Sending mails from within Pharo?

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Sending mails from within Pharo?

Hi all,

as part of an application that I am hacking together (in Seaside), I want mail notifications / confirmations to be sent to people. I was wondering if there is a Pharo (or Squeak) package out there that serves my needs?

Thanks in advance!
Johan Fabry  
[hidden email] -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile

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Re: Sending mails from within Pharo?

Tobias Pape

Am 2011-05-26 um 04:51 schrieb Johan Fabry:

> Hi all,
> as part of an application that I am hacking together (in Seaside), I want mail notifications / confirmations to be sent to people. I was wondering if there is a Pharo (or Squeak) package out there that serves my needs?

As you already are using Seaside,
* Add a WAEmailConfiguration to your application and configure it
* send a WAEmailMessage like this

        | msg |
        msg := WAEmailMessage
                from: (WAEmailAddress address: '[hidden email]' username: 'John Doe')
                to: (WAEmailAddress address: '[hidden email]' username: 'Jane Doe')
                subject: 'Email Test'.
        msg body: 'This is a Test Email.
It comes from John Doe who is just testing external mails in Seaside-Pharo-Email. '.
        msg send.

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Re: Sending mails from within Pharo?


Cool, I will try this today. :-)

Thanks, Tobias!

On 26 May 2011, at 01:32, Tobias Pape wrote:

> Am 2011-05-26 um 04:51 schrieb Johan Fabry:
>> Hi all,
>> as part of an application that I am hacking together (in Seaside), I want mail notifications / confirmations to be sent to people. I was wondering if there is a Pharo (or Squeak) package out there that serves my needs?
> As you already are using Seaside,
> * Add a WAEmailConfiguration to your application and configure it
> * send a WAEmailMessage like this
> | msg |
> msg := WAEmailMessage
> from: (WAEmailAddress address: '[hidden email]' username: 'John Doe')
> to: (WAEmailAddress address: '[hidden email]' username: 'Jane Doe')
> subject: 'Email Test'.
> msg body: 'This is a Test Email.
> It comes from John Doe who is just testing external mails in Seaside-Pharo-Email. '.
> msg send.
> Best
> -Tobias

Johan Fabry  
[hidden email] -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile