Shortcut keys

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Shortcut keys

Sergei Gnezdov
I'd like to know where I can find a list of shortcut keys such as Ctrl-S
to be used with Dolphin.

For example, Visual Age for Java has a way to
rename a method when Ctrl-Shift-S is pressed.

Thank you

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Re: Shortcut keys

Andy Bower

> I'd like to know where I can find a list of shortcut keys such as Ctrl-S
> to be used with Dolphin.
> For example, Visual Age for Java has a way to
> rename a method when Ctrl-Shift-S is pressed.

If you're using Dolphin 5 then the Help/Key Bindings menu command in any
tool window will display the shortcut keys list for you.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: Shortcut keys

Bill Schwab-2

> If you're using Dolphin 5 then the Help/Key Bindings menu command in any
> tool window will display the shortcut keys list for you.

That sounds great, but either I'm not understanding "tool window" (for
example, I don't see it in CHBs or workspaces), or it's not happening in my
image.  Any suggestions?

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Shortcut keys

Sergei Gnezdov
"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:apvbib$57ful$[hidden email]...
> Andy,
> > If you're using Dolphin 5 then the Help/Key Bindings menu command in any
> > tool window will display the shortcut keys list for you.
> That sounds great, but either I'm not understanding "tool window" (for
> example, I don't see it in CHBs or workspaces), or it's not happening in
> image.  Any suggestions?

I don't see such menu item neither.

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Re: Shortcut keys

Ian Bartholomew-18
In reply to this post by Sergei Gnezdov

> I'd like to know where I can find a list of shortcut keys such as Ctrl-S
> to be used with Dolphin.

I posted the following script a few months ago in response to a similar

If you copy and evaluate this in a Workspace it will (after a bit of
flashing) write, to the Transcript, a list of key binding to help text for
all the major tools.

Not a great solution but it might help a bit.


#(TranscriptShell Debugger ClassBrowserShell
            SystemBrowserShell PackageBrowserShell)
    do: [:class |
        shellView := (Smalltalk at: class) show view.
        accels := shellView combinedAcceleratorTable accelerators
            collect: [:each |
                each value acceleratorKeyString
                        -> ((each value description) copyWithout: $&)].
        accels := accels asSet asSortedCollection: [:a :b | a key < b key].
        shellView close.
        Transcript print: class; cr.
accels do: [:each |
        nextPutAll: ('%-30s' sprintfWith: each key);
        nextPutAll: each value; cr].
Transcript cr; cr]

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Re: Shortcut keys

Blair McGlashan
In reply to this post by Bill Schwab-2
"Bill Schwab" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:apvbib$57ful$[hidden email]...
> Andy,
> > If you're using Dolphin 5 then the Help/Key Bindings menu command in any
> > tool window will display the shortcut keys list for you.
> That sounds great, but either I'm not understanding "tool window" (for
> example, I don't see it in CHBs or workspaces), or it's not happening in
> image.  Any suggestions?

Andy is advertising a feature of Dolphin 6 rather than Dolphin 5 :-).

Here are the keybindings for the CHB as listed by the aforementioned
feature, although converted to plain text from HTML so losing the table
formatting of the actual output:

Class Browser Key Bindings

Ctrl+[#moveTempToInnerScopeMove to Inner Scope
Ctrl+A#selectAllSelect All
Ctrl+B#browseItBrowse It
Ctrl+D#pushDownMethodPush Down
Ctrl+D#displayItDisplay It
Ctrl+E#evaluateItEvaluate It
Ctrl+I#inspectItInspect It
Ctrl+L#cutLineCut Line
Ctrl+M#extractMethodExtract Method...
Ctrl+T#extractToTemporaryExtract to Temporary...
Ctrl+U#pushUpMethodPush Up
F1#helpHelp on this Tool
F11#debugItDebug It
F12#browseDefinitionsBrowse Definitions
F2#renameItRename It
F3#findNextFind Next
Shift+Ctrl+L#deleteLineDelete Line
Shift+Ctrl+M#inlineMessageInline Message
Shift+Ctrl+T#inlineTemporaryInline Temporary
Shift+F12#browseReferencesBrowse References

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Re: Shortcut keys

Bill Schwab

> Andy is advertising a feature of Dolphin 6 rather than Dolphin 5 :-).

Sounds good.  Any other new features you want to share with us, or is it too

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]