Seaside and Apache

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Seaside and Apache

Schwab,Wilhelm K

I know the market share of IE.  Of course, it was 95% 4 years ago, and
continues to decline.  Even so, I am pleased to see Seaside taking it
seriously, as I might want to serve some of its users.

For the most part, I offer enough functionality to a small enough group
of users that they will use what I tell them to use, and will do what I
tell them to configure it.  However, it's all irrelevant once the
institution buys that domain-wide certificate.

Beyond that, I am very curious about your read on the location


Philippe Marschall philippe.marschall at

2008/10/8 Bill Schwab <BSchwab at>:
> Philippe,
> IE - what's that? :)

The browser 80% of the people use.

> Firefox 3 presents a slightly "alarmist" view of a

Slightly? It displays a page that at first glance looks as if the
server was down. Then you'll have to click four times to make it work.


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
University of Florida
Department of Anesthesiology
PO Box 100254
Gainesville, FL 32610-0254

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