> I know the self halt trick, but there must be soemthing better. I
> don't like the idea of littering the code with 'self halt's that I'll
> probably forget to remove. Isn't there something easier?
That's the official way of setting breakpoint in Dolphin. I agree it's
not optimal but I find the main disadvantage is that the method gets
marked as changed rather than anything to do with it requiring extra
typing. One advantage, of course, is that it becomes terribly easy to
set up conditional breakpoints with a simple bit of Smalltalk code.
If it is still too irritating for you then can I suggest you "load up"
you image with Tools+ from SolutionSoft. It's only $50 and has tons of
great in it.
http://www.solutionsoft.co.uk/toolsplus/Best regards,
Andy Bower
Dolphin Support