Am 21.11.2013 um 13:01 schrieb Torsten Bergmann <
[hidden email]>:
>>> Good work! I happy for each new project on pharo-contribution.
>>> This is the evolution of pharo-contribution over the last year!
>>> <showChart.png>
>> Impressive.
>> Thank you, and the rest of the team, and INRIA, for this very useful resource.
> Yes, thank you!
> And the story continues: with the PharoLauncher project [1] one is able to
> easily download a CI built image and run it locally.
> [1] do you use it? I’ve just downloaded but failed to see how I can work with it. Creating an image from a template is nice. If I open an image and save it under a new name I cannot start that image from PharoLauncher, can I? What are the most prominent use cases behind PharoLauncher?