Chris, Sean,
>>Why does ServerSocket outperform ServerSocket2 when the backlog size is
>>low (5), but the ServerSocket2 outperform ServerSocket when the backlog
>>is high (50+)
> I have no idea at all. I find it very surprising that there is any difference
> since the backlog parameter (as far as I know) is only used by Windows to set
> the size of the queue of inbound connections that /it/ has "accepted" (i.e. not
> actively rejected) but has not yet been able to tell Dolphin about. Under the
> cicumstances its difficult to see how the implementation in Dolphin makes any
> difference since (by definition) that implementation has not yet got involved
> in processing the request. How are you doing the test ? Maybe there's some
> other interaction going on ?
Search for JAWS (the pluggable web server, not the rubber shark<g>) and
see what you think. Your example might fit one of the categories where
there is a difference; remember that overlapped calls are switched by
Microsoft programmers in other processes, but green threads switch
courtesy of Blair's VM in the same OS process - need I say more? :)
Read the papers and see what you think. IMHO, it makes a very good
argument to keep both types of sockets around, letting folks choose
based on profiling or preference. One could even leave it up to the end
Have a good one,
Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]