I want to encourage everyone here who hasn't taken a look at Seaside to
spend a few minutes playing with it. You can find it in the contributed
stuff on the Cincom Smalltalk CDROM. After seeing at Smalltalk Solutions
how people were using it to easily extend their existing IP to the web,
Scott McLaughlin and I were inspired to try a web front end to our Liberty
BASIC system. We sat down and in less than 2 hours had a Seaside
application with a text editor for entering code, a Run button, and a text
editor for showing the output of the program. I grabbed my Treo 650 phone
and typed (thumbed in?) and ran the following program:
print 3+4
It's a rather simplistic application, but it was extremely easy to implement
and it shouldn't be hard to do something more impressive. :-)
-Carl Gundel, author of Liberty BASIC