Seaside and Fuel

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Seaside and Fuel

Jeff Gray
I am writing a Seaside application which will have a modest set of data to be persisted. I would like to use Fuel for the persistance, for its simplicity.
I assume that Fuel will be a "load all data into memory" and "save all data back to disk" sort of a model.
If so, I 'm wondering where I should do this in my code.
I can attach the "load" to the entry page but the "save" is more tricky.
Would it make more sense to attach these to start up and close down of the image?
What do you reckon (or am I thinking about this all wrong)?
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Re: Seaside and Fuel

Hi Jeff,

As usual it depends on what kind of data and the load of your
application If you can afford to 'fuel' your data after each change, go
for it. That won't scale if you have a big dataset or many concurrent users.
Or you can regularly serialize and save your data (every hour/day/whatever).


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Re: Seaside and Fuel

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 3:07 AM, Francois Stephany <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Jeff,
Or you can regularly serialize and save your data (every hour/day/whatever).

Yes, this is something you can do for example with Pier. You can choose how much regulary to save the data. In addition, it lets you choose how many saves. Say you want max 3, then if there is a 4 save, it removes the oldest one.  So you always have the last 3 saves.

I'cced the seaside mailing list which may have better ideas.

