I'm making heavy use of Widgets with a plethora of callback blocks :)
The app is building a lot (for me ~35) DOM elements on an interval, basically
every two minutes I call `jQuery("#somediv").empty();` and re-populate it.
Somehow this causes a very obvious jump in memory every two minutes, and
looking at the Chrome profiler output, the majority of it looks to be under the
smalltalk object :-/
I'm using the latest Amber from Nicolas' repo, I suppose I could try jumping to
a newer jQuery version since I'm seeing plenty of jQuery objects here as well,
but that seems like wishful thinking.
I can't find a good way to export profiler data out of the the web inspector,
so here's a simple screenshot overview to give you an idea: <
The app is live and exhibiting this before: <
you'll need a GitHub account and at least one issue assigned to you in one of
your repositories.
I'm a bit lost on how to debug this at all to be honest :(
- R. Tyler Croy
http://github.com/rtyler Chatter:
http://twitter.com/agentdero [hidden email]