Seaside, some questions...

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Seaside, some questions...

Joachim Jaeckel

(Maybe my message was lost, so here the same as 8 hours ago...)

Some friends of mine and I thought about a new WEB-Site, and I might
want to implement it with gst and seaside, but therefore, I have some
open questions... (and maybe some more experienced user of gst and
seaside than me, could answer my questions here).

- How do you secure the config-site of seaside with - at minimum - a
user/password? (I tried a load into squeak, and it asked me for a
user/password combination, but where is it saved, that I could set it in
gst "by hand"? Or is it because of the difference between swazoo and
comanche. And if so, how do you workaround it.)

- Do you hide the /seaside/ path somehow for the user?

- Do you really need the halos for development? (And if so, how do you
activate them. I know the entry about seaside on, but I couldn't add something like
WAToolConfiguration to the configuration of my application. My page
looked like:

Would be nice to get some tipps from you.

Thanks in advance,

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