Security bug in ProtectedProductSessionManager>>cipherMethod:with:

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Security bug in ProtectedProductSessionManager>>cipherMethod:with:

Chris Uppal-3
[apologies if this is fixed in the latest patch -- I haven't installed it yet]

I noticed this as I was browsing around.

ProtectedProductSessionManager>>cipherMethod:with: reads:

cipherMethod: aCompiledMethod with: aPC1Cipher
 "Private - Encrypts aCompiledMethod using aPC1Cipher"
 | cipheredBytecodes |
 cipheredBytecodes := aCompiledMethod byteCodes collect:[:each | aPC1Cipher
reset cipher: each].
 aCompiledMethod byteCodes: cipheredBytecodes.


It's resetting the cypher stream after each byte, so it amounts to a (very,
very, slow [*]) transposition cypher, since it'll replace every occurrence of
each byte value with the same "encrypted" version.  I imagine it's intended to
read more like (untested):

cipherMethod: aCompiledMethod with: aPC1Cipher
 "Private - Encrypts aCompiledMethod using aPC1Cipher"
 | cipheredBytecodes |
 aPC1Cipher reset.
 cipheredBytecodes := aCompiledMethod byteCodes collect:[:each | aPC1Cipher
cipher: each].
 aCompiledMethod byteCodes: cipheredBytecodes.

That's still a bit dodgy, since it suffers from the usual problem of encrypting
many, fairly redundant, texts with the same aPC1Cipher.  That shouldn't be too
much a problem in this case (since getting at the encrypted versions would be
tricky in this context -- embedded as they are in a deployed executable that
won't run), but it's worth mentioning the potential weakness anyway.

    -- chris

*) Around 0.7 secs/KByte on this machine!