Seeking help to resolve startup error on CI automated build

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Seeking help to resolve startup error on CI automated build

Jigyasa Grover
I am trying to build my first application in Pharo i.e. an offline text search application namely searchQuick which returns the list of file titles from the pre-loaded text files present in the resource folder when a string is searched for. 
You all are welcome to fork the code ( , try the infancy application and send in suggestions. 

Currently, I have put my application up on CI for automated build.
I am currently getting a StartUp error on VERSION=development (40)

The error is as follows: 
The symbolic version '0.1-baseline' is not defined in ConfigurationOfsQuick_new for the current platform. Possible symbolic version values include: #(#bleedingEdge #development #stable)

I have checked ConfigurationOfsQuick_new and the corresponding method reads as follows:
development: spec
	<symbolicVersion: #'development'>
	spec for: #'common' version: '0.1-baseline'.

It would be great if my mistake is pin-pointed and I could resolve it.

Thanks and Regards