while fixing the bug
> in Pharo and it has remain crossed in my mind since (reinforced by the
> fact that the other form now works in Pharo :) ).
> What you describe below (packageName.branch-initials.count.mcz) is the
> format that should be supported and the tools do currently seem to
> treat them as the correct package and increment the count properly.
> I'm not sure if I'm happy with the current UI showing branches as
> separate left-column-entries when browsing a repository (very annoying
> with even a small number of branches in a project with lots of
> packages), but that's a minor issue.
> So my advice to Avi (Shefi, that is) is still be the same, but using
> the correct naming convention:
> <hyphenated-package-name>.<dotted.branch.tag>-<initials>.<count>.mcz
> And regarding the other format, should I file an issue with Pharo to
> back out the change from Issue 281?
> Julian
> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 5:36 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Julian,
>> When I first started porting Seaside GemStone to GemStone I asked Avi, what naming convention to use and I did not get the spiel that you have just given. Also, I've never actually seen the naming convention that you mention in the wild ... the old seaside packages don't follow that naming convention. It would have been nice that the naming conventions had been documented and enforced because over the years I have seen a wildly varying number of conventions used.
>> In the end though isn't it true that Monticello really doesn't care what the name of the file is? Monticello stores all of the branching and ancestral information in it's meta data and the name of the file has no semantic meaning whatsoever.
>> Finally, from a practical perspective have you actually tried to use your "proposed"  naming convention in a real project?
>> I have just spent a few minutes experimenting with the Pharo tools using your "proposed" branch naming convention and it doesn't take long to recognize that the tools do not support this model very well - at all.
>> I suggest that you actually spend some time trying to use this convention in a real project before suggesting that Squeak and GemStone adopt the convention. I will wait until I know how big a job I am faced with in converting the GemStone tool set to support the new model ... that work has not yet been done in Pharo, yet.
>> As I mention in my original response, in the projects that I have been working on for several years now, where I do a lot of branching, I have found that the following pattern works _very_ well with all of the existing toolset on all platforms:
>>  packageName.branch-initials.count.mcz
>> Dale
>> On Feb 5, 2011, at 5:45 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>> Hi Dale,
>>> That's exactly the regression I'm talking about. MC is *supposed* to
>>> consider what you are calling "count" a dotted sequence of tokens. It
>>> could be "1.2.3" or "mybranch.1" and in those cases, MC should
>>> increment the last segment (I believe it would add a new .1 to the end
>>> of the last segment is not numeric) and leave the others as they were.
>>> That's how MC was created. Avi and Colin and I used it that way for
>>> years, and then someone who didn't know it was supposed to work that
>>> way broke the code after Colin stopped maintaining it. When I came
>>> back to Seaside three years ago and noticed it was broken, we pushed a
>>> fix into Pharo and I guess Squeak hasn't picked it up. But it's not
>>> Pharo-specific - it's the way MC always worked, it just wasn't well
>>> documented.
>>> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=281
>>> I'd suggest Squeak and Gemstone consider adopting the same fix.
>>> Julian
>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> Julian,
>>>> I don't know which dawn of time you are referring to, but the older versions
>>>> of Monticello and the current versions of Squeak and GemStone use the
>>>> convention:
>>>>  branch-<initials>.count
>>>> where the branch name includes the characters up to the last '-'. The author
>>>> initials are inserted using the current author initials and any pharo-style
>>>> branch information is ignored.
>>>> In Squeak4.2, you can create an mcz file of the form:
>>>>  package-<initials>.branch.count
>>>> but if you try to save a second version of a "branched" packaged, the
>>>> 'branch' is ignored and you are presented with the following pattern:
>>>>  package-<initials>.count
>>>> Soooo, if anyone is doing cross-platform development you are better off
>>>> staying away from the pharo-specific conventions, because not many
>>>> developers are in the habit of looking at the new name of the package that
>>>> gets generated and the tools are definitely inconsistent.
>>>> Dale
>>>> On 02/04/2011 08:15 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>> The Squeak one should (have)... it's been built into MC since the dawn
>>>>> of time. As I said, though, it was never really well-known and got
>>>>> broken at some point by someone changing the code. It may be that I
>>>>> only pushed to have the fix included in Pharo and Squeak never
>>>>> followed suit. They should though - it's definitely not
>>>>> Pharo-specific.
>>>>> Julian
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>>>>>> Just one minor point ... you are referring to Pharo's branch naming
>>>>>> convention for Monticello ... The Squeak and GemStone tools don't follow
>>>>>> that convention.
>>>>>> Sigh....
>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>>>> Good point, Dale.
>>>>>>> The best option is probably to use Monticello's branch naming
>>>>>>> convention:
>>>>>>> <package>-<initials>.<branch>.<count>.mcz
>>>>>>> The MC UI will maintain all the dotted segments, incrementing the last
>>>>>>> segment (count) on each commit. It got broken for a while, but recent
>>>>>>> version of MC have it fixed again.
>>>>>>> Using this pattern means the tools will maintain the branch for you on
>>>>>>> each subsequent commit and the versions will still show up in the
>>>>>>> version list for the package.
>>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>
>>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>>> Avi,
>>>>>>>> I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and
>>>>>>>> issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in
>>>>>>>> interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you
>>>>>>>> suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also
>>>>>>>> you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension
>>>>>>>> or you will get into even more trouble.
>>>>>>>> I have had success over the years using the following pattern:
>>>>>>>>  Seaside-Core.IssueXXX-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>>>>>>> This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core
>>>>>>>> package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.
>>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core
>>>>>>>> package, what's the best way to work on issues&  patches using Monticello?
>>>>>>>> The best option I can think of is:
>>>>>>>> 1) do your work on the issue
>>>>>>>> 2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
>>>>>>>> 3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
>>>>>>>> 4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous
>>>>>>>> fix inside the image
>>>>>>>> This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be
>>>>>>>> able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code
>>>>>>>> mixed-up along the fixes you submit.
>>>>>>>> Is this the right way?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Avi.
>>>>>>>> <ATT00001..txt>
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Re: Package conventions & monticello versioning

Julian Fitzell-2
Here's an issue for Pharo: http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=3660

Can you handle a report for Gofer? I'm not sure which sorting
algorithm you mean...


On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Julian,
> I appreciate the apology:)
> I have been mystified about this naming convention ever since I first saw it, so I'm glad to put it down to a simple mistake and crossed wires ... I've certainly had my share of mis-rememberings and crossing wires so I fully understand.
> I agree that this is the naming convention that is consistent with the current tool sets on all three platforms:
>  <hyphenated-package-name>.<dotted.branch.tag>-<initials>.<count>.mcz
> I also agree that the UI could be improved in the way that it handles branches, I've monkeyed around a bit with the GemTools for Monticello, but haven't come up with a better solution ...
> An issue to back out the UI changes is a good idea ... also note that the sorting algorithm in Gofer which is based on the wrong convention needs an Issue report as well... as far as I know, these are the only two places to which the wrong naming convention has propagated.
> Dale
> On Feb 5, 2011, at 10:23 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>> Ergh... sorry Dale. You are absolutely, totally, and in all other ways correct.
>> We *have* been using the convention I was just describing in Seaside
>> for the past few years (and its the one I pushed a fix^H^H^Hhack into
>> Pharo for) but I just went and checked and it is *not* the convention
>> we were originally using. Obviously I got a wire crossed either while
>> trying to create a branch in the first place or while fixing the bug
>> in Pharo and it has remain crossed in my mind since (reinforced by the
>> fact that the other form now works in Pharo :) ).
>> What you describe below (packageName.branch-initials.count.mcz) is the
>> format that should be supported and the tools do currently seem to
>> treat them as the correct package and increment the count properly.
>> I'm not sure if I'm happy with the current UI showing branches as
>> separate left-column-entries when browsing a repository (very annoying
>> with even a small number of branches in a project with lots of
>> packages), but that's a minor issue.
>> So my advice to Avi (Shefi, that is) is still be the same, but using
>> the correct naming convention:
>> <hyphenated-package-name>.<dotted.branch.tag>-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>> And regarding the other format, should I file an issue with Pharo to
>> back out the change from Issue 281?
>> Julian
>> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 5:36 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Julian,
>>> When I first started porting Seaside GemStone to GemStone I asked Avi, what naming convention to use and I did not get the spiel that you have just given. Also, I've never actually seen the naming convention that you mention in the wild ... the old seaside packages don't follow that naming convention. It would have been nice that the naming conventions had been documented and enforced because over the years I have seen a wildly varying number of conventions used.
>>> In the end though isn't it true that Monticello really doesn't care what the name of the file is? Monticello stores all of the branching and ancestral information in it's meta data and the name of the file has no semantic meaning whatsoever.
>>> Finally, from a practical perspective have you actually tried to use your "proposed"  naming convention in a real project?
>>> I have just spent a few minutes experimenting with the Pharo tools using your "proposed" branch naming convention and it doesn't take long to recognize that the tools do not support this model very well - at all.
>>> I suggest that you actually spend some time trying to use this convention in a real project before suggesting that Squeak and GemStone adopt the convention. I will wait until I know how big a job I am faced with in converting the GemStone tool set to support the new model ... that work has not yet been done in Pharo, yet.
>>> As I mention in my original response, in the projects that I have been working on for several years now, where I do a lot of branching, I have found that the following pattern works _very_ well with all of the existing toolset on all platforms:
>>>  packageName.branch-initials.count.mcz
>>> Dale
>>> On Feb 5, 2011, at 5:45 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>> Hi Dale,
>>>> That's exactly the regression I'm talking about. MC is *supposed* to
>>>> consider what you are calling "count" a dotted sequence of tokens. It
>>>> could be "1.2.3" or "mybranch.1" and in those cases, MC should
>>>> increment the last segment (I believe it would add a new .1 to the end
>>>> of the last segment is not numeric) and leave the others as they were.
>>>> That's how MC was created. Avi and Colin and I used it that way for
>>>> years, and then someone who didn't know it was supposed to work that
>>>> way broke the code after Colin stopped maintaining it. When I came
>>>> back to Seaside three years ago and noticed it was broken, we pushed a
>>>> fix into Pharo and I guess Squeak hasn't picked it up. But it's not
>>>> Pharo-specific - it's the way MC always worked, it just wasn't well
>>>> documented.
>>>> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=281
>>>> I'd suggest Squeak and Gemstone consider adopting the same fix.
>>>> Julian
>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>> Julian,
>>>>> I don't know which dawn of time you are referring to, but the older versions
>>>>> of Monticello and the current versions of Squeak and GemStone use the
>>>>> convention:
>>>>>  branch-<initials>.count
>>>>> where the branch name includes the characters up to the last '-'. The author
>>>>> initials are inserted using the current author initials and any pharo-style
>>>>> branch information is ignored.
>>>>> In Squeak4.2, you can create an mcz file of the form:
>>>>>  package-<initials>.branch.count
>>>>> but if you try to save a second version of a "branched" packaged, the
>>>>> 'branch' is ignored and you are presented with the following pattern:
>>>>>  package-<initials>.count
>>>>> Soooo, if anyone is doing cross-platform development you are better off
>>>>> staying away from the pharo-specific conventions, because not many
>>>>> developers are in the habit of looking at the new name of the package that
>>>>> gets generated and the tools are definitely inconsistent.
>>>>> Dale
>>>>> On 02/04/2011 08:15 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>>> The Squeak one should (have)... it's been built into MC since the dawn
>>>>>> of time. As I said, though, it was never really well-known and got
>>>>>> broken at some point by someone changing the code. It may be that I
>>>>>> only pushed to have the fix included in Pharo and Squeak never
>>>>>> followed suit. They should though - it's definitely not
>>>>>> Pharo-specific.
>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>>>>>>> Just one minor point ... you are referring to Pharo's branch naming
>>>>>>> convention for Monticello ... The Squeak and GemStone tools don't follow
>>>>>>> that convention.
>>>>>>> Sigh....
>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>>>>> Good point, Dale.
>>>>>>>> The best option is probably to use Monticello's branch naming
>>>>>>>> convention:
>>>>>>>> <package>-<initials>.<branch>.<count>.mcz
>>>>>>>> The MC UI will maintain all the dotted segments, incrementing the last
>>>>>>>> segment (count) on each commit. It got broken for a while, but recent
>>>>>>>> version of MC have it fixed again.
>>>>>>>> Using this pattern means the tools will maintain the branch for you on
>>>>>>>> each subsequent commit and the versions will still show up in the
>>>>>>>> version list for the package.
>>>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>
>>>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Avi,
>>>>>>>>> I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and
>>>>>>>>> issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in
>>>>>>>>> interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you
>>>>>>>>> suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also
>>>>>>>>> you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension
>>>>>>>>> or you will get into even more trouble.
>>>>>>>>> I have had success over the years using the following pattern:
>>>>>>>>>  Seaside-Core.IssueXXX-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>>>>>>>> This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core
>>>>>>>>> package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.
>>>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>>>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core
>>>>>>>>> package, what's the best way to work on issues&  patches using Monticello?
>>>>>>>>> The best option I can think of is:
>>>>>>>>> 1) do your work on the issue
>>>>>>>>> 2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
>>>>>>>>> 3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
>>>>>>>>> 4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous
>>>>>>>>> fix inside the image
>>>>>>>>> This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be
>>>>>>>>> able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code
>>>>>>>>> mixed-up along the fixes you submit.
>>>>>>>>> Is this the right way?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Avi.
>>>>>>>>> <ATT00001..txt>
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Re: Package conventions & monticello versioning

Dale Henrichs
Will do...



On Feb 5, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:

> Here's an issue for Pharo: http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=3660
> Can you handle a report for Gofer? I'm not sure which sorting
> algorithm you mean...
> Julian
> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Julian,
>> I appreciate the apology:)
>> I have been mystified about this naming convention ever since I first saw it, so I'm glad to put it down to a simple mistake and crossed wires ... I've certainly had my share of mis-rememberings and crossing wires so I fully understand.
>> I agree that this is the naming convention that is consistent with the current tool sets on all three platforms:
>> <hyphenated-package-name>.<dotted.branch.tag>-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>> I also agree that the UI could be improved in the way that it handles branches, I've monkeyed around a bit with the GemTools for Monticello, but haven't come up with a better solution ...
>> An issue to back out the UI changes is a good idea ... also note that the sorting algorithm in Gofer which is based on the wrong convention needs an Issue report as well... as far as I know, these are the only two places to which the wrong naming convention has propagated.
>> Dale
>> On Feb 5, 2011, at 10:23 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>> Ergh... sorry Dale. You are absolutely, totally, and in all other ways correct.
>>> We *have* been using the convention I was just describing in Seaside
>>> for the past few years (and its the one I pushed a fix^H^H^Hhack into
>>> Pharo for) but I just went and checked and it is *not* the convention
>>> we were originally using. Obviously I got a wire crossed either while
>>> trying to create a branch in the first place or while fixing the bug
>>> in Pharo and it has remain crossed in my mind since (reinforced by the
>>> fact that the other form now works in Pharo :) ).
>>> What you describe below (packageName.branch-initials.count.mcz) is the
>>> format that should be supported and the tools do currently seem to
>>> treat them as the correct package and increment the count properly.
>>> I'm not sure if I'm happy with the current UI showing branches as
>>> separate left-column-entries when browsing a repository (very annoying
>>> with even a small number of branches in a project with lots of
>>> packages), but that's a minor issue.
>>> So my advice to Avi (Shefi, that is) is still be the same, but using
>>> the correct naming convention:
>>> <hyphenated-package-name>.<dotted.branch.tag>-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>> And regarding the other format, should I file an issue with Pharo to
>>> back out the change from Issue 281?
>>> Julian
>>> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 5:36 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> Julian,
>>>> When I first started porting Seaside GemStone to GemStone I asked Avi, what naming convention to use and I did not get the spiel that you have just given. Also, I've never actually seen the naming convention that you mention in the wild ... the old seaside packages don't follow that naming convention. It would have been nice that the naming conventions had been documented and enforced because over the years I have seen a wildly varying number of conventions used.
>>>> In the end though isn't it true that Monticello really doesn't care what the name of the file is? Monticello stores all of the branching and ancestral information in it's meta data and the name of the file has no semantic meaning whatsoever.
>>>> Finally, from a practical perspective have you actually tried to use your "proposed"  naming convention in a real project?
>>>> I have just spent a few minutes experimenting with the Pharo tools using your "proposed" branch naming convention and it doesn't take long to recognize that the tools do not support this model very well - at all.
>>>> I suggest that you actually spend some time trying to use this convention in a real project before suggesting that Squeak and GemStone adopt the convention. I will wait until I know how big a job I am faced with in converting the GemStone tool set to support the new model ... that work has not yet been done in Pharo, yet.
>>>> As I mention in my original response, in the projects that I have been working on for several years now, where I do a lot of branching, I have found that the following pattern works _very_ well with all of the existing toolset on all platforms:
>>>> packageName.branch-initials.count.mcz
>>>> Dale
>>>> On Feb 5, 2011, at 5:45 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>> Hi Dale,
>>>>> That's exactly the regression I'm talking about. MC is *supposed* to
>>>>> consider what you are calling "count" a dotted sequence of tokens. It
>>>>> could be "1.2.3" or "mybranch.1" and in those cases, MC should
>>>>> increment the last segment (I believe it would add a new .1 to the end
>>>>> of the last segment is not numeric) and leave the others as they were.
>>>>> That's how MC was created. Avi and Colin and I used it that way for
>>>>> years, and then someone who didn't know it was supposed to work that
>>>>> way broke the code after Colin stopped maintaining it. When I came
>>>>> back to Seaside three years ago and noticed it was broken, we pushed a
>>>>> fix into Pharo and I guess Squeak hasn't picked it up. But it's not
>>>>> Pharo-specific - it's the way MC always worked, it just wasn't well
>>>>> documented.
>>>>> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=281
>>>>> I'd suggest Squeak and Gemstone consider adopting the same fix.
>>>>> Julian
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>> Julian,
>>>>>> I don't know which dawn of time you are referring to, but the older versions
>>>>>> of Monticello and the current versions of Squeak and GemStone use the
>>>>>> convention:
>>>>>> branch-<initials>.count
>>>>>> where the branch name includes the characters up to the last '-'. The author
>>>>>> initials are inserted using the current author initials and any pharo-style
>>>>>> branch information is ignored.
>>>>>> In Squeak4.2, you can create an mcz file of the form:
>>>>>> package-<initials>.branch.count
>>>>>> but if you try to save a second version of a "branched" packaged, the
>>>>>> 'branch' is ignored and you are presented with the following pattern:
>>>>>> package-<initials>.count
>>>>>> Soooo, if anyone is doing cross-platform development you are better off
>>>>>> staying away from the pharo-specific conventions, because not many
>>>>>> developers are in the habit of looking at the new name of the package that
>>>>>> gets generated and the tools are definitely inconsistent.
>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>> On 02/04/2011 08:15 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>>>> The Squeak one should (have)... it's been built into MC since the dawn
>>>>>>> of time. As I said, though, it was never really well-known and got
>>>>>>> broken at some point by someone changing the code. It may be that I
>>>>>>> only pushed to have the fix included in Pharo and Squeak never
>>>>>>> followed suit. They should though - it's definitely not
>>>>>>> Pharo-specific.
>>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>>>>>>>> Just one minor point ... you are referring to Pharo's branch naming
>>>>>>>> convention for Monticello ... The Squeak and GemStone tools don't follow
>>>>>>>> that convention.
>>>>>>>> Sigh....
>>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Good point, Dale.
>>>>>>>>> The best option is probably to use Monticello's branch naming
>>>>>>>>> convention:
>>>>>>>>> <package>-<initials>.<branch>.<count>.mcz
>>>>>>>>> The MC UI will maintain all the dotted segments, incrementing the last
>>>>>>>>> segment (count) on each commit. It got broken for a while, but recent
>>>>>>>>> version of MC have it fixed again.
>>>>>>>>> Using this pattern means the tools will maintain the branch for you on
>>>>>>>>> each subsequent commit and the versions will still show up in the
>>>>>>>>> version list for the package.
>>>>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Avi,
>>>>>>>>>> I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and
>>>>>>>>>> issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in
>>>>>>>>>> interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you
>>>>>>>>>> suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also
>>>>>>>>>> you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension
>>>>>>>>>> or you will get into even more trouble.
>>>>>>>>>> I have had success over the years using the following pattern:
>>>>>>>>>> Seaside-Core.IssueXXX-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>>>>>>>>> This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core
>>>>>>>>>> package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.
>>>>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core
>>>>>>>>>> package, what's the best way to work on issues&  patches using Monticello?
>>>>>>>>>> The best option I can think of is:
>>>>>>>>>> 1) do your work on the issue
>>>>>>>>>> 2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
>>>>>>>>>> 3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
>>>>>>>>>> 4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous
>>>>>>>>>> fix inside the image
>>>>>>>>>> This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be
>>>>>>>>>> able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code
>>>>>>>>>> mixed-up along the fixes you submit.
>>>>>>>>>> Is this the right way?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Avi.
>>>>>>>>>> <ATT00001..txt>
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> seaside-dev mailing list
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>>>>>>>>>> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/seaside-dev
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
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Re: Package conventions & monticello versioning

Lukas Renggli
I guess we then have to adapt the package naming conventions on the wiki too?

And yes, I think Gofer follows and tests these (wrong) conventions.


On 5 February 2011 20:24, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Will do...
> Thanks,
> Dale
> On Feb 5, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>> Here's an issue for Pharo: http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=3660
>> Can you handle a report for Gofer? I'm not sure which sorting
>> algorithm you mean...
>> Julian
>> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Julian,
>>> I appreciate the apology:)
>>> I have been mystified about this naming convention ever since I first saw it, so I'm glad to put it down to a simple mistake and crossed wires ... I've certainly had my share of mis-rememberings and crossing wires so I fully understand.
>>> I agree that this is the naming convention that is consistent with the current tool sets on all three platforms:
>>> <hyphenated-package-name>.<dotted.branch.tag>-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>> I also agree that the UI could be improved in the way that it handles branches, I've monkeyed around a bit with the GemTools for Monticello, but haven't come up with a better solution ...
>>> An issue to back out the UI changes is a good idea ... also note that the sorting algorithm in Gofer which is based on the wrong convention needs an Issue report as well... as far as I know, these are the only two places to which the wrong naming convention has propagated.
>>> Dale
>>> On Feb 5, 2011, at 10:23 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>> Ergh... sorry Dale. You are absolutely, totally, and in all other ways correct.
>>>> We *have* been using the convention I was just describing in Seaside
>>>> for the past few years (and its the one I pushed a fix^H^H^Hhack into
>>>> Pharo for) but I just went and checked and it is *not* the convention
>>>> we were originally using. Obviously I got a wire crossed either while
>>>> trying to create a branch in the first place or while fixing the bug
>>>> in Pharo and it has remain crossed in my mind since (reinforced by the
>>>> fact that the other form now works in Pharo :) ).
>>>> What you describe below (packageName.branch-initials.count.mcz) is the
>>>> format that should be supported and the tools do currently seem to
>>>> treat them as the correct package and increment the count properly.
>>>> I'm not sure if I'm happy with the current UI showing branches as
>>>> separate left-column-entries when browsing a repository (very annoying
>>>> with even a small number of branches in a project with lots of
>>>> packages), but that's a minor issue.
>>>> So my advice to Avi (Shefi, that is) is still be the same, but using
>>>> the correct naming convention:
>>>> <hyphenated-package-name>.<dotted.branch.tag>-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>>> And regarding the other format, should I file an issue with Pharo to
>>>> back out the change from Issue 281?
>>>> Julian
>>>> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 5:36 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>> Julian,
>>>>> When I first started porting Seaside GemStone to GemStone I asked Avi, what naming convention to use and I did not get the spiel that you have just given. Also, I've never actually seen the naming convention that you mention in the wild ... the old seaside packages don't follow that naming convention. It would have been nice that the naming conventions had been documented and enforced because over the years I have seen a wildly varying number of conventions used.
>>>>> In the end though isn't it true that Monticello really doesn't care what the name of the file is? Monticello stores all of the branching and ancestral information in it's meta data and the name of the file has no semantic meaning whatsoever.
>>>>> Finally, from a practical perspective have you actually tried to use your "proposed"  naming convention in a real project?
>>>>> I have just spent a few minutes experimenting with the Pharo tools using your "proposed" branch naming convention and it doesn't take long to recognize that the tools do not support this model very well - at all.
>>>>> I suggest that you actually spend some time trying to use this convention in a real project before suggesting that Squeak and GemStone adopt the convention. I will wait until I know how big a job I am faced with in converting the GemStone tool set to support the new model ... that work has not yet been done in Pharo, yet.
>>>>> As I mention in my original response, in the projects that I have been working on for several years now, where I do a lot of branching, I have found that the following pattern works _very_ well with all of the existing toolset on all platforms:
>>>>> packageName.branch-initials.count.mcz
>>>>> Dale
>>>>> On Feb 5, 2011, at 5:45 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Dale,
>>>>>> That's exactly the regression I'm talking about. MC is *supposed* to
>>>>>> consider what you are calling "count" a dotted sequence of tokens. It
>>>>>> could be "1.2.3" or "mybranch.1" and in those cases, MC should
>>>>>> increment the last segment (I believe it would add a new .1 to the end
>>>>>> of the last segment is not numeric) and leave the others as they were.
>>>>>> That's how MC was created. Avi and Colin and I used it that way for
>>>>>> years, and then someone who didn't know it was supposed to work that
>>>>>> way broke the code after Colin stopped maintaining it. When I came
>>>>>> back to Seaside three years ago and noticed it was broken, we pushed a
>>>>>> fix into Pharo and I guess Squeak hasn't picked it up. But it's not
>>>>>> Pharo-specific - it's the way MC always worked, it just wasn't well
>>>>>> documented.
>>>>>> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=281
>>>>>> I'd suggest Squeak and Gemstone consider adopting the same fix.
>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>>> Julian,
>>>>>>> I don't know which dawn of time you are referring to, but the older versions
>>>>>>> of Monticello and the current versions of Squeak and GemStone use the
>>>>>>> convention:
>>>>>>> branch-<initials>.count
>>>>>>> where the branch name includes the characters up to the last '-'. The author
>>>>>>> initials are inserted using the current author initials and any pharo-style
>>>>>>> branch information is ignored.
>>>>>>> In Squeak4.2, you can create an mcz file of the form:
>>>>>>> package-<initials>.branch.count
>>>>>>> but if you try to save a second version of a "branched" packaged, the
>>>>>>> 'branch' is ignored and you are presented with the following pattern:
>>>>>>> package-<initials>.count
>>>>>>> Soooo, if anyone is doing cross-platform development you are better off
>>>>>>> staying away from the pharo-specific conventions, because not many
>>>>>>> developers are in the habit of looking at the new name of the package that
>>>>>>> gets generated and the tools are definitely inconsistent.
>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>> On 02/04/2011 08:15 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>>>>> The Squeak one should (have)... it's been built into MC since the dawn
>>>>>>>> of time. As I said, though, it was never really well-known and got
>>>>>>>> broken at some point by someone changing the code. It may be that I
>>>>>>>> only pushed to have the fix included in Pharo and Squeak never
>>>>>>>> followed suit. They should though - it's definitely not
>>>>>>>> Pharo-specific.
>>>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Just one minor point ... you are referring to Pharo's branch naming
>>>>>>>>> convention for Monticello ... The Squeak and GemStone tools don't follow
>>>>>>>>> that convention.
>>>>>>>>> Sigh....
>>>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Good point, Dale.
>>>>>>>>>> The best option is probably to use Monticello's branch naming
>>>>>>>>>> convention:
>>>>>>>>>> <package>-<initials>.<branch>.<count>.mcz
>>>>>>>>>> The MC UI will maintain all the dotted segments, incrementing the last
>>>>>>>>>> segment (count) on each commit. It got broken for a while, but recent
>>>>>>>>>> version of MC have it fixed again.
>>>>>>>>>> Using this pattern means the tools will maintain the branch for you on
>>>>>>>>>> each subsequent commit and the versions will still show up in the
>>>>>>>>>> version list for the package.
>>>>>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Avi,
>>>>>>>>>>> I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and
>>>>>>>>>>> issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in
>>>>>>>>>>> interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you
>>>>>>>>>>> suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also
>>>>>>>>>>> you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension
>>>>>>>>>>> or you will get into even more trouble.
>>>>>>>>>>> I have had success over the years using the following pattern:
>>>>>>>>>>> Seaside-Core.IssueXXX-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>>>>>>>>>> This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core
>>>>>>>>>>> package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.
>>>>>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core
>>>>>>>>>>> package, what's the best way to work on issues&  patches using Monticello?
>>>>>>>>>>> The best option I can think of is:
>>>>>>>>>>> 1) do your work on the issue
>>>>>>>>>>> 2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
>>>>>>>>>>> 3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
>>>>>>>>>>> 4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous
>>>>>>>>>>> fix inside the image
>>>>>>>>>>> This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be
>>>>>>>>>>> able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code
>>>>>>>>>>> mixed-up along the fixes you submit.
>>>>>>>>>>> Is this the right way?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Avi.
>>>>>>>>>>> <ATT00001..txt>
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Lukas Renggli
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Re: Package conventions & monticello versioning

Julian Fitzell-2
I didn't realize we documented that. I've updated

Please check it over and let me know if there are other places that
need updating...


On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 10:17 PM, Lukas Renggli <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I guess we then have to adapt the package naming conventions on the wiki too?
> And yes, I think Gofer follows and tests these (wrong) conventions.
> Lukas
> On 5 February 2011 20:24, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Will do...
>> Thanks,
>> Dale
>> On Feb 5, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>> Here's an issue for Pharo: http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=3660
>>> Can you handle a report for Gofer? I'm not sure which sorting
>>> algorithm you mean...
>>> Julian
>>> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> Julian,
>>>> I appreciate the apology:)
>>>> I have been mystified about this naming convention ever since I first saw it, so I'm glad to put it down to a simple mistake and crossed wires ... I've certainly had my share of mis-rememberings and crossing wires so I fully understand.
>>>> I agree that this is the naming convention that is consistent with the current tool sets on all three platforms:
>>>> <hyphenated-package-name>.<dotted.branch.tag>-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>>> I also agree that the UI could be improved in the way that it handles branches, I've monkeyed around a bit with the GemTools for Monticello, but haven't come up with a better solution ...
>>>> An issue to back out the UI changes is a good idea ... also note that the sorting algorithm in Gofer which is based on the wrong convention needs an Issue report as well... as far as I know, these are the only two places to which the wrong naming convention has propagated.
>>>> Dale
>>>> On Feb 5, 2011, at 10:23 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>> Ergh... sorry Dale. You are absolutely, totally, and in all other ways correct.
>>>>> We *have* been using the convention I was just describing in Seaside
>>>>> for the past few years (and its the one I pushed a fix^H^H^Hhack into
>>>>> Pharo for) but I just went and checked and it is *not* the convention
>>>>> we were originally using. Obviously I got a wire crossed either while
>>>>> trying to create a branch in the first place or while fixing the bug
>>>>> in Pharo and it has remain crossed in my mind since (reinforced by the
>>>>> fact that the other form now works in Pharo :) ).
>>>>> What you describe below (packageName.branch-initials.count.mcz) is the
>>>>> format that should be supported and the tools do currently seem to
>>>>> treat them as the correct package and increment the count properly.
>>>>> I'm not sure if I'm happy with the current UI showing branches as
>>>>> separate left-column-entries when browsing a repository (very annoying
>>>>> with even a small number of branches in a project with lots of
>>>>> packages), but that's a minor issue.
>>>>> So my advice to Avi (Shefi, that is) is still be the same, but using
>>>>> the correct naming convention:
>>>>> <hyphenated-package-name>.<dotted.branch.tag>-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>>>> And regarding the other format, should I file an issue with Pharo to
>>>>> back out the change from Issue 281?
>>>>> Julian
>>>>> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 5:36 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>> Julian,
>>>>>> When I first started porting Seaside GemStone to GemStone I asked Avi, what naming convention to use and I did not get the spiel that you have just given. Also, I've never actually seen the naming convention that you mention in the wild ... the old seaside packages don't follow that naming convention. It would have been nice that the naming conventions had been documented and enforced because over the years I have seen a wildly varying number of conventions used.
>>>>>> In the end though isn't it true that Monticello really doesn't care what the name of the file is? Monticello stores all of the branching and ancestral information in it's meta data and the name of the file has no semantic meaning whatsoever.
>>>>>> Finally, from a practical perspective have you actually tried to use your "proposed"  naming convention in a real project?
>>>>>> I have just spent a few minutes experimenting with the Pharo tools using your "proposed" branch naming convention and it doesn't take long to recognize that the tools do not support this model very well - at all.
>>>>>> I suggest that you actually spend some time trying to use this convention in a real project before suggesting that Squeak and GemStone adopt the convention. I will wait until I know how big a job I am faced with in converting the GemStone tool set to support the new model ... that work has not yet been done in Pharo, yet.
>>>>>> As I mention in my original response, in the projects that I have been working on for several years now, where I do a lot of branching, I have found that the following pattern works _very_ well with all of the existing toolset on all platforms:
>>>>>> packageName.branch-initials.count.mcz
>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>> On Feb 5, 2011, at 5:45 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Dale,
>>>>>>> That's exactly the regression I'm talking about. MC is *supposed* to
>>>>>>> consider what you are calling "count" a dotted sequence of tokens. It
>>>>>>> could be "1.2.3" or "mybranch.1" and in those cases, MC should
>>>>>>> increment the last segment (I believe it would add a new .1 to the end
>>>>>>> of the last segment is not numeric) and leave the others as they were.
>>>>>>> That's how MC was created. Avi and Colin and I used it that way for
>>>>>>> years, and then someone who didn't know it was supposed to work that
>>>>>>> way broke the code after Colin stopped maintaining it. When I came
>>>>>>> back to Seaside three years ago and noticed it was broken, we pushed a
>>>>>>> fix into Pharo and I guess Squeak hasn't picked it up. But it's not
>>>>>>> Pharo-specific - it's the way MC always worked, it just wasn't well
>>>>>>> documented.
>>>>>>> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=281
>>>>>>> I'd suggest Squeak and Gemstone consider adopting the same fix.
>>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Julian,
>>>>>>>> I don't know which dawn of time you are referring to, but the older versions
>>>>>>>> of Monticello and the current versions of Squeak and GemStone use the
>>>>>>>> convention:
>>>>>>>> branch-<initials>.count
>>>>>>>> where the branch name includes the characters up to the last '-'. The author
>>>>>>>> initials are inserted using the current author initials and any pharo-style
>>>>>>>> branch information is ignored.
>>>>>>>> In Squeak4.2, you can create an mcz file of the form:
>>>>>>>> package-<initials>.branch.count
>>>>>>>> but if you try to save a second version of a "branched" packaged, the
>>>>>>>> 'branch' is ignored and you are presented with the following pattern:
>>>>>>>> package-<initials>.count
>>>>>>>> Soooo, if anyone is doing cross-platform development you are better off
>>>>>>>> staying away from the pharo-specific conventions, because not many
>>>>>>>> developers are in the habit of looking at the new name of the package that
>>>>>>>> gets generated and the tools are definitely inconsistent.
>>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>>> On 02/04/2011 08:15 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>>>>>> The Squeak one should (have)... it's been built into MC since the dawn
>>>>>>>>> of time. As I said, though, it was never really well-known and got
>>>>>>>>> broken at some point by someone changing the code. It may be that I
>>>>>>>>> only pushed to have the fix included in Pharo and Squeak never
>>>>>>>>> followed suit. They should though - it's definitely not
>>>>>>>>> Pharo-specific.
>>>>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 2:58 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Just one minor point ... you are referring to Pharo's branch naming
>>>>>>>>>> convention for Monticello ... The Squeak and GemStone tools don't follow
>>>>>>>>>> that convention.
>>>>>>>>>> Sigh....
>>>>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Julian Fitzell wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Good point, Dale.
>>>>>>>>>>> The best option is probably to use Monticello's branch naming
>>>>>>>>>>> convention:
>>>>>>>>>>> <package>-<initials>.<branch>.<count>.mcz
>>>>>>>>>>> The MC UI will maintain all the dotted segments, incrementing the last
>>>>>>>>>>> segment (count) on each commit. It got broken for a while, but recent
>>>>>>>>>>> version of MC have it fixed again.
>>>>>>>>>>> Using this pattern means the tools will maintain the branch for you on
>>>>>>>>>>> each subsequent commit and the versions will still show up in the
>>>>>>>>>>> version list for the package.
>>>>>>>>>>> Julian
>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Dale Henrichs<[hidden email]>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Avi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am suspicious about using a '-' to separate the author name and
>>>>>>>>>>>> issueXXX .... I don't recall the exact rules that Gofer/Monticello uses in
>>>>>>>>>>>> interpreting mcz file names, but I think that using the '-' where you
>>>>>>>>>>>> suggest will cause issueXXX to be interpreted as the author name ... also
>>>>>>>>>>>> you need to include an integer count of some sort before the .mcz extension
>>>>>>>>>>>> or you will get into even more trouble.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have had success over the years using the following pattern:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Seaside-Core.IssueXXX-<initials>.<count>.mcz
>>>>>>>>>>>> This pattern will not be inadvertently interpreted as a Seaside-Core
>>>>>>>>>>>> package by Gofer/Monticello and is very readable.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Avi Shefi wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Assuming you are working on fixing several issues on the Seaside-Core
>>>>>>>>>>>> package, what's the best way to work on issues&  patches using Monticello?
>>>>>>>>>>>> The best option I can think of is:
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) do your work on the issue
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) save it to a mcz file named: Seaside-Core-<initials>-issueXXX.mcz
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3) reload the original ancestor from which you started
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4) keep working on other issues without having the code of the previous
>>>>>>>>>>>> fix inside the image
>>>>>>>>>>>> This way, if you make multiple changes on the same package you will be
>>>>>>>>>>>> able to send each one of them in a different file, without getting the code
>>>>>>>>>>>> mixed-up along the fixes you submit.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is this the right way?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Avi.
>>>>>>>>>>>> <ATT00001..txt>
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> --
> Lukas Renggli
> www.lukas-renggli.ch
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