Do SharedPool classVars need to be wrapped in parenthesis?
I'm messing around with porting Chronos to Pharo and Gemstone. It
currently uses a number of shared pool dictionaries. I'm converting
those to subclasses of SharedPool. In the package there is a large
number of references to the classVars of the SharedPool. Almost
everytime one is accessed I get a DNU or the value comes back as 'nil'.
But if I wrap that particular reference in parenthesis the code works
So this doesn't work:
addHours: hours
^self addSeconds: hours * SecondsPerDay
But this does work:
addHours: hours
^self addSeconds: hours * (SecondsPerDay)
I do not want to track down every reference to every class var and wrap
it in parenthesis. Is there something else I can try? Or is there a
refactoring rewrite rule I can run to find all references to a
SharedPool class var and wrap it in parens?