Setting rowHeight: for Spec FastTableModel

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Setting rowHeight: for Spec FastTableModel

Juraj Kubelka

I have a code like this:

FastTableModel new
displayBlock: [ :node | node name ];
items: Collection withAllSubclasses;

Which works fine. But I would like to define row height for each item. FTTableMorph has a method rowHeight:.
Is it possible?

One possible use case could be:

FastTableModel new
displayBlock: [ :node | node name, 
String cr, ‘   number of methods: ', node methods size asString ];
items: Collection withAllSubclasses;
"rowHeight: 50;”  “does not work"

In that case, each list item is composed by a class name on the first line, and the number of methods on the second line. 

For FTTableMorph the code looks like this:

FTTableMorph new
extent: 650@500;
selectRowIndex: 1;
dataSource: (FTEasyListDataSource new 
elements: Collection withAllSubclasses;
display: [ :node |
Smalltalk ui theme newColumnIn: World for: { 
node name asStringMorph.
('      number of methods: ', node methods size asString)
asStringMorph }]);
rowHeight: 50;

Or do you propose another solution? 


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Re: Setting rowHeight: for Spec FastTableModel

Stephan Eggermont-3
On 22/06/17 10:51, Juraj Kubelka wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a code like this:
> FastTableModel new
> displayBlock: [ :node | node name ];
> items: Collection withAllSubclasses;
> openWithSpec.
> Which works fine. But I would like to define row height for each item.
> FTTableMorph has a method rowHeight:.
> Is it possible?

Sure. Not all properties of fasttable are exposed, and I never got a
good answer on the design question of what and how to expose and
propagate properties in Spec. I see the following design questions:

Exposing all the Morphic properties makes for a stronger dependency on
Morphic. Spec itself is written so it can be easily ported from one
underlying widget & gui layer to another (bloc, cocoa, qt, less so for
web?), and different layers have different properties. What is common
and what needs adapters or even layer-specific code?

When nesting components, how do properties propagate? Define once and
reuse everywhere is the goal, but that requires defining where
components can find property values: Theme, Application, Session. In
Spec there is no model/API defined for that, and there is no systematic
approach taken, just pragmatic choices.


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Re: Setting rowHeight: for Spec FastTableModel

Ben Coman
In reply to this post by Juraj Kubelka
What considerations are there to have individual row heights?
i.e. How close are we to having a spreadsheet interface like simplfied Excel?

cheers -ben

On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 4:51 PM, Juraj Kubelka <[hidden email]> wrote:

I have a code like this:

FastTableModel new
displayBlock: [ :node | node name ];
items: Collection withAllSubclasses;

Which works fine. But I would like to define row height for each item. FTTableMorph has a method rowHeight:.
Is it possible?

One possible use case could be:

FastTableModel new
displayBlock: [ :node | node name, 
String cr, ‘   number of methods: ', node methods size asString ];
items: Collection withAllSubclasses;
"rowHeight: 50;”  “does not work"

In that case, each list item is composed by a class name on the first line, and the number of methods on the second line. 

For FTTableMorph the code looks like this:

FTTableMorph new
extent: 650@500;
selectRowIndex: 1;
dataSource: (FTEasyListDataSource new 
elements: Collection withAllSubclasses;
display: [ :node |
Smalltalk ui theme newColumnIn: World for: { 
node name asStringMorph.
('      number of methods: ', node methods size asString)
asStringMorph }]);
rowHeight: 50;

Or do you propose another solution? 


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Re: Setting rowHeight: for Spec FastTableModel

Juraj Kubelka

El 22-06-2017, a las 17:19, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> escribió:

What considerations are there to have individual row heights?

The way I understand FastTable, it is not possible to have each item with different height. 


i.e. How close are we to having a spreadsheet interface like simplfied Excel?

cheers -ben

On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 4:51 PM, Juraj Kubelka <[hidden email]> wrote:

I have a code like this:

FastTableModel new
displayBlock: [ :node | node name ];
items: Collection withAllSubclasses;

Which works fine. But I would like to define row height for each item. FTTableMorph has a method rowHeight:.
Is it possible?

One possible use case could be:

FastTableModel new
displayBlock: [ :node | node name, 
String cr, ‘   number of methods: ', node methods size asString ];
items: Collection withAllSubclasses;
"rowHeight: 50;”  “does not work"

<Captura de pantalla 2017-06-22 a la(s) 10.50.08.png>

In that case, each list item is composed by a class name on the first line, and the number of methods on the second line. 

For FTTableMorph the code looks like this:

FTTableMorph new
extent: 650@500;
selectRowIndex: 1;
dataSource: (FTEasyListDataSource new 
elements: Collection withAllSubclasses;
display: [ :node |
Smalltalk ui theme newColumnIn: World for: { 
node name asStringMorph.
('      number of methods: ', node methods size asString)
asStringMorph }]);
rowHeight: 50;

<Captura de pantalla 2017-06-22 a la(s) 10.49.08.png>

Or do you propose another solution? 


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Re: Setting rowHeight: for Spec FastTableModel


On 22 Jun 2017, at 17:49, Juraj Kubelka <[hidden email]> wrote:

El 22-06-2017, a las 17:19, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> escribió:

What considerations are there to have individual row heights?

The way I understand FastTable, it is not possible to have each item with different height. 

that’s correct.
There was a proposal to give it variable heights but I think it was never implemented.



i.e. How close are we to having a spreadsheet interface like simplfied Excel?

cheers -ben

On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 4:51 PM, Juraj Kubelka <[hidden email]> wrote:

I have a code like this:

FastTableModel new
displayBlock: [ :node | node name ];
items: Collection withAllSubclasses;

Which works fine. But I would like to define row height for each item. FTTableMorph has a method rowHeight:.
Is it possible?

One possible use case could be:

FastTableModel new
displayBlock: [ :node | node name, 
String cr, ‘   number of methods: ', node methods size asString ];
items: Collection withAllSubclasses;
"rowHeight: 50;”  “does not work"

<Captura de pantalla 2017-06-22 a la(s) 10.50.08.png>

In that case, each list item is composed by a class name on the first line, and the number of methods on the second line. 

For FTTableMorph the code looks like this:

FTTableMorph new
extent: 650@500;
selectRowIndex: 1;
dataSource: (FTEasyListDataSource new 
elements: Collection withAllSubclasses;
display: [ :node |
Smalltalk ui theme newColumnIn: World for: { 
node name asStringMorph.
('      number of methods: ', node methods size asString)
asStringMorph }]);
rowHeight: 50;

<Captura de pantalla 2017-06-22 a la(s) 10.49.08.png>

Or do you propose another solution? 
