Setup Pier environment

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Setup Pier environment

i need to test the Pier into Pharo.

Yesterday i work to load the Pier environment into Pharo2.0.

I found some error relative the ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns  ( see relative mail ).

Now this problems are resolved but the Pier Admin interface work with some problem.

I think to reload all Pier environment into a new Pharo 2.0   #20628  image with the command:

Gofer it
 squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
 package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns'; load.

 ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns load.

But the system erase the error : MessageNotUnderstood: SmallInteger>>isEmpty

resolveToLoadableSpecs: required map: packageMap 

| reqd allReqd map newReqd spec |
reqd := required copy.
allReqd := Set new.
map := self packages map.
***** 632756487 *****  [ reqd isEmpty ] whileFalse: [
newReqd := Set new.
reqd do: [:req | 
(self resolveToLoadableSpec: req forMap: map packages: packageMap) 
do: [:loadableSpec | 
newReqd addAll: loadableSpec requires.
newReqd addAll: loadableSpec includes ]].
allReqd addAll: reqd.
newReqd removeAllFoundIn: allReqd.
reqd := newReqd ].
packageMap keys do: [:pkgName |
(spec := (packageMap at: pkgName) resolveToLoadableSpec) == nil
ifTrue: [ packageMap removeKey: pkgName ]
ifFalse: [ packageMap at: pkgName put: (packageMap at: pkgName) resolveToLoadableSpec ]]

SmallInteger(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #isEmpty



MetacelloMCVersionSpec>>expandToLoadableSpecNames: in Block: [:cache | ...

MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>stackCacheFor:cacheClass:at:doing: in Block: [:dict | ...

MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: in Block: [^ aBlock value: dict]







MetacelloMCProjectSpec>>relativeCurrentVersion in Block: [vrsn expandToLoadableSpecNames: (loadList := self...etc...




MetacelloMCVersionSpec>>isPartiallyCurrentAgainst: in Block: [:prj | ...


MetacelloMCVersionSpec>>specsNamed:projectDo:packageDo:groupDo: in Block: [:name | | pkgSpec | (pkgSpec := map...




MetacelloMCProject(MetacelloProject)>>currentVersionAgainst: in Block: [:version | ...


MetacelloMCProject(MetacelloProject)>>currentVersionAgainst: in Block: [:cache | ...

MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>stackCacheFor:cacheClass:at:doing: in Block: [:dict | ...

MetacelloPharoPlatform(MetacelloPlatform)>>useStackCacheDuring:defaultDictionary: in Block: [^ aBlock value: dict]





Now i wonder that is the best solution to obtain a Pharo Pier environment that works.

It's best follow the creation of new Pharo image as in this e-mail,   ( it's best load Seaside - Magritte - Pier separately ? )

or manage the error as write in my last email  Re: [Seaside] ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns load error

Thanks for any considerations,


seaside mailing list
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Re: Setup Pier environment

> Ciao,
> i need to test the Pier into Pharo.
> Yesterday i work to load the Pier environment into Pharo2.0.
> I found some error relative the ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns  ( see relative mail ).
> Now this problems are resolved but the Pier Admin interface work with some problem.
> Now i wonder that is the best solution to obtain a Pharo Pier environment that works.
> It's best follow the creation of new Pharo image as in this e-mail,   ( it's best load Seaside - Magritte - Pier separately ? )
> or manage the error as write in my last email Re: [Seaside] ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns load error
>> It erase only a error at :   PRAdminSetup   initialize
>> when declare: preferenceAt: #useCookies put: false;
>> because #useCookies is not configured.

        I don't think it's an error but a change of the WAApplication structures.

        Anyone have any ideas about this?

        I need to load one hold version of Seaside and Pier ?

        The Pier3AddOns can work with the new structure?



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Re: Setup Pier environment

>> i need to test the Pier into Pharo.
>> Yesterday i work to load the Pier environment into Pharo2.0.
>> I found some error relative the ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns  ( see relative mail ).
>> Now this problems are resolved but the Pier Admin interface work with some problem.
>> Now i wonder that is the best solution to obtain a Pharo Pier environment that works.
>> It's best follow the creation of new Pharo image as in this e-mail,   ( it's best load Seaside - Magritte - Pier separately ? )

        i used a new Pharo2.0  #20628  image

        After i load:

                Gofer it
                         squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
                         package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns'; load.

        and do: ( ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project version: '3.1.1') load.

        The system load all.

FIRST) The loads generates:

                                        A)  two  JQWidget  error dependence  " But i think is not  very important " or i wrong ?  

                                        B) PRAdminSetup class initialize error:

                                                | piersetup |
                                                piersetup := (WAAdmin register: self asApplicationAt: 'piersetup')
                                        **** preferenceAt: #useCookies put: false;   ******
                                                        preferenceAt: #scriptGeneratorClass put: JQScriptGenerator;
                                                        preferenceAt: #rootDecorationClasses put: #();
                                                addLibrary: JQDeploymentLibrary

        Because the useCookies is not configured.

SECOND) The same error is generated by PRAdminLogin

   which does not handle - answer at the login button

        registerAt: dispatcherName administering: kernelPathPair
        | pierAdminApplication |
        pierAdminApplication := (WAAdmin register: self asApplicationAt: dispatcherName)
        *****preferenceAt: #useCookies put: false; ******
                preferenceAt: #scriptGeneratorClass put: JQScriptGenerator;
                preferenceAt: #documentClass put: PRAdminHtmlDocumentStoredHeadElements;
                preferenceAt: #actionPhaseContinuationClass put: PRAdminActionPhaseContinuation;
                preferenceAt: #renderPhaseContinuationClass put: PRAdminRenderPhaseContinuation;
                preferenceAt: #rootDecorationClasses put: #();
                addLibrary: JQDeploymentLibrary;
                addLibrary: JQUiDeploymentLibrary;
                addLibrary: JQBaseTheme;
                addLibrary: SPHighlightedStyle.x

        pierAdminApplication configuration addParent: NAFileUploadConfigurator instance.
        pierAdminApplication configuration addParent: PRAdminConfigurator instance.
        pierAdminApplication pierAdminKernelPathPair: kernelPathPair

THIRD) The piersetup  browser entry, at the bottom,  display some javascript  and don't update the page

        after the vary command for example:  New from template    step

These are some problems i found,

        thanks for any help to solving


seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Setup Pier environment

Whereas the problems of my last e-mail are still open,

(I wonder if others have the same problems)

i add a few notes about the NAFileUpload support:

        1) Some instance methods of NAFileUpload class,  reference the WARenderCanvas  class

                but WARenderCanvas is not in the system.   ( Change it to WACanvas ? )

        2) NAFileUploadConfigurator class method


                        ^  FileDirectory default pathName,  GRPlatform current pathSeparator, 'uploadedFiles'

        call pathName,  but it's deprecate.

        I think to change it with fullName method.

These are a few considerations that together with the previous does not allow me to test the Pier support into Pharo.

If i right  understand, this in any case is the area on which to work.

Pier previous versions i believe are misaligned.

It's right ?

Thanks for any help, considerations,


seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Setup Pier environment

Johan Brichau-2

In a previous email, I remarked that the Pier code does not seem to be ported to Seaside 3.1.x
If you want to use Pier, use Seaside 3.0.x
In the other case, you might want to check out the changelog and port Pier to Seaside 3.1.x [1,2]

On 22 Oct 2014, at 11:23, [hidden email] wrote:


Whereas the problems of my last e-mail are still open,

(I wonder if others have the same problems)

i add a few notes about the NAFileUpload support:

1) Some instance methods of NAFileUpload class,  reference the WARenderCanvas  class

but WARenderCanvas is not in the system.   ( Change it to WACanvas ? )

2) NAFileUploadConfigurator class method


^  FileDirectory default pathName,  GRPlatform current pathSeparator, 'uploadedFiles'

call pathName,  but it's deprecate.

I think to change it with fullName method.

These are a few considerations that together with the previous does not allow me to test the Pier support into Pharo.

If i right  understand, this in any case is the area on which to work.

Pier previous versions i believe are misaligned.

It's right ?

Thanks for any help, considerations,


seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

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Re: Setup Pier environment


In a previous email, I remarked that the Pier code does not seem to be ported to Seaside 3.1.x
If you want to use Pier, use Seaside 3.0.x

But how i can load it?

I do:

Gofer it
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns';

( ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project version: '3.0.4') load.

it load in any case Seaside 



In the other case, you might want to check out the changelog and port Pier to Seaside 3.1.x [1,2]

On 22 Oct 2014, at 11:23, [hidden email] wrote:


Whereas the problems of my last e-mail are still open,

(I wonder if others have the same problems)

i add a few notes about the NAFileUpload support:

1) Some instance methods of NAFileUpload class,  reference the WARenderCanvas  class

but WARenderCanvas is not in the system.   ( Change it to WACanvas ? )

2) NAFileUploadConfigurator class method


^  FileDirectory default pathName,  GRPlatform current pathSeparator, 'uploadedFiles'

call pathName,  but it's deprecate.

I think to change it with fullName method.

These are a few considerations that together with the previous does not allow me to test the Pier support into Pharo.

If i right  understand, this in any case is the area on which to work.

Pier previous versions i believe are misaligned.

It's right ?

Thanks for any help, considerations,


seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

seaside mailing list
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Re: Setup Pier environment

Stephan Eggermont-3
In reply to this post by
Hi Dario,

There are ci builds of Pier and PierAddons on
They are green, but not everything works. The easiest
way to make things work is to add red tests so you break
the build and then commit fixed versions and configurations.
If you don't know how to fix, just adding red tests already
helps a lot. Just ask in the pharo-dev list for an ci account,
then you can log in and get a much better view on what
exactly is loaded and tested in a build.

What we are currently missing is tests that can pinpoint
the use of deprecated methods/classes. As you noticed,
most needed fixes are rather trivial.

Our Pier3 installation works, but of course does not use
all add-ons. We fixed the problems we encountered,
and will (sometimes slowly, we have a week of holidays
here) continue doing so.

Do you plan on moving to a newer Pharo version soon?

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Setup Pier environment
In reply to this post by

i have very difficulty to setup the environment for test Pier into Pharo using Seaside3.0.x

I do:
Gofer new


    package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside3';


((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside3) project version: '3.0.15') load.

ConfigurationOfSeaside3 project currentVersion. >  OK



Gofer new


    package: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';


( ConfigurationOfMagritte3 project version: '3.0') load.

ConfigurationOfMagritte3 project currentVersion.   > 3.1.4    ( not 3.0 because ? )


Gofer new


    package: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3AddOns';


 ( ConfigurationOfMagritte3AddOns project version: '3.0.0') load.

ConfigurationOfMagritte3AddOns project currentVersion.  > 3.0.0    OK


Gofer new


    package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3';


( ConfigurationOfPier3 project version: '3.0.0') load.

ConfigurationOfPier3 project currentVersion.  > 3.0.1 ( not 3.0.0 because ?


Gofer new


    package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns';


 ( ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project version: '3.0.3') load.

ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project currentVersion. >  3.1.1 ( not 3.0.3 because ? )


At the end the piersetup don't work.

Some time ago i have similar problem into GLASS.

Dale proposed to load directly the package with the code:

  bulkMigrate: [ 
    #('ZincHTTPComponents' '1.1' '').
    #('Magritte3AddOns' '3.0.0' '').
    #('Pier3AddOns' '3.0.3' '')}
      do: [ :ar | 
        | projectName version repository |
        projectName := ar at: 1.
        version := ar at: 2.
        repository := ar at: 3.
        Metacello new
          configuration: projectName;
          repository: repository;
        Metacello new
          configuration: projectName;
          version: version;
          repository: repository;
          onUpgrade: [ :ex :existing :new | 
                existing locked
                  ifTrue: [ ex disallow ]
                  ifFalse: [ ex allow ] ];
          onConflict: [ :ex | ex disallow ];
        Metacello new
          configuration: projectName;
          version: version;
          repository: repository;
          lock ] ]

How i can do it into Pharo image?





In a previous email, I remarked that the Pier code does not seem to be ported to Seaside 3.1.x
If you want to use Pier, use Seaside 3.0.x

But how i can load it?

I do:

Gofer it
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns';

( ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project version: '3.0.4') load.

it load in any case Seaside 



In the other case, you might want to check out the changelog and port Pier to Seaside 3.1.x [1,2]

On 22 Oct 2014, at 11:23, [hidden email] wrote:


Whereas the problems of my last e-mail are still open,

(I wonder if others have the same problems)

i add a few notes about the NAFileUpload support:

1) Some instance methods of NAFileUpload class,  reference the WARenderCanvas  class

but WARenderCanvas is not in the system.   ( Change it to WACanvas ? )

2) NAFileUploadConfigurator class method


^  FileDirectory default pathName,  GRPlatform current pathSeparator, 'uploadedFiles'

call pathName,  but it's deprecate.

I think to change it with fullName method.

These are a few considerations that together with the previous does not allow me to test the Pier support into Pharo.

If i right  understand, this in any case is the area on which to work.

Pier previous versions i believe are misaligned.

It's right ?

Thanks for any help, considerations,


seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

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Re: Setup Pier environment


i have very difficulty to setup the environment for test Pier into Pharo using Seaside3.0.x

I do:
Gofer new


    package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside3';


((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSeaside3) project version: '3.0.15') load.

ConfigurationOfSeaside3 project currentVersion. >  OK


I resubmit all following step changing  the url to:  '';

but i have the same wrong result.

When i open the piersetup  browser page the system generates:

Seaside Walkback


Debug Full Stack

Possible Causes

  • you need to clear your configuration caches to see new attributes (try "WAAdmin clearConfigurationCaches" in a workspace)
  • you have not included a necessary ancestor in a configuration

Stack Trace

  1. thisContext
    [WAAttributeNotFound signalWithKey: aSymbol] in WAUserConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>getSearchConte...etc...
    a WAUserConfiguration
  2. thisContext
    a WAUserConfiguration
  3. thisContext
    a WAUserConfiguration
  4. thisContext
    a WAUserConfiguration
  5. thisContext
    a WAApplication

getSearchContextFor: aSymbol
"Returns a search context for the given symbol."
^ self getSearchContextFor: aSymbol ifAbsent: [ WAAttributeNotFound signalWithKey: aSymbol ]

where symbol is :  #trackingStrategy

The relative stack is :
WAUserConfiguration(WAConfiguration)>>getSearchContextFor: in Block: [WAAttributeNotFound signalWithKey: aSymbol]








WAExceptionFilter>>handleFiltered: in Block: [super handleFiltered: aRequestContext]


WACurrentExceptionHandler class(WADynamicVariable class)>>use:during:

WAExceptionFilter>>handleFiltered: in Block: [WACurrentExceptionHandler...




WAApplication(WARequestHandler)>>handle: in Block: [self filter handleFiltered: aRequestContext]


WACurrentRequestContext class(WADynamicVariable class)>>use:during:

WARequestContext>>push:during: in Block: [WACurrentRequestContext use: self during: aBlock]...etc...






WADispatcher(WARequestHandler)>>handle: in Block: [self filter handleFiltered: aRequestContext]


WACurrentRequestContext class(WADynamicVariable class)>>use:during:

WARequestContext>>push:during: in Block: [WACurrentRequestContext use: self during: aBlock]...etc...





Gofer new


    package: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3';


( ConfigurationOfMagritte3 project version: '3.0') load.

ConfigurationOfMagritte3 project currentVersion.   > 3.1.4    ( not 3.0 because ? )


Gofer new


    package: 'ConfigurationOfMagritte3AddOns';


 ( ConfigurationOfMagritte3AddOns project version: '3.0.0') load.

ConfigurationOfMagritte3AddOns project currentVersion.  > 3.0.0    OK


Gofer new


    package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3';


( ConfigurationOfPier3 project version: '3.0.0') load.

ConfigurationOfPier3 project currentVersion.  > 3.0.1 ( not 3.0.0 because ?


Gofer new


    package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns';


 ( ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project version: '3.0.3') load.

ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project currentVersion. >  3.1.1 ( not 3.0.3 because ? )


At the end the piersetup don't work.

Some time ago i have similar problem into GLASS.

Dale proposed to load directly the package with the code:

  bulkMigrate: [ 
    #('ZincHTTPComponents' '1.1' '').
    #('Magritte3AddOns' '3.0.0' '').
    #('Pier3AddOns' '3.0.3' '')}
      do: [ :ar | 
        | projectName version repository |
        projectName := ar at: 1.
        version := ar at: 2.
        repository := ar at: 3.
        Metacello new
          configuration: projectName;
          repository: repository;
        Metacello new
          configuration: projectName;
          version: version;
          repository: repository;
          onUpgrade: [ :ex :existing :new | 
                existing locked
                  ifTrue: [ ex disallow ]
                  ifFalse: [ ex allow ] ];
          onConflict: [ :ex | ex disallow ];
        Metacello new
          configuration: projectName;
          version: version;
          repository: repository;
          lock ] ]

How i can do it into Pharo image?





In a previous email, I remarked that the Pier code does not seem to be ported to Seaside 3.1.x
If you want to use Pier, use Seaside 3.0.x

But how i can load it?

I do:

Gofer it
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns';

( ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project version: '3.0.4') load.

it load in any case Seaside 



In the other case, you might want to check out the changelog and port Pier to Seaside 3.1.x [1,2]

On 22 Oct 2014, at 11:23, [hidden email] wrote:


Whereas the problems of my last e-mail are still open,

(I wonder if others have the same problems)

i add a few notes about the NAFileUpload support:

1) Some instance methods of NAFileUpload class,  reference the WARenderCanvas  class

but WARenderCanvas is not in the system.   ( Change it to WACanvas ? )

2) NAFileUploadConfigurator class method


^  FileDirectory default pathName,  GRPlatform current pathSeparator, 'uploadedFiles'

call pathName,  but it's deprecate.

I think to change it with fullName method.

These are a few considerations that together with the previous does not allow me to test the Pier support into Pharo.

If i right  understand, this in any case is the area on which to work.

Pier previous versions i believe are misaligned.

It's right ?

Thanks for any help, considerations,


seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

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Re: Setup Pier environment
In reply to this post by Stephan Eggermont-3
Ciao Stephan,

        as you can see, i have some problem to test Pier into Pharo with Seaside 3.0.x

        Perhaps no one cares, but I'd have to test Pier into Pharo and then check whether Pier run into Gemstone (GLASS).

        I'm not expert to manage package and configurations.

        But i'm very surprised of the complication i've met these days.

        I have not clear idea about configurations but i think my last step  are correct ! or Not ?

        Is there some trick to load Pier version for seaside 3.0.x?

> Hi Dario,
> There are ci builds of Pier and PierAddons on
> They are green, but not everything works. The easiest
> way to make things work is to add red tests so you break
> the build and then commit fixed versions and configurations.
> If you don't know how to fix, just adding red tests already
> helps a lot. Just ask in the pharo-dev list for an ci account,
> then you can log in and get a much better view on what
> exactly is loaded and tested in a build.

        I do the sing-up   at but it don't answer.

> What we are currently missing is tests that can pinpoint
> the use of deprecated methods/classes. As you noticed,
> most needed fixes are rather trivial.
> Our Pier3 installation works, but of course does not use
> all add-ons. We fixed the problems we encountered,
> and will (sometimes slowly, we have a week of holidays
> here) continue doing so.
> Do you plan on moving to a newer Pharo version soon?

As i write before i'm working to port some code from Pharo environment to GLASS.

So do not know if I'll have time, in the next week, to consider new versions if not directly involved in my work.

> Stephan
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]

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Re: Setup Pier environment

and which version of Pier are you trying to load?

(btw, the signup of ci.inria should be automatically approved so you should be able to log in fine)


> On 22 Oct 2014, at 17:18, [hidden email] wrote:
> Ciao Stephan,
> as you can see, i have some problem to test Pier into Pharo with Seaside 3.0.x
> Perhaps no one cares, but I'd have to test Pier into Pharo and then check whether Pier run into Gemstone (GLASS).
> I'm not expert to manage package and configurations.
> But i'm very surprised of the complication i've met these days.
> I have not clear idea about configurations but i think my last step  are correct ! or Not ?
> Is there some trick to load Pier version for seaside 3.0.x?
>> Hi Dario,
>> There are ci builds of Pier and PierAddons on
>> They are green, but not everything works. The easiest
>> way to make things work is to add red tests so you break
>> the build and then commit fixed versions and configurations.
>> If you don't know how to fix, just adding red tests already
>> helps a lot. Just ask in the pharo-dev list for an ci account,
>> then you can log in and get a much better view on what
>> exactly is loaded and tested in a build.
> I do the sing-up   at but it don't answer.
>> What we are currently missing is tests that can pinpoint
>> the use of deprecated methods/classes. As you noticed,
>> most needed fixes are rather trivial.
>> Our Pier3 installation works, but of course does not use
>> all add-ons. We fixed the problems we encountered,
>> and will (sometimes slowly, we have a week of holidays
>> here) continue doing so.
>> Do you plan on moving to a newer Pharo version soon?
> As i write before i'm working to port some code from Pharo environment to GLASS.
> So do not know if I'll have time, in the next week, to consider new versions if not directly involved in my work.
> Ciao,
> Dario
>> Stephan
>> _______________________________________________
>> seaside mailing list
>> [hidden email]
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]

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Re: Setup Pier environment
Ciao Esteban,

> and which version of Pier are you trying to load?

        i'm interested to load the last version which run into both Pier and Gemstone.

        As Johan write:

                        In a previous email, I remarked that the Pier code does not seem to be ported to Seaside 3.1.x
                        If you want to use Pier, use Seaside 3.0.x

        Then i think the last stable version for Seaside 3.0.x.



> (btw, the signup of ci.inria should be automatically approved so you should be able to log in fine)
> Esteban
>> On 22 Oct 2014, at 17:18, [hidden email] wrote:
>> Ciao Stephan,
>> as you can see, i have some problem to test Pier into Pharo with Seaside 3.0.x
>> Perhaps no one cares, but I'd have to test Pier into Pharo and then check whether Pier run into Gemstone (GLASS).
>> I'm not expert to manage package and configurations.
>> But i'm very surprised of the complication i've met these days.
>> I have not clear idea about configurations but i think my last step  are correct ! or Not ?
>> Is there some trick to load Pier version for seaside 3.0.x?
>>> Hi Dario,
>>> There are ci builds of Pier and PierAddons on
>>> They are green, but not everything works. The easiest
>>> way to make things work is to add red tests so you break
>>> the build and then commit fixed versions and configurations.
>>> If you don't know how to fix, just adding red tests already
>>> helps a lot. Just ask in the pharo-dev list for an ci account,
>>> then you can log in and get a much better view on what
>>> exactly is loaded and tested in a build.
>> I do the sing-up   at but it don't answer.
>>> What we are currently missing is tests that can pinpoint
>>> the use of deprecated methods/classes. As you noticed,
>>> most needed fixes are rather trivial.
>>> Our Pier3 installation works, but of course does not use
>>> all add-ons. We fixed the problems we encountered,
>>> and will (sometimes slowly, we have a week of holidays
>>> here) continue doing so.
>>> Do you plan on moving to a newer Pharo version soon?
>> As i write before i'm working to port some code from Pharo environment to GLASS.
>> So do not know if I'll have time, in the next week, to consider new versions if not directly involved in my work.
>> Ciao,
>> Dario
>>> Stephan
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Re: Setup Pier environment
I wrong: 

Ciao Esteban,

and which version of Pier are you trying to load?

i'm interested to load the last version which run into both Pier and Gemstone.

i'm interested to load the last version which run into both Pharo and Gemstone.

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Re: Setup Pier environment
In reply to this post by

        i report some data:

> Ciao Esteban,
>> and which version of Pier are you trying to load?
> i'm interested to load the last version which run into both Pier and Gemstone.
> As Johan write:
> In a previous email, I remarked that the Pier code does not seem to be ported to Seaside 3.1.x
> If you want to use Pier, use Seaside 3.0.x
> Then i think the last stable version for Seaside 3.0.x.

        In Gemstone the last Seaside3 3.0.x should be 3.0.13

                The relative Magritte3 should be 3.0
                The relative Magritte3AddOns should be 3.0.0

                The relative Pier3 should be 3.0.0

                The relative Pier3AddOns should be 3.0.3

> Thank,
> Dario
>> (btw, the signup of ci.inria should be automatically approved so you should be able to log in fine)
>> Esteban
>>> On 22 Oct 2014, at 17:18, [hidden email] wrote:
>>> Ciao Stephan,
>>> as you can see, i have some problem to test Pier into Pharo with Seaside 3.0.x
>>> Perhaps no one cares, but I'd have to test Pier into Pharo and then check whether Pier run into Gemstone (GLASS).
>>> I'm not expert to manage package and configurations.
>>> But i'm very surprised of the complication i've met these days.
>>> I have not clear idea about configurations but i think my last step  are correct ! or Not ?
>>> Is there some trick to load Pier version for seaside 3.0.x?
>>>> Hi Dario,
>>>> There are ci builds of Pier and PierAddons on
>>>> They are green, but not everything works. The easiest
>>>> way to make things work is to add red tests so you break
>>>> the build and then commit fixed versions and configurations.
>>>> If you don't know how to fix, just adding red tests already
>>>> helps a lot. Just ask in the pharo-dev list for an ci account,
>>>> then you can log in and get a much better view on what
>>>> exactly is loaded and tested in a build.
>>> I do the sing-up   at but it don't answer.
>>>> What we are currently missing is tests that can pinpoint
>>>> the use of deprecated methods/classes. As you noticed,
>>>> most needed fixes are rather trivial.
>>>> Our Pier3 installation works, but of course does not use
>>>> all add-ons. We fixed the problems we encountered,
>>>> and will (sometimes slowly, we have a week of holidays
>>>> here) continue doing so.
>>>> Do you plan on moving to a newer Pharo version soon?
>>> As i write before i'm working to port some code from Pharo environment to GLASS.
>>> So do not know if I'll have time, in the next week, to consider new versions if not directly involved in my work.
>>> Ciao,
>>> Dario
>>>> Stephan
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Re: Setup Pier environment

In reply to this post by
but *exactly* which configuration of Pier are you using?


On 22 Oct 2014, at 17:41, [hidden email] wrote:

Ciao Esteban,

and which version of Pier are you trying to load?

i'm interested to load the last version which run into both Pier and Gemstone.

As Johan write:

In a previous email, I remarked that the Pier code does not seem to be ported to Seaside 3.1.x
If you want to use Pier, use Seaside 3.0.x

Then i think the last stable version for Seaside 3.0.x.



(btw, the signup of ci.inria should be automatically approved so you should be able to log in fine)


On 22 Oct 2014, at 17:18, [hidden email] wrote:

Ciao Stephan,

as you can see, i have some problem to test Pier into Pharo with Seaside 3.0.x

Perhaps no one cares, but I'd have to test Pier into Pharo and then check whether Pier run into Gemstone (GLASS).

I'm not expert to manage package and configurations.

But i'm very surprised of the complication i've met these days.

I have not clear idea about configurations but i think my last step  are correct !  or Not ?

Is there some trick to load Pier version for seaside 3.0.x?

Hi Dario,

There are ci builds of Pier and PierAddons on
They are green, but not everything works. The easiest
way to make things work is to add red tests so you break
the build and then commit fixed versions and configurations.
If you don't know how to fix, just adding red tests already 
helps a lot. Just ask in the pharo-dev list for an ci account,
then you can log in and get a much better view on what
exactly is loaded and tested in a build. 

I do the sing-up   at  but it don't answer.

What we are currently missing is tests that can pinpoint
the use of deprecated methods/classes. As you noticed,
most needed fixes are rather trivial.

Our Pier3 installation works, but of course does not use
all add-ons. We fixed the problems we encountered,
and will (sometimes slowly, we have a week of holidays
here) continue doing so. 

Do you plan on moving to a newer Pharo version soon?

As i write before i'm working to port some code from Pharo environment to GLASS.

So do not know if I'll have time, in the next week, to consider new versions if not directly involved in my work.



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Re: Setup Pier environment

but *exactly* which configuration of Pier are you using?
I'm interested to load in Pharo the:

  Pier3 version 3.0.0
with relative:

Pier3AddOns version 3.0.3



On 22 Oct 2014, at 17:41, [hidden email] wrote:

Ciao Esteban,

and which version of Pier are you trying to load?

i'm interested to load the last version which run into both Pier and Gemstone.

As Johan write:

In a previous email, I remarked that the Pier code does not seem to be ported to Seaside 3.1.x
If you want to use Pier, use Seaside 3.0.x

Then i think the last stable version for Seaside 3.0.x.



(btw, the signup of ci.inria should be automatically approved so you should be able to log in fine)


On 22 Oct 2014, at 17:18, [hidden email] wrote:

Ciao Stephan,

as you can see, i have some problem to test Pier into Pharo with Seaside 3.0.x

Perhaps no one cares, but I'd have to test Pier into Pharo and then check whether Pier run into Gemstone (GLASS).

I'm not expert to manage package and configurations.

But i'm very surprised of the complication i've met these days.

I have not clear idea about configurations but i think my last step  are correct !  or Not ?

Is there some trick to load Pier version for seaside 3.0.x?

Hi Dario,

There are ci builds of Pier and PierAddons on
They are green, but not everything works. The easiest
way to make things work is to add red tests so you break
the build and then commit fixed versions and configurations.
If you don't know how to fix, just adding red tests already 
helps a lot. Just ask in the pharo-dev list for an ci account,
then you can log in and get a much better view on what
exactly is loaded and tested in a build. 

I do the sing-up   at  but it don't answer.

What we are currently missing is tests that can pinpoint
the use of deprecated methods/classes. As you noticed,
most needed fixes are rather trivial.

Our Pier3 installation works, but of course does not use
all add-ons. We fixed the problems we encountered,
and will (sometimes slowly, we have a week of holidays
here) continue doing so. 

Do you plan on moving to a newer Pharo version soon?

As i write before i'm working to port some code from Pharo environment to GLASS.

So do not know if I'll have time, in the next week, to consider new versions if not directly involved in my work.



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Re: Setup Pier environment

First i load:
Gofer new

     url: '';

     package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns';


After i do :
 ( ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project version: '3.0.4') load.

now i don't understund because after :

ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project currentVersion.

answer  <>3.1.1 [ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns]

and not 3.0.4




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Re: Setup Pier environment

Johan Brichau-2
The #currentVersion method of Metacello is known to be inaccurate because it tries to derive it afterwards from what is loaded.
I have understood this is a tricky process.

You can retrieve what version was loaded by querying the project registry:

MetacelloProjectRegistration registry


On 23 Oct 2014, at 18:46, [hidden email] wrote:


First i load:
Gofer new

     url: '';

     package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns';


After i do :
 ( ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project version: '3.0.4') load.

now i don't understund because after :

ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project currentVersion.

answer  <>3.1.1 [ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns]

and not 3.0.4




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Re: Setup Pier environment

Dale Henrichs-3
In reply to this post by

The #currentVersion algorithm does a match between the packages loaded and the specifications and the match is based on "latest version matching" and this is an inexact science (as you've seen) ... Most likely in the case you are wondering about, the gemstone packges are identical between version 3.0.4 and 3.1.1 so the #currentVersion algorithm matches 3.1.1.

You've probably seen that these days I recommend using the scripting api where you would do
the load this way:

  Metacello new
    configuration: 'Pier3AddOns';
    version: '3.0.4';

then print the following to check which version has been loaded:
  Metacello image
    configuration: 'Pier3AddOns;

With the scripting API, #currentVersion is loaded. Instead Metacello records the version (project spec) of the project that was actually loaded and is much more accurate ...

You do have to use the the `Metacello new` style load expressions to cause projects to be registered ...


On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 9:46 AM, [hidden email] <[hidden email]> wrote:

First i load:
Gofer new

     url: '';

     package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns';


After i do :
 ( ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project version: '3.0.4') load.

now i don't understund because after :

ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project currentVersion.

answer  <>3.1.1 [ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns]

and not 3.0.4




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Re: Setup Pier environment


The #currentVersion algorithm does a match between the packages loaded and the specifications and the match is based on "latest version matching" and this is an inexact science (as you've seen) ... Most likely in the case you are wondering about, the gemstone packges are identical between version 3.0.4 and 3.1.1 so the #currentVersion algorithm matches 3.1.1.

You've probably seen that these days I recommend using the scripting api where you would do
the load this way:

  Metacello new
    configuration: 'Pier3AddOns';
    version: '3.0.4';

but in my Pharo 2.0  #20628 image i don't have Metacello class!

I do:
Gofer new squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository'; package: 'ConfigurationOfMetacello'; load. ( ConfigurationOfMetacello project version: #stable) load
But i don't found the relative class.


then print the following to check which version has been loaded:
  Metacello image
    configuration: 'Pier3AddOns;

With the scripting API, #currentVersion is loaded. Instead Metacello records the version (project spec) of the project that was actually loaded and is much more accurate ...

You do have to use the the `Metacello new` style load expressions to cause projects to be registered ...


On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 9:46 AM, [hidden email] <[hidden email]> wrote:

First i load:
Gofer new

     url: '';

     package: 'ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns';


After i do :
 ( ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project version: '3.0.4') load.

now i don't understund because after :

ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns project currentVersion.

answer  <>3.1.1 [ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns]

and not 3.0.4




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