Seaside vs. Traditional

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Seaside vs. Traditional

Rob Rothwell

I would like explore a little further the post "Seaside vs. Traditional" at because:

1. I was a sound bite! ("As a new Smalltalker, I couldn't understand Seaside.") Kind of embarrassing, huh?!
2. This post did not fully help me understand the source of my inabilities! Even more embarrassing!

The two basic statements I am [mostly] referencing are:

1.  I've experienced this many times while giving dozens of tutorials on Seaside. There are always some people that have a very hard time to get their head around Seaside, mostly because they think in terms of TRADITIONAL WEB FRAMEWORKS (my emphasis).

2.  On the other hand, Seaside is AMAZINGLY SIMPLE (my emphasis) for people without MUCH (my emphasis) prior web development experience.

Well, unfortunately, I have NO prior web development experience.  And I mean NONE.  Look at me, I have copied and pasted from another site and now have indents (likely due to HTML that I don't understand) that I can't even get rid of in the Gmail editor!

Anyway, I completely skipped that part of the 21st century, much to my current dismay.  I have Assembly Language, FORTRAN, and Visual Basic experience.  I am the classic [boring] example of "Why does the world seem inside out in Smalltalk!"

Nonetheless, I became enchanted by "a better way," and have stuck with my attempts to learn Smalltalk for nearly four years, most of which has been spent "building images" with each new Squeak release and staring at an "empty browser."  

I have a degree in Physics, I have been "programming" since I was 11, and I was a U.S. Army Airborne Ranger Medic.

Smalltalk has been the first thing in my life that was ever hard for me!! But...frustrating, because I wanted to get real WORK done with it, and kept going back to obviously "lesser ways" just to get something done.

Ok. Enough background. The point I am trying to make is that I tried. I googled. I would meet a couple of guys once a month or so that CAN Smalltalk. Seaside made sense...when they were doing it! Then, I went back to the empty browser.

My impression is still that you need to have a certain level of accomplishment in Smalltalk itself before the...elegance...of the framework as at your disposal. This isn't a bad thing, although it does leave me feeling a little incapable, but, hey--the number of objects at your command when you open a Squeak image for the first time are simply overwhelming. And "overwhelmed" would be how I would describe my experience with Seaside to be, because it "looks so easy," so why can't I figure it out? Which, coincidentally, is EXACTLY how I feel watching an experienced Smalltalker do ANYTHING.

So, I agree with you. Seaside IS harder for those with a "traditional" background. But I think traditional includes standard static language programming to produce basic client applications for typical operating systems. And from THAT point of view, I feel like I don't understand web programming ENOUGH to even lay things out on the screen where I want them to be, or get images into my application (yes, basic stuff like that).

And so then there is Aida as well, which WAS easier coming from a "traditional" (my definition) background.  

Now, I do not want to be thwarted so easily and will surely continue to try to understand Seaside because I think that will help me continue to understand Smalltalk.

But WHY was Aida easier for me? Is it because it is "less powerful?" "More procedural?" Because I CAN lay things out on the screen quite easily "the wrong way" with tables? Is it more "concrete?" These are all "negative" phrases as if I should assume somehow that Seaside has the upper hand in some way I do not understand.

I obviously don't have the answers! I didn't even know Aida existed until Janko posted his benchmarks on the Cincom site and because I was struggling with Seaside I gave it a shot. I DO think that after spending some time with Aida, I will be able to understand Seaside better, which is MOST interesting, because somewhere in that thought lies the gap between my own process capability (my ability to simply use Smalltalk) and the capability demanded by the system (Seaside, Aida, or any set of classes for that matter), which is the classic gap inherent in any system implementation.

Anyway, if I can figure this out better, I may be able to help others succeed where I have struggled, because I am obviously missing something.

In the meantime, keep up the good work! I am intrigued by the "meta" abilities of your solutions with both Seaside and Magritte and their apparent ability to act as an elegantly abstract layer for Content--which could be useful in appropriately complex situations. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm ready yet. Maybe someday...when I grow up, and can handle that level of abstraction!

I hope this doesn't sound like the beginning of another "Us vs. Them" post. I've had enough of that with LPGL vs. MIT! I just want to understand...what I don't understand!

Anyone going to the Smalltalk Solutions conference? I am trying to position myself to go...maybe in the shear presence of mastery I can pick up on some of the stuff I am missing!


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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

Philippe Marschall
2008/3/29, Rob Rothwell <[hidden email]>:

> Hello...
> I would like explore a little further the post "Seaside vs. Traditional" at
> because:
>  1. I was a sound bite! ("As a new Smalltalker, I couldn't understand
> Seaside.") Kind of embarrassing, huh?!
>  2. This post did not fully help me understand the source of my inabilities!
> Even more embarrassing!
> The two basic statements I am [mostly] referencing are:
>  1.  I've experienced this many times while giving dozens of tutorials on
> Seaside. There are always some people that have a very hard time to get
> their head around Seaside, mostly because they think in terms of TRADITIONAL
> WEB FRAMEWORKS (my emphasis).
> 2.  On the other hand, Seaside is AMAZINGLY SIMPLE (my emphasis) for people
> without MUCH (my emphasis) prior web development experience.
>  Well, unfortunately, I have NO prior web development experience.  And I
> mean NONE.  Look at me, I have copied and pasted from another site and now
> have indents (likely due to HTML that I don't understand) that I can't even
> get rid of in the Gmail editor!
> Anyway, I completely skipped that part of the 21st century, much to my
> current dismay.  I have Assembly Language, FORTRAN, and Visual Basic
> experience.  I am the classic [boring] example of "Why does the world seem
> inside out in Smalltalk!"
> Nonetheless, I became enchanted by "a better way," and have stuck with my
> attempts to learn Smalltalk for nearly four years, most of which has been
> spent "building images" with each new Squeak release and staring at an
> "empty browser."
> I have a degree in Physics, I have been "programming" since I was 11, and I
> was a U.S. Army Airborne Ranger Medic.
> Smalltalk has been the first thing in my life that was ever hard for me!
>! But...frustrating, because I wanted to get real WORK done with it,
> and kept going back to obviously "lesser ways" just to get something done.
> Ok. Enough background. The point I am trying to make is that I tried. I
> googled. I would meet a couple of guys once a month or so that CAN
> Smalltalk. Seaside made sense...when they were doing it! Then, I went back
> to the empty browser.
> My impression is still that you need to have a certain level of
> accomplishment in Smalltalk itself before the...elegance...of the framework
> as at your disposal. This isn't a bad thing, although it does leave me
> feeling a little incapable, but, hey--the number of objects at your command
> when you open a Squeak image for the first time are simply overwhelming. And
> "overwhelmed" would be how I would describe my experience with Seaside to
> be, because it "looks so easy," so why can't I figure it out? Which,
> coincidentally, is EXACTLY how I feel watching an experienced Smalltalker do
> So, I agree with you. Seaside IS harder for those with a "traditional"
> background. But I think traditional includes standard static language
> programming to produce basic client applications for typical operating
> systems. And from THAT point of view, I feel like I don't understand web
> programming ENOUGH to even lay things out on the screen where I want them to
> be, or get images into my application (yes, basic stuff like that).
> And so then there is Aida as well, which WAS easier coming from a
> "traditional" (my definition) background.
> Now, I do not want to be thwarted so easily and will surely continue to try
> to understand Seaside because I think that will help me continue to
> understand Smalltalk.
> But WHY was Aida easier for me? Is it because it is "less powerful?" "More
> procedural?" Because I CAN lay things out on the screen quite easily "the
> wrong way" with tables? Is it more "concrete?" These are all "negative"
> phrases as if I should assume somehow that Seaside has the upper hand in
> some way I do not understand.
> I obviously don't have the answers! I didn't even know Aida existed until
> Janko posted his benchmarks on the Cincom site and because I was struggling
> with Seaside I gave it a shot. I DO think that after spending some time with
> Aida, I will be able to understand Seaside better, which is MOST
> interesting, because somewhere in that thought lies the gap between my own
> process capability (my ability to simply use Smalltalk) and the capability
> demanded by the system (Seaside, Aida, or any set of classes for that
> matter), which is the classic gap inherent in any system implementation.
> Anyway, if I can figure this out better, I may be able to help others
> succeed where I have struggled, because I am obviously missing something.

Yes that would certainly be helpful especially if you could point more
concretely out what troubles you about Seaside besides missing
layouts. I know this can be hard, sometimes you simply like or don't
like something and can't exactly point out why.


> In the meantime, keep up the good work! I am intrigued by the "meta"
> abilities of your solutions with both Seaside and Magritte and their
> apparent ability to act as an elegantly abstract layer for Content--which
> could be useful in appropriately complex situations. Unfortunately, I don't
> think I'm ready yet. Maybe someday...when I grow up, and can handle that
> level of abstraction!
> I hope this doesn't sound like the beginning of another "Us vs. Them" post.
> I've had enough of that with LPGL vs. MIT! I just want to understand...what
> I don't understand!
> Anyone going to the Smalltalk Solutions conference? I am trying to position
> myself to go...maybe in the shear presence of mastery I can pick up on some
> of the stuff I am missing!
> Rob
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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

In reply to this post by Rob Rothwell
>  1.  I've experienced this many times while giving dozens of tutorials on
> Seaside. There are always some people that have a very hard time to get
> their head around Seaside, mostly because they think in terms of TRADITIONAL
> WEB FRAMEWORKS (my emphasis).
> 2.  On the other hand, Seaside is AMAZINGLY SIMPLE (my emphasis) for people
> without MUCH (my emphasis) prior web development experience.
>  Well, unfortunately, I have NO prior web development experience.  And I
> mean NONE.  Look at me, I have copied and pasted from another site and now
> have indents (likely due to HTML that I don't understand) that I can't even
> get rid of in the Gmail editor!
> Nonetheless, I became enchanted by "a better way," and have stuck with my
> attempts to learn Smalltalk for nearly four years, most of which has been
> spent "building images" with each new Squeak release and staring at an
> "empty browser."

> Smalltalk has been the first thing in my life that was ever hard for me!
>! But...frustrating, because I wanted to get real WORK done with it,
> and kept going back to obviously "lesser ways" just to get something done.
> Ok. Enough background. The point I am trying to make is that I tried. I
> googled. I would meet a couple of guys once a month or so that CAN
> Smalltalk. Seaside made sense...when they were doing it! Then, I went back
> to the empty browser.
> My impression is still that you need to have a certain level of
> accomplishment in Smalltalk itself before the...elegance...of the framework
> as at your disposal. This isn't a bad thing, although it does leave me
> feeling a little incapable, but, hey--the number of objects at your command
> when you open a Squeak image for the first time are simply overwhelming. And
> "overwhelmed" would be how I would describe my experience with Seaside to
> be, because it "looks so easy," so why can't I figure it out? Which,
> coincidentally, is EXACTLY how I feel watching an experienced Smalltalker do

I know that feeling :)  all about paradigm shift...

> So, I agree with you. Seaside IS harder for those with a "traditional"
> background. But I think traditional includes standard static language
> programming to produce basic client applications for typical operating
> systems. And from THAT point of view, I feel like I don't understand web
> programming ENOUGH to even lay things out on the screen where I want them to
> be, or get images into my application (yes, basic stuff like that).

actually laying down stuff is html+css ie. traditionnal web pages.

I think seaside allow you more easily than other frameworks to define
Desktop like application, ie. GUI. Interacting with entries and output
of your application. The counter demo is excellent in that respect.

The problem we all have when starting with seaside is that we are
quickly tempted by xhtml css and js sirens to make pretty layout and
good looking app. But just to feed your app and interact with the
result, seaside is really cool !

Then to make pretty stuff, problem arise as you need to have a

My feeling of Aida, is that it's closer to classic web (html I mean)
and the nice feature is that anObject = anUrl. I would be curious to
see the counter in Aida (implementation).

> And so then there is Aida as well, which WAS easier coming from a
> "traditional" (my definition) background.
> Now, I do not want to be thwarted so easily and will surely continue to try
> to understand Seaside because I think that will help me continue to
> understand Smalltalk.
> But WHY was Aida easier for me? Is it because it is "less powerful?" "More
> procedural?" Because I CAN lay things out on the screen quite easily "the
> wrong way" with tables? Is it more "concrete?" These are all "negative"
> phrases as if I should assume somehow that Seaside has the upper hand in
> some way I do not understand.
> I obviously don't have the answers! I didn't even know Aida existed until
> Janko posted his benchmarks on the Cincom site and because I was struggling
> with Seaside I gave it a shot. I DO think that after spending some time with
> Aida, I will be able to understand Seaside better, which is MOST
> interesting, because somewhere in that thought lies the gap between my own
> process capability (my ability to simply use Smalltalk) and the capability
> demanded by the system (Seaside, Aida, or any set of classes for that
> matter), which is the classic gap inherent in any system implementation.
> Anyway, if I can figure this out better, I may be able to help others
> succeed where I have struggled, because I am obviously missing something.
> In the meantime, keep up the good work! I am intrigued by the "meta"
> abilities of your solutions with both Seaside and Magritte and their
> apparent ability to act as an elegantly abstract layer for Content--which
> could be useful in appropriately complex situations. Unfortunately, I don't
> think I'm ready yet. Maybe someday...when I grow up, and can handle that
> level of abstraction!
> I hope this doesn't sound like the beginning of another "Us vs. Them" post.
> I've had enough of that with LPGL vs. MIT! I just want to understand...what
> I don't understand!
> Anyone going to the Smalltalk Solutions conference? I am trying to position
> myself to go...maybe in the shear presence of mastery I can pick up on some
> of the stuff I am missing!
> Rob
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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

Lukas Renggli
>  My feeling of Aida, is that it's closer to classic web (html I mean)
>  and the nice feature is that anObject = anUrl. I would be curious to
>  see the counter in Aida (implementation).

Especially the multi-counter as a composition of counters would be
interesting, because this is where my troubles started when playing
with AIDA.

Lukas Renggli
seaside mailing list
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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

In reply to this post by cedreek
sorry, forget last mail... bad gmail manipulation...  sent without finishing !

>  >
>  > So, I agree with you. Seaside IS harder for those with a "traditional"
>  > background. But I think traditional includes standard static language
>  > programming to produce basic client applications for typical operating
>  > systems. And from THAT point of view, I feel like I don't understand web
>  > programming ENOUGH to even lay things out on the screen where I want them to
>  > be, or get images into my application (yes, basic stuff like that).

actually laying down stuff is html+css ie. traditionnal web pages.

I think seaside allow you more easily than other frameworks to define
Desktop like application, ie. GUI ( Interacting with entries and
output of your application). The counter demo is excellent in that

The problem we all have when starting with seaside is that we are
quickly tempted by xhtml css and js sirens to make pretty layout and
good looking app. But just to feed your app and interact with the
result, seaside is really cool ! Then, to make pretty stuff, problem
arise as you need to have a good understanding of web technologies,
even if they are abstracted in smalltalk.

My feeling of Aida, is that it's closer to classic web vision (html
layout of objects) and the nice feature is that anObject = anUrl. And
of course, it's a REST alternative. I would be curious to see the
counter in Aida (implementation).

>  >
>  > But WHY was Aida easier for me? Is it because it is "less powerful?"

not but probably closer to what you want to do...

That would be nice to have "how-to's" for several use cases and see
implementations in both framework because it's hard to figure out both
framework pro and cons.



ps: when looking at auctomatic, you see the "only" seaside part, is
the app part which is quite complex. Unless you're logged in you're
not using seaside but plain html. BTW, I'll be curious to know if it's
done in ST too...

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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

In reply to this post by Lukas Renggli
> Especially the multi-counter as a composition of counters would be
>  interesting, because this is where my troubles started when playing
>  with AIDA.

I feel people use Seaside even when they don't need it ! (myself
included), this is the price of fame ;)

Would it be crazy to imagine a 100% smalltalk solution mixing REST for
classic web (even dynamic) and seaside for really complex stuffs
(control panels, real app with plenty of dependance).

What are the best practises today ? Having a classic html framework
like php and then seaside for complex part ? and you mix with apache ?


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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

Nicolas Petton
In reply to this post by Lukas Renggli

I wrote a counter in Aida here:

Le samedi 29 mars 2008 à 16:43 +0100, Lukas Renggli a écrit :
> >  My feeling of Aida, is that it's closer to classic web (html I mean)
> >  and the nice feature is that anObject = anUrl. I would be curious to
> >  see the counter in Aida (implementation).
> Especially the multi-counter as a composition of counters would be
> interesting, because this is where my troubles started when playing
> with AIDA.

Why? you can write a Counter as a subclass of WebElement if you want to
reuse it, it would be really easy to write it in Aida too.


Nicolas Petton
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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

> Hi,
>  I wrote a counter in Aida here:

nice ;) and good example

>  >
>  > Especially the multi-counter as a composition of counters would be
>  > interesting, because this is where my troubles started when playing
>  > with AIDA.
> Why? you can write a Counter as a subclass of WebElement if you want to
>  reuse it, it would be really easy to write it in Aida too.
so please do it ;)

I think Lukas meant, this is were problem occurs. Is it possible to
cpoy/paste url and keep it work ?
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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

Rob Rothwell
In reply to this post by cedreek
On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 12:09 PM, cdrick <[hidden email]> wrote:
I feel people use Seaside even when they don't need it ! (myself
included), this is the price of fame ;)

Would it be crazy to imagine a 100% smalltalk solution mixing REST for
classic web (even dynamic) and seaside for really complex stuffs
(control panels, real app with plenty of dependance).

What are the best practises today ? Having a classic html framework
like php and then seaside for complex part ? and you mix with apache ?

Now I'm really out of my league!  I only know what you are talking about in a very general sense!  

I just picture a world where you can use a drag and drop interface right in your browser to create common web applications, wire them up to your model, (potentially right in, say, a Gemstone or other persistent environment right out of the box), and be able to quickly do some basic work for typical business problems!  


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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

Lukas Renggli
In reply to this post by Nicolas Petton
> > >  My feeling of Aida, is that it's closer to classic web (html I mean)
>  > >  and the nice feature is that anObject = anUrl. I would be curious to
>  > >  see the counter in Aida (implementation).
>  >
>  > Especially the multi-counter as a composition of counters would be
>  > interesting, because this is where my troubles started when playing
>  > with AIDA.
> Why? you can write a Counter as a subclass of WebElement if you want to
>  reuse it, it would be really easy to write it in Aida too.

Ok, then show me in terms of reusing the code at


Lukas Renggli
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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

Lukas Renggli
> > > >  My feeling of Aida, is that it's closer to classic web (html I mean)
>  >  > >  and the nice feature is that anObject = anUrl. I would be curious to
>  >  > >  see the counter in Aida (implementation).
>  >  >
>  >  > Especially the multi-counter as a composition of counters would be
>  >  > interesting, because this is where my troubles started when playing
>  >  > with AIDA.
>  >
>  > Why? you can write a Counter as a subclass of WebElement if you want to
>  >  reuse it, it would be really easy to write it in Aida too.
> Ok, then show me in terms of reusing the code at

Wow, and AIDA even shows a login screen when I hit ++ ;-)

Lukas Renggli
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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

>  Wow, and AIDA even shows a login screen when I hit ++ ;-)

that's was because *you're* not authorized :)

But seriously, I think that will be good to have pro and cons for each
framework. Just hope discussion won't be too passionate then.

I just want to have a better vision... because franckly I just could't
objectively choose...

Could we imagine real production exemples in both framework?
Is a classis shop(+ admin back end) a good one ? To me, it's the
majority of web app out there... other examples ?


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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

Lukas Renggli
>  >  Wow, and AIDA even shows a login screen when I hit ++ ;-)
> that's was because *you're* not authorized :)

Ok, this seems to be fixed now. It is still not the same as in Seaside
though: the model is global and not local to the session.


Lukas Renggli
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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

Nicolas Petton
In reply to this post by Lukas Renggli

Le samedi 29 mars 2008 à 17:37 +0100, Lukas Renggli a écrit :

> > > > >  My feeling of Aida, is that it's closer to classic web (html I mean)
> >  >  > >  and the nice feature is that anObject = anUrl. I would be curious to
> >  >  > >  see the counter in Aida (implementation).
> >  >  >
> >  >  > Especially the multi-counter as a composition of counters would be
> >  >  > interesting, because this is where my troubles started when playing
> >  >  > with AIDA.
> >  >
> >  > Why? you can write a Counter as a subclass of WebElement if you want to
> >  >  reuse it, it would be really easy to write it in Aida too.
> >
> > Ok, then show me in terms of reusing the code at
> >
> Wow, and AIDA even shows a login screen when I hit ++ ;-)
Sorry Lukas, I forgot to set access rights to the counter...As you know,
with Aida security is set by default.


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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

Nicolas Petton
In reply to this post by Lukas Renggli

Le samedi 29 mars 2008 à 17:55 +0100, Lukas Renggli a écrit :
> >  >  Wow, and AIDA even shows a login screen when I hit ++ ;-)
> >
> > that's was because *you're* not authorized :)
> Ok, this seems to be fixed now. It is still not the same as in Seaside
> though: the model is global and not local to the session.
I changed that too.

> Lukas

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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

Rob Rothwell
In reply to this post by cedreek
On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 12:50 PM, cdrick <[hidden email]> wrote:
Could we imagine real production exemples in both framework?
Is a classis shop(+ admin back end) a good one ? To me, it's the
majority of web app out there... other examples ?

From a business programming perspective, I don't want have to understand web page layout or need a CSS designer.  I want to be able to drag components around on the screen, wire them up to my [well tested!] model, and have them behave as expected!  Visual Basic the way I always wanted it to work (from a model perspective) only for the web!

Don't get me wrong...I should still be ABLE to do all low level stuff if I WANT to...

There is something to be said about being able to double click on a button and edit the code that is wired up to it, once you start working on the View for your Application.

With all the Javascript work I have seen out there amongst the gurus, I think this could be done.  I almost think it's the kind of problem I could work on as long as the underlying frameworks support the required behavior!

It is just my opinion, but something like THAT would give people an alternative to Ruby or Dreamweaver or Visual Studio, or whatever else they are using...


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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

Lukas Renggli
In reply to this post by Nicolas Petton
> > >  >  Wow, and AIDA even shows a login screen when I hit ++ ;-)
>  > >
>  > > that's was because *you're* not authorized :)
>  >
>  > Ok, this seems to be fixed now. It is still not the same as in Seaside
>  > though: the model is global and not local to the session.
> I changed that too.

Cool. It works. Did you also update the code in the blog?

Another minor detail is that when I open a new browser window I get
the same counter, not a new one as in Seaside.


Lukas Renggli
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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

> Cool. It works. Did you also update the code in the blog?
>  Another minor detail is that when I open a new browser window I get
>  the same counter, not a new one as in Seaside.

I tried that too :)

deactivate cookies and it works fine...

there no backbutton too...  but this is a choice...
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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

Rob Rothwell
In reply to this post by Philippe Marschall
On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 11:28 AM, Philippe Marschall <[hidden email]> wrote:
Yes that would certainly be helpful especially if you could point more
concretely out what troubles you about Seaside besides missing
layouts. I know this can be hard, sometimes you simply like or don't
like something and can't exactly point out why.

Yes, that would be helpful, and I knew that was missing.  This is obviously a very helpful community if
you know how to formulate the question!


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Re: Seaside vs. Traditional

Randal L. Schwartz
In reply to this post by Rob Rothwell
>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Rothwell <[hidden email]> writes:

Rob> Anyone going to the Smalltalk Solutions conference? I am trying to
Rob> position myself to go...maybe in the shear presence of mastery I can pick
Rob> up on some of the stuff I am missing!

I'll be there.  I have an invited talk on "Persistence Solutions using
Seaside" where I'll go over everything from just saving the image periodically
to Gemstone, hitting ImageSegments, Magma, Glorp, and Cincom's ActiveRecords
in the middle, and anything else I uncover while I'm writing the talk.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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