Seaside30, Magritte2, and Pier2 status update

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Seaside30, Magritte2, and Pier2 status update

Dale Henrichs
Thought I'd just let you folks know that I've been making good progress
on Seaside30, Magritte2, and Pier2. All of the unit tests are passing
and I am down to just a handful of functional tests that need to be
addressed before I am ready.

Ready is still bleeding edge ... remote debugging and Object log have
not been ported to Seaside 30, and the remainder of the tools are pretty
primitive, but the basic functionality is there......

Unless I run into unexpected difficulties Seaside30, Magritte2, and
Pier2 should be ready for GLASS by early next week.

Next up on the agenda is to create a bootstrap for 1.0-beta.8.

GemStone/S 64 2.4.4 is scheduled to be released shortly, but I still
have some more basic work to do (mainly upgrade scripts for upgrading
GLASS from 2.3 to 2.4) before 2.4 would be ready for general GLASS
usage. If you want to be on the bleeding edge with Seaside30 let me know
and I can give instructions for downloading 2.4...

After the bootstrap for 1.0-beta.8 I will work on a 2.4.4.x release.

Next up I will be working on getting the Seaside30 development tools up
to snuff...
