Seaside #addLoadScript: question

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Seaside #addLoadScript: question

Louis LaBrunda
Hi Everyone,

Is there some restriction as to where #addLoadScript: can be sent?  I am sending #addLoadScript: in two or three places in a Seaside program.  One of them doesn't seem to get the script added to the onload function.  Am I forgetting some restriction or doing something else wrong?


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Re: Seaside #addLoadScript: question

Louis LaBrunda

I saw somewhere that as of Seaside 3.1 #addLoadScript: wants a sub class of JSObject and not a string.

After playing around this:

html document addLoadScript: (JSScript new goto: ('#%1' bindWith: jumpSpot)).

worked.  It is different form what I used before but it works and that is what counts.


On Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at 9:41:00 AM UTC-4, Louis LaBrunda wrote:
Hi Everyone,

Is there some restriction as to where #addLoadScript: can be sent?  I am sending #addLoadScript: in two or three places in a Seaside program.  One of them doesn't seem to get the script added to the onload function.  Am I forgetting some restriction or doing something else wrong?


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