Serializing to a SQL string

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Serializing to a SQL string

Daniel Rozzeta
Hi all,
I need to serialize some objects to a SQL string column.
As I understand it, the STBOutFiler would legally include in its
output a 0 asCharacter (or null-character) which will cause trouble.
Which do you think will be the simpler solution?  Does anyone have an
UUE encoder-decoder?


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Re: Serializing to a SQL string

Bill Schwab-2

> I need to serialize some objects to a SQL string column.
> As I understand it, the STBOutFiler would legally include in its
> output a 0 asCharacter (or null-character) which will cause trouble.
> Which do you think will be the simpler solution?  Does anyone have an
> UUE encoder-decoder?

Which DBMS?  What about memo aka "BLOB" fields?  I just did something very
similar with MySQL; all it takes some escape sequences to make the SQL

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Serializing to a SQL string

Chris Uppal-3
In reply to this post by Daniel Rozzeta
Daniel Rozzeta wrote:

>  Does anyone have an UUE encoder-decoder?

There's a Base64 implementation (similar concept to UUE but cleaner and
probably more widely used on the Net these days) by Steve Wart,  I think it's also available on Steve
Waring's but I don't know if Steve Waring has enhanced it
at all.

    -- chris

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Re: Serializing to a SQL string

Don Rylander-3
In reply to this post by Daniel Rozzeta
"Daniel Rozzeta" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Hi all,
> I need to serialize some objects to a SQL string column.
> As I understand it, the STBOutFiler would legally include in its
> output a 0 asCharacter (or null-character) which will cause trouble.
> Which do you think will be the simpler solution?  Does anyone have an
> UUE encoder-decoder?
Depending on how big the objects are, you could use something like
ByteArray>>printHexOn: and ByteArray(class)>>fromHexString:.  It doubles the
size of your objects, but in a lot of cases that doesn't really matter.


> Thanks

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Re: Serializing to a SQL string

Don Rylander-3
Oops.  I bet ByteArray>>printHexString is more direct than #printHexOn: for
what you want.


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Re: Serializing to a SQL string

Daniel Rozzeta
In reply to this post by Bill Schwab-2
"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message news:<b8ttsl$da6fn$[hidden email]>...

> Daniel,
> > I need to serialize some objects to a SQL string column.
> > As I understand it, the STBOutFiler would legally include in its
> > output a 0 asCharacter (or null-character) which will cause trouble.
> > Which do you think will be the simpler solution?  Does anyone have an
> > UUE encoder-decoder?
> Which DBMS?  What about memo aka "BLOB" fields?  I just did something very
> similar with MySQL; all it takes some escape sequences to make the SQL
> legal.

I don't own the database model, thus can't change the string column for a BLOB one.

Thanks anyway,

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Re: Serializing to a SQL string

Daniel Rozzeta
In reply to this post by Chris Uppal-3
"Chris Uppal" <[hidden email]> wrote in message news:<3eb282f5$0$45178$[hidden email]>...
> Daniel Rozzeta wrote:
> >  Does anyone have an UUE encoder-decoder?
> There's a Base64 implementation (similar concept to UUE but cleaner and
> probably more widely used on the Net these days) by Steve Wart,

I found it here, thanks

> I think it's also available on Steve
> Waring's but I don't know if Steve Waring has
> enhanced it at all.

I couldn't find any reference on this site.

I will try Base64, thank you very much


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Re: Serializing to a SQL string

Steve Alan Waring
Hi Dan and Chris,

>> I think it's also available on Steve
>> Waring's but I don't know if Steve Waring has
>> enhanced it at all.

No, I use Steve Wart's original package.

> I couldn't find any reference on this site.

It is referenced here:

Steve Waring
Email: [hidden email]