Silly question: how do I set break points?

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Silly question: how do I set break points?

Fernando Rodríguez

I know the self halt trick, but there must be soemthing better. I
don't like the idea of littering the code with 'self halt's that I'll
probably forget to remove.  Isn't there something easier?

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Re: Silly question: how do I set break points?

Bruno Buzzi Brasesco-2
> don't like the idea of littering the code with 'self halt's that I'll
> probably forget to remove.  Isn't there something easier?

Search for: #halt references.

In a workspace right button Browse>>References ---> halt.

It's easy !

Regards Bruno

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Re: Silly question: how do I set break points?

Udo Schneider
In reply to this post by Fernando Rodríguez
AFAIK "vanilla OA DST" offers just the possibility to include "self
halt" in your methods.

If you want to search all these "breakpoints" just search all senders of

Another possibility might be to take a look at Tool+. Tool+ is a third
party addon to Dolphin which provides a lot of features - including
"Method Spys" which are some kind of "self halt on steroids".



Fernando wrote:
> Hi,
> I know the self halt trick, but there must be soemthing better. I
> don't like the idea of littering the code with 'self halt's that I'll
> probably forget to remove.  Isn't there something easier?

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Re: Silly question: how do I set break points?

Ian Bartholomew-19
In reply to this post by Fernando Rodríguez

> I know the self halt trick, but there must be soemthing better. I
> don't like the idea of littering the code with 'self halt's that I'll
> probably forget to remove.  Isn't there something easier?

You'll have to be a bit more specific about "better" and "easier".

If it's just the extra typing and recompiling involved (Bruno pointed out
how easy it is to find references to #halt) then it shouldn't be too
difficult to add menu options or keystrokes that add/remove halt operations
from a method.  It's not something I have ever felt the need for though.....

Rather than a straight "self halt" you might want to wrap them in a global
switch - something like "(Smalltalk at: #debug) ifTrue: [self halt]".
Setting #debug to true/false will then turn on/off all your breakpoints.  It
saves a bit of editing if you are in a develop/debug mode.

Personally, I find the advantages and flexibility of adding conditional
halts far outweighs any downside.


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Re: Silly question: how do I set break points?

Andy Bower-3
In reply to this post by Fernando Rodríguez

> I know the self halt trick, but there must be soemthing better. I
> don't like the idea of littering the code with 'self halt's that I'll
> probably forget to remove.  Isn't there something easier?

That's the official way of setting breakpoint in Dolphin. I agree it's
not optimal but I find the main disadvantage is that the method gets
marked as changed rather than anything to do with it requiring extra
typing. One advantage, of course, is that it becomes terribly easy to
set up conditional breakpoints with a simple bit of Smalltalk code.

If it is still too irritating for you then can I suggest you "load up"
you image with Tools+ from SolutionSoft. It's only $50 and has tons of
great in it.

Best regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support