Self-register components

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Self-register components

Bill Schwab

It's been a while since I've needed to create a new COM server, so my
methods are a little dated.  The type library analyzer is a big help, as is
the trick of adding interface method categories to the implementation

Am I correct in assuming that I can implement #progId methods and then
simply send #register to the implementation classes rather than creating a
.reg file?  What I have in mind is to send #register on startup, or I
suppose one could drive it off a menu if that's too heavy-handed?
Obviously, the app wouldn't auto-activate until after it runs one time - not
a big deal.  Having registered servers the hard way, it seems too good to be
true.  What's the catch? :)

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]