Seaside Uptime

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Seaside Uptime

Sven Van Caekenberghe

The following code is not good enough (Seaside 3):

WAImageStatus>>#renderValuesOn: html
        | image upTime |
        image := SmalltalkImage current.
        upTime := Duration milliseconds: Time millisecondClockValue.
        self renderLabel: 'Uptime' value: (self printDuration: upTime) on: html.

The uptime wraps around on long running images, and since all Seaside applications have enormeous uptimes, it is a pity that this is not reported correctly. I have a fix by registering the class with the image startUpList, setting the startUpTime in a class variable.


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Re: Seaside Uptime

Philippe Marschall
2010/8/24 Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]>:

> Hi,
> The following code is not good enough (Seaside 3):
> WAImageStatus>>#renderValuesOn: html
>        | image upTime |
>        image := SmalltalkImage current.
>        upTime := Duration milliseconds: Time millisecondClockValue.
>        self renderLabel: 'Uptime' value: (self printDuration: upTime) on: html.
>        ...
> The uptime wraps around on long running images, and since all Seaside applications have enormeous uptimes, it is a pity that this is not reported correctly. I have a fix by registering the class with the image startUpList, setting the startUpTime in a class variable.

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