>I get a message above the text area that says :
>Message not understood: #asSym
>It does in fact seem to save my updates and everything else works fine, but the
>message is a bit confusing as I'm not sure where it's coming from.. Can someone
>please enlighten me?
The bold message above the text area is intended to display the error
message, if any
compile error occurs. However, there is a minor bug that produces a DNU
after the
compile when no method category is selected in the third pane.
If you are interested, I am attaching a fix for this bug. Let me know
how it works.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<time-stamp>From VisualWorks®, 7.4 of lundi 5 décembre 2005 on vendredi 20 janvier 2006 at 7:36:36</time-stamp>
<class-id>Squeak.Browser</class-id> <category>private</category>
<body package="SqueakBase" selector="selectedMethodCategory">selectedMethodCategory
^ self methodCategories selection ifNil: [self allMethods]</body>
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