Sending HTML mail including image with Pharo

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Sending HTML mail including image with Pharo

Torsten Bergmann

when I send a mail using Pharo it works for basic text. It also
works for HTML by using "alternative part".

| mailMessage |
mailMessage := MailMessage empty.
mailMessage setField: 'subject' toString: 'HelloWorld'.
mailMessage addAlternativePart: self someHTML contentType: MIMEDocument contentTypeHtml.
mailMessage addAlternativePart: self someText contentType: MIMEDocument contentTypePlainText.

Then sending the mail using ZdcSecureSMTPClient.

Now I want to add an image to the html mail. Inlining the image using base 64 and

< img src=" ...">

does not work.

According to Stackoverflow [1] the image has to be embedded in the message as an
attachment and given a CID:

<img src="cid:0123456789">

Before I try to fight with current MailMessage implementation myself: anyone did that
before and can provide an easy example?

