Shameful advertisement

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Shameful advertisement

Hi all,

I was talking about Twitter in my previous email. This is a nice way to advertise the work of the community to others communities.

Now some **shameful advertisement** : you can subscribe to my Twitter account here: 

I try my best to publish info about Pharo/Smalltalk community and with my 1733 followers I can have some impact sometimes.

Please send me a private email if you want to advertise something specific about your work.

They are other interesting accounts to follow: 
​- Stéphane Ducasse:
- Tudor Girba :
​- ObjectProfile :

​and many others !​


Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
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Re: Shameful advertisement

Luke Gorrie
Hi Serge,

Just wanted to say that you guys do a really nice job of advocating for Pharo and promoting it :).

I joined the association now and will be sure to plug Pharo. It's great. I wouldn't build my current application at all if I didn't have Pharo/Glamour/Roassal as a base... it would be too much work.

On 28 July 2017 at 11:10, Serge Stinckwich <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,

I was talking about Twitter in my previous email. This is a nice way to advertise the work of the community to others communities.

Now some **shameful advertisement** : you can subscribe to my Twitter account here: 

I try my best to publish info about Pharo/Smalltalk community and with my 1733 followers I can have some impact sometimes.

Please send me a private email if you want to advertise something specific about your work.

They are other interesting accounts to follow: 
​- Stéphane Ducasse:
- Tudor Girba :
​- ObjectProfile :

​and many others !​


Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk