Seaside to VAST and Dolphin

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Seaside to VAST and Dolphin

Tim M
I was excited to to learn that Seaside will be ported to Dolphin, and hope
to see the port completed soon! Speaking with people at STS, Squeak is a
hurdle to many of us, and I much prefer the native feel of Dolphin to VS.

Many have commented that it is also interesting that Eric has a similar thought
for Seaside on VAST. There was also a feeling at STS that Seaside is a notable
recent output (and there have been many bofore it) from the Smalltalk communith
that has attracted interest from outsiders (hey some of my python and ruby
friends have heard of it)

I do hope that port happens soon, there are some excellent ideas in there,
but also there is still work needed ot integrate some of that nasty AJAX
sciptiaculous stuff...

> Seaside is a framework for developing sophisticated web applications in
> Smalltalk.
> Many folks consider it to be the killer app for Smalltalk, much like Ruby
> Rails is for Ruby.
> Currently, Seaside is available for Squeak and VisualWorks. It has not
> ported to other dialects such as VAST. We would like to see it ported to
> VAST. To that end, we are issuing a challenge to the VAST user community
> port Seaside to VAST. To make it worth your while, we are offering a reward

> of a full license to VAST and all of our add-on products (a $9,595 value)
> the first *five* people who successfully and independently port Seaside to
> VAST (we want to make sure that anyone who gets it working is rewarded,
> just the first to finish).
> The Seaside web site states that "Many Smalltalk VMs do not support the
> stack-copying techniques Seaside uses to implement backtracking". According

> to the site, this includes VAST. Assuming that this is true, you may need

> be creative and come up with slightly different implementations based on
> what VAST can do. The most important criteria is that the public API
> surfaced by Seaside works as specified. Tutorial examples should also work
> unmodified.
> -Eric Clayberg
>  Sr. Vice President of Product Development
>  Instantiations, Inc.
>  mailto:[hidden email]

I responded to his post thus:

> Or modify VAST to support the continuations that Seaside requires.  Then
it would be a fairly straight-forward port.
> Otherwise.... good luck!
> Nevin

And his response was then:

> Any approach is on the table as long as it works in the end. Modifying the
> base in a backward compatible manner is fine with me. We can roll any base
> changes into the next maintenance build.
> -Eric Clayberg
>  Sr. Vice President of Product Development
>  Instantiations, Inc.
>  mailto:[hidden email]

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Re: Seaside to VAST and Dolphin

Esteban A. Maringolo-3
macta escribió:
> I was excited to to learn that Seaside will be ported to Dolphin, and
> hope to see the port completed soon! Speaking with people at STS, Squeak
> is a hurdle to many of us, and I much prefer the native feel of Dolphin
> to VS.

Yes, that can't be bad.

> I do hope that port happens soon, there are some excellent ideas in
> there, but also there is still work needed ot integrate some of that
> nasty AJAX sciptiaculous stuff...

Copying from the Seaside mailing list, on a thread about the port :

[Avi Bryant ] It's going fine - I spent a fair bit of time with it over
the Easter weekend, and I expect to spend a bunch more time on it while
in Toronto for Smalltalk Solutions.  Expect a first release in early May.

[Sean Malloy] Happy Happy go go Avi. How early is early? ;)

[Avi Bryant] Not today, anyway :) Ask me again next week

So we have to wait...
