I am not sure whether this topic is of interest to anybody not on
VA Smalltalk. Let me just explain my problem:
VA Smalltalk is not (yet) natively UTF-8. So when you edit code
in the Smalltalk Browser, it is encoded in the local codepage. In
my case this is iso-8859-15. Seaside code and file library
contents are served using a server adaptor. In VAST, this adaptor
converts between UTF-8 for everything going to or coming from the
Browser and the native code page. Not sure if this is the case on
Pharo, Squeak or VW as well, but I guess so.
So as long as you server the files from the Smalltalk image,
special characters in, say javascript files, will be converted to
UTF.8 when delivered to the Browser.
The trouble starts when you use #deployFiles to have the files
served by a web server (apache, nginx etc.). WAFileLibrary doesn't
convert the files before writing them to the filesystem.
I hacked GRVASTPlatform to handle this:
write: aStringOrByteArray toFile: aFileNameString inFolder: aFolderString
"Writes @aStringOrByteArray to a file named @aFilenameString in
the folder @aFolderString."
| fullFilePath stream str|
fullFilePath := CfsPath fromParts: (Array with: aFolderString with: aFileNameString).
stream := fullFilePath newReadWriteStreamBinary: aStringOrByteArray isString not.
str := aStringOrByteArray isString ifTrue: [aStringOrByteArray convertToCodePage: 'UTF-8'] ifFalse: [aStringOrByteArray].
[ stream nextPutAll: str ]
ensure: [ stream close ]
The idea is that if teh contents of a method is not binary (like
.png or .gif etc.), it most likely wants to be in UTF-8 on the
file system.
I am not sure, however, if the Grease layer is the right place
for this. What if other users do not want the files converted to
UTF-8. I am also not sure if it is okay to convert everything
non-binary to UTF-8. Maybe there should be a way to tell a Library
which codepage to convert to, or maybe it is desired to be able to
decide for every file individually, or maybe even something else.
And, I am not even sure if this is even necessary on other
platforms. That's why I post here first and ask for
More on this topic: https://joachimtuchel.wordpress.com/2018/11/16/seaside-file-libraries-and-utf-8/
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