Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....

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Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....

Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing.... and these ones
are the ones that do not freeze my system of course.


Educate yourselves: read them to get a feel of the simple part of Moose.

Doru I do not know why I need the ignoreImage: but it was working before.


PS: why do we need artefact (GraphET2 uses it and NeoCSV to me this is
wrong), XML,  loaded into Moose by default

  ((ConfigurationOfGrease  project version: #development) ignoreImage:
true; record) a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear load :
     linear load : 1.1.10 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
         load : Grease-Core-JohanBrichau.86
         load : Grease-Pharo30-Core-pmm.15
         load : Grease-Slime-JohanBrichau.27)

  ((ConfigurationOfHashTable  project version: #development)
ignoreImage: true; record)  a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear
load :
     atomic load : 2.0 [ConfigurationOfHashTable]
         load : Hashtable-SergeStinckwich.32)

  ((ConfigurationOfGToolkit  project version: #development) ignoreImage:
true; record)  a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear load :
     atomic load : 0.12-baseline [ConfigurationOfGToolkit]
         load : GT-Metaceller-Stream
         load : GT-Metaceller-Model
         load : GT-Metaceller-Tests
         load : GT-Setup
         explicit load : AnnouncerCentricDebugger
             load : ConfigurationOfAnnouncerCentricDebugger-AndreiChis.8
         atomic load : 0.3-baseline
             explicit load : GTDebugger
                 load : ConfigurationOfGTDebugger-AndreiChis.3
             linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfGTDebugger]
                 explicit load : GTInspector
                     load : ConfigurationOfGToolkit-TudorGirba.48
                 atomic load : 0.12-baseline [ConfigurationOfGToolkit]
                     explicit load : DeepTraverser
                         load : ConfigurationOfDeepTraverser-TudorGirba.1
                     atomic load : 1.0-baseline
                         load : DeepTraverser
                     explicit load : GlamourCore
                         load : ConfigurationOfGlamour-TudorGirba.145
                     atomic load : 2.9-baseline [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
                         load : Glamour-Announcements
                         load : Glamour-Helpers
                         load : Glamour-Core
                         load : Glamour-Presentations
                         load : Glamour-Browsers
                         load : Glamour-Tests-Core
                         load : Glamour-Tests-Resources
                         explicit load : Roassal for Glamour
                             load :
                         linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                             load : Roassal
                             load : RoassalMorphic
                             load : RoassalExtras
                             load : RoassalAthens
                         explicit load : Roassal2 for Glamour
                             load :
                         linear load : 1.1-baseline
                             load : Trachel
                             load : Roassal2
                             load : Roassal2Spec
                         explicit load : Graph-ET
                             load : ConfigurationOfGraphET-TudorGirba.8
                         linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfGraphET]
                             load : Graph-ET
                             explicit load : Roassal
                                 load :
                             linear load : 0.7-baseline
                                 load : Roassal
                                 load : RoassalMorphic
                                 load : RoassalExtras
                                 load : RoassalAthens
                         explicit load : Spotlight2
                             load : ConfigurationOfSpotlight2-SeanDeNigris.2
                         linear load : 1.0-baseline
                             explicit load : ActiveTutor
                                 load :
                             linear load : 1.0-baseline
                                 load : ActiveTutor
                             load : Spotlight2
                         load : Glamour-Morphic-Widgets
                         load : Glamour-Morphic-Renderer
                         load : Glamour-Roassal2-Presentations
                         load : Glamour-Roassal-Presentations
                         load : Glamour-Tests-Morphic
                         load : Glamour-Morphic-Pager
                         explicit load : Rubric
                             load : ConfigurationOfRubric-AndreiChis.3
                         atomic load : 0.2-baseline [ConfigurationOfRubric]
                             load : Rubric
                         load : Glamour-Rubric-Presentations
                         load : Glamour-Morphic-Theme
                         load : CollectionExtensions
                         load : Glamour-Tools
                         load : Glamour-GraphET-Presentations
                         load : Glamour-Examples
                     load : GT-Inspector
                 explicit load : NewDebugger
                     load : ConfigurationOfNewDebugger-AndreiChis.8
                 atomic load : 0.3-baseline [ConfigurationOfNewDebugger]
                     load : DebuggerActions
                     load : DebuggerModel
                     load : DebuggerFilters
                     load : DebuggerExtensions
                 load : GT-Debugger
             load : ACD-Model
             load : ACD-Glamour-Interface
         explicit load : DeepTraverser
             load : ConfigurationOfDeepTraverser-TudorGirba.1
         atomic load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfDeepTraverser]
             load : DeepTraverser
         explicit load : GlamourCore
             load : ConfigurationOfGlamour-TudorGirba.145
         atomic load : 2.9-baseline [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
             load : Glamour-Announcements
             load : Glamour-Helpers
             load : Glamour-Core
             load : Glamour-Presentations
             load : Glamour-Browsers
             load : Glamour-Tests-Core
             load : Glamour-Tests-Resources
             explicit load : Roassal for Glamour
                 load : ConfigurationOfRoassal-AlexandreBergel.1194
             linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                 load : Roassal
                 load : RoassalMorphic
                 load : RoassalExtras
                 load : RoassalAthens
             explicit load : Roassal2 for Glamour
                 load : ConfigurationOfRoassal2-AlexandreBergel.5
             linear load : 1.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal2]
                 load : Trachel
                 load : Roassal2
                 load : Roassal2Spec
             explicit load : Graph-ET
                 load : ConfigurationOfGraphET-TudorGirba.8
             linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfGraphET]
                 load : Graph-ET
                 explicit load : Roassal
                     load : ConfigurationOfRoassal-AlexandreBergel.1194
                 linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                     load : Roassal
                     load : RoassalMorphic
                     load : RoassalExtras
                     load : RoassalAthens
             explicit load : Spotlight2
                 load : ConfigurationOfSpotlight2-SeanDeNigris.2
             linear load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfSpotlight2]
                 explicit load : ActiveTutor
                     load : ConfigurationOfActiveTutor-SeanDeNigris.1
                 linear load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfActiveTutor]
                     load : ActiveTutor
                 load : Spotlight2
             load : Glamour-Morphic-Widgets
             load : Glamour-Morphic-Renderer
             load : Glamour-Roassal2-Presentations
             load : Glamour-Roassal-Presentations
             load : Glamour-Tests-Morphic
             load : Glamour-Morphic-Pager
             explicit load : Rubric
                 load : ConfigurationOfRubric-AndreiChis.3
             atomic load : 0.2-baseline [ConfigurationOfRubric]
                 load : Rubric
             load : Glamour-Rubric-Presentations
             load : Glamour-Morphic-Theme
             load : CollectionExtensions
             load : Glamour-Tools
             load : Glamour-GraphET-Presentations
             load : Glamour-Examples
         load : GT-Tools
         load : GT-Tests-Inspector
         load : GT-Playground
         load : GT-Inspector
         load : GT-Metaceller-Glamour
         load : GT-InspectorExtensions-Core
         load : GT-Coder
         explicit load : PetitParser
             load : ConfigurationOfPetitParser-StephanEggermont.46
         atomic load : 1.6-baseline [ConfigurationOfPetitParser]
             load : PetitParser
             load : PetitTests
             load : PetitAnalyzer
             load : PetitSmalltalk
             load : PetitCSV
             load : PetitJson
             load : PetitMSE
             load : PetitManifestMf
             load : PetitRegex
             load : PetitXml
             load : PetitXPath
             load : Factorial-Language
             explicit load : Glamour
                 load : ConfigurationOfGlamour-TudorGirba.145
             atomic load : 2.9-baseline [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
                 load : Glamour-Announcements
                 load : Glamour-Helpers
                 load : Glamour-Core
                 load : Glamour-Presentations
                 load : Glamour-Browsers
                 explicit load : Roassal for Glamour
                     load : ConfigurationOfRoassal-AlexandreBergel.1194
                 linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                     load : Roassal
                     load : RoassalMorphic
                     load : RoassalExtras
                     load : RoassalAthens
                 explicit load : Graph-ET
                     load : ConfigurationOfGraphET-TudorGirba.8
                 linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfGraphET]
                     load : Graph-ET
                     explicit load : Roassal
                         load : ConfigurationOfRoassal-AlexandreBergel.1194
                     linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                         load : Roassal
                         load : RoassalMorphic
                         load : RoassalExtras
                         load : RoassalAthens
                 explicit load : Spotlight2
                     load : ConfigurationOfSpotlight2-SeanDeNigris.2
                 linear load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfSpotlight2]
                     explicit load : ActiveTutor
                         load : ConfigurationOfActiveTutor-SeanDeNigris.1
                     linear load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfActiveTutor]
                         load : ActiveTutor
                     load : Spotlight2
                 load : Glamour-Morphic-Widgets
                 load : Glamour-Morphic-Renderer
                 load : Glamour-Roassal-Presentations
                 load : Glamour-Morphic-Pager
                 explicit load : Rubric
                     load : ConfigurationOfRubric-AndreiChis.3
                 atomic load : 0.2-baseline [ConfigurationOfRubric]
                     load : Rubric
                 load : Glamour-Rubric-Presentations
                 load : Glamour-Morphic-Theme
                 load : CollectionExtensions
                 load : Glamour-Tools
                 load : Glamour-GraphET-Presentations
                 load : Glamour-Examples
             load : PetitGui
         explicit load : GTDebugger
             load : ConfigurationOfGTDebugger-AndreiChis.3
         linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfGTDebugger]
             explicit load : GTInspector
                 load : ConfigurationOfGToolkit-TudorGirba.48
             atomic load : 0.12-baseline [ConfigurationOfGToolkit]
                 explicit load : DeepTraverser
                     load : ConfigurationOfDeepTraverser-TudorGirba.1
                 atomic load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfDeepTraverser]
                     load : DeepTraverser
                 explicit load : GlamourCore
                     load : ConfigurationOfGlamour-TudorGirba.145
                 atomic load : 2.9-baseline [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
                     load : Glamour-Announcements
                     load : Glamour-Helpers
                     load : Glamour-Core
                     load : Glamour-Presentations
                     load : Glamour-Browsers
                     load : Glamour-Tests-Core
                     load : Glamour-Tests-Resources
                     explicit load : Roassal for Glamour
                         load : ConfigurationOfRoassal-AlexandreBergel.1194
                     linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                         load : Roassal
                         load : RoassalMorphic
                         load : RoassalExtras
                         load : RoassalAthens
                     explicit load : Roassal2 for Glamour
                         load : ConfigurationOfRoassal2-AlexandreBergel.5
                     linear load : 1.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal2]
                         load : Trachel
                         load : Roassal2
                         load : Roassal2Spec
                     explicit load : Graph-ET
                         load : ConfigurationOfGraphET-TudorGirba.8
                     linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfGraphET]
                         load : Graph-ET
                         explicit load : Roassal
                             load :
                         linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                             load : Roassal
                             load : RoassalMorphic
                             load : RoassalExtras
                             load : RoassalAthens
                     explicit load : Spotlight2
                         load : ConfigurationOfSpotlight2-SeanDeNigris.2
                     linear load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfSpotlight2]
                         explicit load : ActiveTutor
                             load :
                         linear load : 1.0-baseline
                             load : ActiveTutor
                         load : Spotlight2
                     load : Glamour-Morphic-Widgets
                     load : Glamour-Morphic-Renderer
                     load : Glamour-Roassal2-Presentations
                     load : Glamour-Roassal-Presentations
                     load : Glamour-Tests-Morphic
                     load : Glamour-Morphic-Pager
                     explicit load : Rubric
                         load : ConfigurationOfRubric-AndreiChis.3
                     atomic load : 0.2-baseline [ConfigurationOfRubric]
                         load : Rubric
                     load : Glamour-Rubric-Presentations
                     load : Glamour-Morphic-Theme
                     load : CollectionExtensions
                     load : Glamour-Tools
                     load : Glamour-GraphET-Presentations
                     load : Glamour-Examples
                 load : GT-Inspector
             explicit load : NewDebugger
                 load : ConfigurationOfNewDebugger-AndreiChis.8
             atomic load : 0.3-baseline [ConfigurationOfNewDebugger]
                 load : DebuggerActions
                 load : DebuggerModel
                 load : DebuggerFilters
                 load : DebuggerExtensions
             load : GT-Debugger
         load : GT-SUnitDebugger
         load : GT-PetitParserDebugger
         load : GT-GlamourDebugger)

     ((ConfigurationOfGlamour project version: #development)
ignoreImage: true; record)

a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear load :
     linear load : 2.9-baseline [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
         load : ConfigurationOfMagritte3
     atomic load : 2.9-baseline [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
         load : Glamour-Announcements
         load : Glamour-Helpers
         load : Glamour-Core
         load : Glamour-Presentations
         load : Glamour-Browsers
         load : Glamour-Tests-Core
         load : Glamour-Tests-Resources
         explicit load : Roassal for Glamour
             load : ConfigurationOfRoassal-AlexandreBergel.1194
         linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
             load : Roassal
             load : RoassalMorphic
             load : RoassalExtras
             load : RoassalAthens
         explicit load : Roassal2 for Glamour
             load : ConfigurationOfRoassal2-AlexandreBergel.5
         linear load : 1.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal2]
             load : Trachel
             load : Roassal2
             load : Roassal2Spec
         explicit load : Graph-ET
             load : ConfigurationOfGraphET-TudorGirba.8
         linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfGraphET]
             load : Graph-ET
             explicit load : Roassal
                 load : ConfigurationOfRoassal-AlexandreBergel.1194
             linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                 load : Roassal
                 load : RoassalMorphic
                 load : RoassalExtras
                 load : RoassalAthens
         explicit load : Graph-ET2
             load : ConfigurationOfGraphET2-PabloEstefo.26
         linear load : 0.1 [ConfigurationOfGraphET2]
             explicit load : Roassal2
                 load : ConfigurationOfRoassal2-AlexandreBergel.5
             linear load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfRoassal2]
                 load : Trachel
                 load : Roassal2
             explicit load : RoassalPdfExporter2
                 load : ConfigurationOfRoassalPdfExporter2-PabloEstefo.18
             linear load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfRoassalPdfExporter2]
                 explicit load : Artefact
                     load : ConfigurationOfArtefact-OlivierAuverlot.14
                 linear load : 1.3 [ConfigurationOfArtefact]
                     load : ConfigurationOfUnits
                 linear load : 1.3 [ConfigurationOfArtefact]
                     explicit load : Units
                         load : ConfigurationOfUnits-GuillaumeLarcheveque.11
                     linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfUnits]
                         load : Units-Core-GuillaumeLarcheveque.5
                         load : Units-Tests-GuillaumeLarcheveque.2
                     load : Artefact-Core-OlivierAuverlot.249
                     load : Artefact-Tests-OlivierAuverlot.2
                     load : Artefact-Examples-OlivierAuverlot.2
                 load : RoassalPdfExporter2-PabloEstefo.36
             explicit load : Neo
                 load : ConfigurationOfNeoCSV-SvenVanCaekenberghe.12
             linear load : 10 [ConfigurationOfNeoCSV]
                 load : Neo-CSV-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.16
                 load : Neo-CSV-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.15
             load : GraphET2-PabloEstefo.59
         explicit load : Magritte3
             load : ConfigurationOfMagritte3-DiegoLont.95
         linear load : 3.1.4 [ConfigurationOfMagritte3]
             explicit load : Grease
                 load : ConfigurationOfGrease-StephanEggermont.272
             linear load : 1.1.9 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
                 load : Grease-Core-JohanBrichau.86
                 load : Grease-Pharo30-Core-pmm.15
             load : Magritte-Model-DiegoLont.450
             load : Magritte-Pharo3-Model-DamienCassou.2
             load : Magritte-Tests-Model-DiegoLont.38
             load : Magritte-Tests-Pharo-Model-lr.4
             load : Magritte-Morph-SeanDeNigris.84
             load : Magritte-Pharo3-Model
         load : Glamour-Magritte-Presentations
         explicit load : Spotlight2
             load : ConfigurationOfSpotlight2-SeanDeNigris.2
         linear load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfSpotlight2]
             explicit load : ActiveTutor
                 load : ConfigurationOfActiveTutor-SeanDeNigris.1
             linear load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfActiveTutor]
                 load : ActiveTutor
             load : Spotlight2
         load : Glamour-Morphic-Widgets
         load : Glamour-Morphic-Renderer
         load : Glamour-Roassal2-Presentations
         load : Glamour-Roassal-Presentations
         load : Glamour-Tests-Morphic
         load : Glamour-Tests-Roassal
         load : Glamour-Morphic-Pager
         explicit load : Rubric
             load : ConfigurationOfRubric-AndreiChis.3
         atomic load : 0.2-baseline [ConfigurationOfRubric]
             load : Rubric
         load : Glamour-Rubric-Presentations
         load : Glamour-Tests-Rubric
         load : Glamour-Morphic-Theme
         load : CollectionExtensions
         load : Glamour-Tools
         load : Glamour-GraphET-Presentations
         load : Glamour-Examples)

  ((ConfigurationOfAnnouncerCentricDebugger project version:
#development) ignoreImage: true; record)
  a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear load :
     atomic load : 0.3-baseline [ConfigurationOfAnnouncerCentricDebugger]
         explicit load : GTDebugger
             load : ConfigurationOfGTDebugger-AndreiChis.3
         linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfGTDebugger]
             explicit load : GTInspector
                 load : ConfigurationOfGToolkit-TudorGirba.48
             atomic load : 0.12-baseline [ConfigurationOfGToolkit]
                 explicit load : DeepTraverser
                     load : ConfigurationOfDeepTraverser-TudorGirba.1
                 atomic load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfDeepTraverser]
                     load : DeepTraverser
                 explicit load : GlamourCore
                     load : ConfigurationOfGlamour-TudorGirba.145
                 atomic load : 2.9-baseline [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
                     load : Glamour-Announcements
                     load : Glamour-Helpers
                     load : Glamour-Core
                     load : Glamour-Presentations
                     load : Glamour-Browsers
                     load : Glamour-Tests-Core
                     load : Glamour-Tests-Resources
                     explicit load : Roassal for Glamour
                         load : ConfigurationOfRoassal-AlexandreBergel.1194
                     linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                         load : Roassal
                         load : RoassalMorphic
                         load : RoassalExtras
                         load : RoassalAthens
                     explicit load : Roassal2 for Glamour
                         load : ConfigurationOfRoassal2-AlexandreBergel.5
                     linear load : 1.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal2]
                         load : Trachel
                         load : Roassal2
                         load : Roassal2Spec
                     explicit load : Graph-ET
                         load : ConfigurationOfGraphET-TudorGirba.8
                     linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfGraphET]
                         load : Graph-ET
                         explicit load : Roassal
                             load :
                         linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                             load : Roassal
                             load : RoassalMorphic
                             load : RoassalExtras
                             load : RoassalAthens
                     explicit load : Spotlight2
                         load : ConfigurationOfSpotlight2-SeanDeNigris.2
                     linear load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfSpotlight2]
                         explicit load : ActiveTutor
                             load :
                         linear load : 1.0-baseline
                             load : ActiveTutor
                         load : Spotlight2
                     load : Glamour-Morphic-Widgets
                     load : Glamour-Morphic-Renderer
                     load : Glamour-Roassal2-Presentations
                     load : Glamour-Roassal-Presentations
                     load : Glamour-Tests-Morphic
                     load : Glamour-Morphic-Pager
                     explicit load : Rubric
                         load : ConfigurationOfRubric-AndreiChis.3
                     atomic load : 0.2-baseline [ConfigurationOfRubric]
                         load : Rubric
                     load : Glamour-Rubric-Presentations
                     load : Glamour-Morphic-Theme
                     load : CollectionExtensions
                     load : Glamour-Tools
                     load : Glamour-GraphET-Presentations
                     load : Glamour-Examples
                 load : GT-Inspector
             explicit load : NewDebugger
                 load : ConfigurationOfNewDebugger-AndreiChis.8
             atomic load : 0.3-baseline [ConfigurationOfNewDebugger]
                 load : DebuggerActions
                 load : DebuggerModel
                 load : DebuggerFilters
                 load : DebuggerExtensions
             load : GT-Debugger
         load : ACD-Model
         load : ACD-Glamour-Interface)

  ((ConfigurationOfEyeSee  project version: #development) ignoreImage:
true; record)
   a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear load :
     linear load : 1.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfEyeSee]
         load : ConfigurationOfShapeST80
     atomic load : 1.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfEyeSee]
         load : EyeSee-Events
         load : EyeSee-Axis
         load : EyeSee-Tests-Core
         load : EyeSee-Support
         explicit load : ShapeST80
             load : ConfigurationOfShapeST80-TudorGirba.8
         linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfShapeST80]
             load : ShapeST80-TudorGirba.2
         load : EyeSee-Core)

  ((ConfigurationOfFame  project version: #development) ignoreImage:
true; record)
   a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear load :
     atomic load : 1.2-baseline [ConfigurationOfFame]
         explicit load : HashTable
             load : ConfigurationOfHashTable-SergeStinckwich.10
         atomic load : 2.0 [ConfigurationOfHashTable]
             load : Hashtable-SergeStinckwich.32
         explicit load : Phexample
             load : ConfigurationOfPhexample-StefanMarr.9
         linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfPhexample]
             load : Phexample-StefanMarr.70
         load : Fame-Core
         load : Fame-Util
         load : Fame-ImportExport
         load : Fame-SmalltalkBinding
         load : Fame-Example
         load : Fame-Tests-Core)

  ((ConfigurationOfGTDebugger  project version: #development)
ignoreImage: true; record) a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear
load :
     linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfGTDebugger]
         explicit load : GTInspector
             load : ConfigurationOfGToolkit-TudorGirba.48
         atomic load : 0.12-baseline [ConfigurationOfGToolkit]
             explicit load : DeepTraverser
                 load : ConfigurationOfDeepTraverser-TudorGirba.1
             atomic load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfDeepTraverser]
                 load : DeepTraverser
             explicit load : GlamourCore
                 load : ConfigurationOfGlamour-TudorGirba.145
             atomic load : 2.9-baseline [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
                 load : Glamour-Announcements
                 load : Glamour-Helpers
                 load : Glamour-Core
                 load : Glamour-Presentations
                 load : Glamour-Browsers
                 load : Glamour-Tests-Core
                 load : Glamour-Tests-Resources
                 explicit load : Roassal for Glamour
                     load : ConfigurationOfRoassal-AlexandreBergel.1194
                 linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                     load : Roassal
                     load : RoassalMorphic
                     load : RoassalExtras
                     load : RoassalAthens
                 explicit load : Roassal2 for Glamour
                     load : ConfigurationOfRoassal2-AlexandreBergel.5
                 linear load : 1.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal2]
                     load : Trachel
                     load : Roassal2
                     load : Roassal2Spec
                 explicit load : Graph-ET
                     load : ConfigurationOfGraphET-TudorGirba.8
                 linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfGraphET]
                     load : Graph-ET
                     explicit load : Roassal
                         load : ConfigurationOfRoassal-AlexandreBergel.1194
                     linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                         load : Roassal
                         load : RoassalMorphic
                         load : RoassalExtras
                         load : RoassalAthens
                 explicit load : Spotlight2
                     load : ConfigurationOfSpotlight2-SeanDeNigris.2
                 linear load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfSpotlight2]
                     explicit load : ActiveTutor
                         load : ConfigurationOfActiveTutor-SeanDeNigris.1
                     linear load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfActiveTutor]
                         load : ActiveTutor
                     load : Spotlight2
                 load : Glamour-Morphic-Widgets
                 load : Glamour-Morphic-Renderer
                 load : Glamour-Roassal2-Presentations
                 load : Glamour-Roassal-Presentations
                 load : Glamour-Tests-Morphic
                 load : Glamour-Morphic-Pager
                 explicit load : Rubric
                     load : ConfigurationOfRubric-AndreiChis.3
                 atomic load : 0.2-baseline [ConfigurationOfRubric]
                     load : Rubric
                 load : Glamour-Rubric-Presentations
                 load : Glamour-Morphic-Theme
                 load : CollectionExtensions
                 load : Glamour-Tools
                 load : Glamour-GraphET-Presentations
                 load : Glamour-Examples
             load : GT-Inspector
         explicit load : NewDebugger
             load : ConfigurationOfNewDebugger-AndreiChis.8
         atomic load : 0.3-baseline [ConfigurationOfNewDebugger]
             load : DebuggerActions
             load : DebuggerModel
             load : DebuggerFilters
             load : DebuggerExtensions
         load : GT-Debugger)

  ((ConfigurationOfGraphET  project version: #development) ignoreImage:
true; record)   a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear load :
     linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfGraphET]
         load : Graph-ET
         explicit load : Roassal
             load : ConfigurationOfRoassal-AlexandreBergel.1194
         linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
             load : Roassal
             load : RoassalMorphic
             load : RoassalExtras
             load : RoassalAthens)

((ConfigurationOfGraphET2  project version: #development) ignoreImage:
true; record) a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear load :
     linear load : 0.1 [ConfigurationOfGraphET2]
         explicit load : Roassal2
             load : ConfigurationOfRoassal2-AlexandreBergel.5
         linear load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfRoassal2]
             load : Trachel
             load : Roassal2
         explicit load : RoassalPdfExporter2
             load : ConfigurationOfRoassalPdfExporter2-PabloEstefo.18
         linear load : 1.0 [ConfigurationOfRoassalPdfExporter2]
             explicit load : Artefact
                 load : ConfigurationOfArtefact-OlivierAuverlot.14
             linear load : 1.3 [ConfigurationOfArtefact]
                 load : ConfigurationOfUnits
             linear load : 1.3 [ConfigurationOfArtefact]
                 explicit load : Units
                     load : ConfigurationOfUnits-GuillaumeLarcheveque.11
                 linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfUnits]
                     load : Units-Core-GuillaumeLarcheveque.5
                     load : Units-Tests-GuillaumeLarcheveque.2
                 load : Artefact-Core-OlivierAuverlot.249
                 load : Artefact-Tests-OlivierAuverlot.2
                 load : Artefact-Examples-OlivierAuverlot.2
             load : RoassalPdfExporter2-PabloEstefo.36
         explicit load : Neo
             load : ConfigurationOfNeoCSV-SvenVanCaekenberghe.12
         linear load : 10 [ConfigurationOfNeoCSV]
             load : Neo-CSV-Core-SvenVanCaekenberghe.16
             load : Neo-CSV-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.15
         load : GraphET2-PabloEstefo.59)

  ((ConfigurationOfMetanool  project version: #development) ignoreImage:
true; record) a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear load :
     linear load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfMetanool]
         load : ConfigurationOfMagritte3
     atomic load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfMetanool]
         explicit load : Magritte3
             load : ConfigurationOfMagritte3-DiegoLont.95
         linear load : 3.1.4 [ConfigurationOfMagritte3]
             explicit load : Grease
                 load : ConfigurationOfGrease-StephanEggermont.272
             linear load : 1.1.9 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
                 load : Grease-Core-JohanBrichau.86
                 load : Grease-Pharo30-Core-pmm.15
             load : Magritte-Model-DiegoLont.450
             load : Magritte-Pharo3-Model-DamienCassou.2
             load : Magritte-Tests-Model-DiegoLont.38
             load : Magritte-Tests-Pharo-Model-lr.4
             load : Magritte-Morph-SeanDeNigris.84
         explicit load : Fame
             load : ConfigurationOfFame-SergeStinckwich.25
         atomic load : 1.2-baseline [ConfigurationOfFame]
             explicit load : HashTable
                 load : ConfigurationOfHashTable-SergeStinckwich.10
             atomic load : 2.0 [ConfigurationOfHashTable]
                 load : Hashtable-SergeStinckwich.32
             explicit load : Phexample
                 load : ConfigurationOfPhexample-StefanMarr.9
             linear load : 1.2 [ConfigurationOfPhexample]
                 load : Phexample-StefanMarr.70
             load : Fame-Core
             load : Fame-Util
             load : Fame-ImportExport
             load : Fame-SmalltalkBinding
             load : Fame-Example
             load : Fame-Tests-Core
         load : Metanool-Core
         load : Metanool-Tests-Core)

  ((ConfigurationOfMagritte3  project version: #development)
ignoreImage: true; record) a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear
load :
     linear load : 3.1.4 [ConfigurationOfMagritte3]
         explicit load : Grease
             load : ConfigurationOfGrease-StephanEggermont.272
         linear load : 1.1.9 [ConfigurationOfGrease]
             load : Grease-Core-JohanBrichau.86
             load : Grease-Pharo30-Core-pmm.15
         load : Magritte-Model-DiegoLont.450
         load : Magritte-Pharo3-Model-DamienCassou.2)

  ((ConfigurationOfMerlin  project version: #development) ignoreImage:
true; record) a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear load :
     linear load : 1.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfMerlin]
         load : Merlin)

  ((ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos  project version: #development)
ignoreImage: true; record) a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear
load :
     atomic load : 2.5-baseline [ConfigurationOfMooseAlgos]
         load : Moose-Algos-Graph
         load : Moose-Tests-Algos-Graph
         load : Moose-Algos-HierarchicalGraph
         load : Moose-Tests-Algos-HierarchicalGraph
         load : Moose-Tests-Algos-InformationRetrieval
         load : Moose-Algos-FormalConceptAnalysis
         load : Moose-Tests-Algos-FormalConceptAnalysis
         load : Moose-Algos-Lattice
         load : Moose-Tests-Algos-Lattice
         load : Moose-Algos-LinearAlgebra
         load : Moose-Tests-Algos-LinearAlgebra
         load : Moose-Algos-Clustering
         load : Moose-Algos-InformationRetrieval
         load : Moose-Tests-Algos-Clustering
         load : Moose-Algos-Kontractor
         load : Moose-Tests-Algos-Kontractor
         explicit load : DeepTraverser
             load : ConfigurationOfDeepTraverser-TudorGirba.1
         atomic load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfDeepTraverser]
             load : DeepTraverser
         load : Moose-Algos-GraphObjectTraverser
         load : CollectionExtensions)

  ((ConfigurationOfNewDebugger  project version: #development)
ignoreImage: true; record) a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear
load :
     atomic load : 0.3-baseline [ConfigurationOfNewDebugger]
         load : DebuggerActions
         load : DebuggerModel
         load : DebuggerFilters
         load : Spec-Debugger)

  ((ConfigurationOfPastell  project version: #development) ignoreImage:
true; record) a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear load :
     linear load : 1.2-baseline [ConfigurationOfPastell]
         explicit load : XMLParser
             load : ConfigurationOfXMLParser-DiegoLont.62
         linear load : 1.6.4 [ConfigurationOfXMLParser]
             explicit load : XMLWriter
                 load : ConfigurationOfXMLWriter-monty.52
             linear load : 2.3.9 [ConfigurationOfXMLWriter]
                 explicit load : OrderPreservingDictionary
                     load : ConfigurationOfOrderPreservingDictionary-monty.6
                 linear load : 1.1
                     load : Collections-OrderPreservingDictionary-monty.9
                 load : XML-Writer-Core-monty.15
                 load : XML-Writer-Tests-monty.2
             explicit load : BitmapCharacterSet
                 load : ConfigurationOfBitmapCharacterSet-StephaneDucasse.6
             linear load : 1.1 [ConfigurationOfBitmapCharacterSet]
                 load : Collections-BitmapCharacterSet-Anonymous.6
             explicit load : OrderPreservingDictionary
                 load : ConfigurationOfOrderPreservingDictionary-monty.6
             linear load : 1.1 [ConfigurationOfOrderPreservingDictionary]
                 load : Collections-OrderPreservingDictionary-monty.9
             load : XML-Parser-monty.228
             load : XML-Tests-Parser-monty.58
         load : Pastell-Base
         load : Pastell-Tests)

  ((ConfigurationOfPetitParser  project version: #development)
ignoreImage: true; record) a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear
load :
     atomic load : 1.6-baseline [ConfigurationOfPetitParser]
         load : PetitParser
         load : PetitTests
         load : PetitAnalyzer
         load : PetitSmalltalk
         load : PetitCSV
         load : PetitJson
         load : PetitMSE
         load : PetitManifestMf
         load : PetitRegex
         load : PetitXml
         load : PetitXPath
         load : Factorial-Language
         explicit load : Glamour
             load : ConfigurationOfGlamour-TudorGirba.145
         atomic load : 2.9-baseline [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
             load : Glamour-Announcements
             load : Glamour-Helpers
             load : Glamour-Core
             load : Glamour-Presentations
             load : Glamour-Browsers
             explicit load : Roassal for Glamour
                 load : ConfigurationOfRoassal-AlexandreBergel.1194
             linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                 load : Roassal
                 load : RoassalMorphic
                 load : RoassalExtras
                 load : RoassalAthens
             explicit load : Graph-ET
                 load : ConfigurationOfGraphET-TudorGirba.8
             linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfGraphET]
                 load : Graph-ET
                 explicit load : Roassal
                     load : ConfigurationOfRoassal-AlexandreBergel.1194
                 linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                     load : Roassal
                     load : RoassalMorphic
                     load : RoassalExtras
                     load : RoassalAthens
             explicit load : Spotlight2
                 load : ConfigurationOfSpotlight2-SeanDeNigris.2
             linear load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfSpotlight2]
                 explicit load : ActiveTutor
                     load : ConfigurationOfActiveTutor-SeanDeNigris.1
                 linear load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfActiveTutor]
                     load : ActiveTutor
                 load : Spotlight2
             load : Glamour-Morphic-Widgets
             load : Glamour-Morphic-Renderer
             load : Glamour-Roassal-Presentations
             load : Glamour-Morphic-Pager
             explicit load : Rubric
                 load : ConfigurationOfRubric-AndreiChis.3
             atomic load : 0.2-baseline [ConfigurationOfRubric]
                 load : Rubric
             load : Glamour-Rubric-Presentations
             load : Glamour-Morphic-Theme
             load : CollectionExtensions
             load : Glamour-Tools
             load : Glamour-GraphET-Presentations
             load : Glamour-Examples
         load : PetitGui)

  ((ConfigurationOfPetitSQLParser  project version: #development)
ignoreImage: true; record) a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear
load :
     atomic load : 1.3-baseline [ConfigurationOfPetitSQLParser]
         explicit load : PetitParser for PetitSQLParser
             load : ConfigurationOfPetitParser-StephanEggermont.46
         atomic load : default [ConfigurationOfPetitParser]
             load : PetitParser
             load : PetitTests
             load : PetitAnalyzer
             load : PetitSmalltalk
             load : PetitCSV
             load : PetitJson
             load : PetitMSE
             load : PetitManifestMf
             load : PetitRegex
             load : PetitXml
             load : PetitXPath
             load : Factorial-Language
             explicit load : Glamour
                 load : ConfigurationOfGlamour-TudorGirba.145
             atomic load : 2.9-baseline [ConfigurationOfGlamour]
                 load : Glamour-Announcements
                 load : Glamour-Helpers
                 load : Glamour-Core
                 load : Glamour-Presentations
                 load : Glamour-Browsers
                 explicit load : Roassal for Glamour
                     load : ConfigurationOfRoassal-AlexandreBergel.1194
                 linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                     load : Roassal
                     load : RoassalMorphic
                     load : RoassalExtras
                     load : RoassalAthens
                 explicit load : Graph-ET
                     load : ConfigurationOfGraphET-TudorGirba.8
                 linear load : 0.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfGraphET]
                     load : Graph-ET
                     explicit load : Roassal
                         load : ConfigurationOfRoassal-AlexandreBergel.1194
                     linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
                         load : Roassal
                         load : RoassalMorphic
                         load : RoassalExtras
                         load : RoassalAthens
                 explicit load : Spotlight2
                     load : ConfigurationOfSpotlight2-SeanDeNigris.2
                 linear load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfSpotlight2]
                     explicit load : ActiveTutor
                         load : ConfigurationOfActiveTutor-SeanDeNigris.1
                     linear load : 1.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfActiveTutor]
                         load : ActiveTutor
                     load : Spotlight2
                 load : Glamour-Morphic-Widgets
                 load : Glamour-Morphic-Renderer
                 load : Glamour-Roassal-Presentations
                 load : Glamour-Morphic-Pager
                 explicit load : Rubric
                     load : ConfigurationOfRubric-AndreiChis.3
                 atomic load : 0.2-baseline [ConfigurationOfRubric]
                     load : Rubric
                 load : Glamour-Rubric-Presentations
                 load : Glamour-Morphic-Theme
                 load : CollectionExtensions
                 load : Glamour-Tools
                 load : Glamour-GraphET-Presentations
                 load : Glamour-Examples
             load : PetitGui
         load : PetitSQLite-Parser
         load : PetitSQLite-AST
         load : PetitSQLite-Tests-Parser)

  ((ConfigurationOfRoassal  project version: #development) ignoreImage:
true; record) a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear load :
     linear load : 0.7-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal]
         load : Roassal
         load : RoassalMorphic
         load : RoassalExtras
         load : RoassalAthens)

  ((ConfigurationOfRoassal2   project version: #development)
ignoreImage: true; record) a MetacelloNullRecordingMCSpecLoader(linear
load :
     linear load : 1.1-baseline [ConfigurationOfRoassal2]
         load : Trachel
         load : Roassal2
         load : Roassal2Spec)
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Re: Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....

Because if I do something like:
GET2ApplicationExamples new examplePopulationAndArea

I want to be able to export this very cool graph as a PDF by clicking on export. It is rare when I use GraphET without exporting to PDF.

Alexandre Bergel

On Jun 26, 2014, at 11:55 AM, stepharo <[hidden email]> wrote:

PS: why do we need artefact (GraphET2 uses it and NeoCSV to me this is wrong), XML,  loaded into Moose by default

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Re: Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....


> Because if I do something like:
> GET2ApplicationExamples new examplePopulationAndArea
> I want to be able to export this very cool graph as a PDF by clicking
> on export. It is rare when I use GraphET without exporting to PDF.

but it could be packaged (I mean validated, certified and tested to work
with the latest version of X, Z, K)
as GETPDF and you load it just when you export.

I think sadly that the image is killing our mind.
You do not load all the Java libraries because you could use them.

I think that you do not understand what I mean when I say that images
are not software artefacts.
Images are cool wonderfully gorgeous cache.
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Re: Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....

In reply to this post by abergel

next time you will be buying stuff in a supermarket you will think about me because you will not buy all the goods
in all the rows, Just the one you think you will eat and this is the same with Moose.
Why we cannot load XML parser when needed.
Because JSON, SVG, XML.... and output depends on the scenario.


On 26/6/14 18:05, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Because if I do something like:
GET2ApplicationExamples new examplePopulationAndArea

I want to be able to export this very cool graph as a PDF by clicking on export. It is rare when I use GraphET without exporting to PDF.

Alexandre Bergel

On Jun 26, 2014, at 11:55 AM, stepharo <[hidden email]> wrote:

PS: why do we need artefact (GraphET2 uses it and NeoCSV to me this is wrong), XML,  loaded into Moose by default

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Re: Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....

next time you will be buying stuff in a supermarket you will think about me because you will not buy all the goods
in all the rows, Just the one you think you will eat and this is the same with Moose.
Why we cannot load XML parser when needed.
Because JSON, SVG, XML.... and output depends on the scenario.

I perfectly agree. Ideally, the image should be small, and support loading on demand. However, as fas as I know, there is no such infrastructure in Pharo. How can I load code only when it is needed?
I cannot realistically rewrite expressive like 

PDFPage new add: (PDFCircleElement new)

((Smalltalk globals includesKey: #PDFPage) 
ifTrue: [ Smalltalk globals at: #PDFPage ]
ifFalse: [ “Gofer invocation to load PDF Exporter” 
Smalltalk globals at: #PDFPage ]) new add: (Smalltalk at: #PDFCircleElement) new

That would be insane. Loading on demand is indeed important. Java does it pretty well, Pharo should do it too.
But infrastructure (even a basic one) is needed for this.



On 26/6/14 18:05, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Because if I do something like:
GET2ApplicationExamples new examplePopulationAndArea

I want to be able to export this very cool graph as a PDF by clicking on export. It is rare when I use GraphET without exporting to PDF.

Alexandre Bergel

On Jun 26, 2014, at 11:55 AM, stepharo <[hidden email]> wrote:

PS: why do we need artefact (GraphET2 uses it and NeoCSV to me this is wrong), XML,  loaded into Moose by default

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Re: Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....

Nicolas Anquetil

We could do it by creating a stub class (PDFPage and/or PDFCircleElement in Alexander's example) with a special "new" that would first load the required package ?


On 26/06/2014 21:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
next time you will be buying stuff in a supermarket you will think about me because you will not buy all the goods
in all the rows, Just the one you think you will eat and this is the same with Moose.
Why we cannot load XML parser when needed.
Because JSON, SVG, XML.... and output depends on the scenario.

I perfectly agree. Ideally, the image should be small, and support loading on demand. However, as fas as I know, there is no such infrastructure in Pharo. How can I load code only when it is needed?
I cannot realistically rewrite expressive like 

PDFPage new add: (PDFCircleElement new)

((Smalltalk globals includesKey: #PDFPage) 
ifTrue: [ Smalltalk globals at: #PDFPage ]
ifFalse: [ “Gofer invocation to load PDF Exporter” 
Smalltalk globals at: #PDFPage ]) new add: (Smalltalk at: #PDFCircleElement) new

That would be insane. Loading on demand is indeed important. Java does it pretty well, Pharo should do it too.
But infrastructure (even a basic one) is needed for this.



On 26/6/14 18:05, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Because if I do something like:
GET2ApplicationExamples new examplePopulationAndArea

I want to be able to export this very cool graph as a PDF by clicking on export. It is rare when I use GraphET without exporting to PDF.

Alexandre Bergel

On Jun 26, 2014, at 11:55 AM, stepharo <[hidden email]> wrote:

PS: why do we need artefact (GraphET2 uses it and NeoCSV to me this is wrong), XML,  loaded into Moose by default

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Re: Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....

But this solve only partially the problem. How do you reference a class then?
I cannot write Smalltalk at: #myclass all the time
Another solution would be to put the code that does the exporting in a different package, but this is quite some work. 


On 27 Jun 2014, at 04:32, Nicolas Anquetil <[hidden email]> wrote:

We could do it by creating a stub class (PDFPage and/or PDFCircleElement in Alexander's example) with a special "new" that would first load the required package ?


On 26/06/2014 21:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
next time you will be buying stuff in a supermarket you will think about me because you will not buy all the goods
in all the rows, Just the one you think you will eat and this is the same with Moose.
Why we cannot load XML parser when needed.
Because JSON, SVG, XML.... and output depends on the scenario.

I perfectly agree. Ideally, the image should be small, and support loading on demand. However, as fas as I know, there is no such infrastructure in Pharo. How can I load code only when it is needed?
I cannot realistically rewrite expressive like 

PDFPage new add: (PDFCircleElement new)

((Smalltalk globals includesKey: #PDFPage) 
ifTrue: [ Smalltalk globals at: #PDFPage ]
ifFalse: [ “Gofer invocation to load PDF Exporter” 
Smalltalk globals at: #PDFPage ]) new add: (Smalltalk at: #PDFCircleElement) new

That would be insane. Loading on demand is indeed important. Java does it pretty well, Pharo should do it too.
But infrastructure (even a basic one) is needed for this.



On 26/6/14 18:05, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Because if I do something like:
GET2ApplicationExamples new examplePopulationAndArea

I want to be able to export this very cool graph as a PDF by clicking on export. It is rare when I use GraphET without exporting to PDF.

Alexandre Bergel

On Jun 26, 2014, at 11:55 AM, stepharo <[hidden email]> wrote:

PS: why do we need artefact (GraphET2 uses it and NeoCSV to me this is wrong), XML,  loaded into Moose by default

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Re: Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....

In reply to this post by Nicolas Anquetil

We could do it by creating a stub class (PDFPage and/or PDFCircleElement in Alexander's example) with a special "new" that would first load the required package ?

next time you will be buying stuff in a supermarket you will think about me because you will not buy all the goods
in all the rows, Just the one you think you will eat and this is the same with Moose.
Why we cannot load XML parser when needed.
Because JSON, SVG, XML.... and output depends on the scenario.

I perfectly agree. Ideally, the image should be small, and support loading on demand. However, as fas as I know, there is no such infrastructure in Pharo. How can I load code only when it is needed?
I cannot realistically rewrite expressive like 

PDFPage new add: (PDFCircleElement new)

((Smalltalk globals includesKey: #PDFPage) 
ifTrue: [ Smalltalk globals at: #PDFPage ]
ifFalse: [ “Gofer invocation to load PDF Exporter” 
Smalltalk globals at: #PDFPage ]) new add: (Smalltalk at: #PDFCircleElement) new

No this would be ridiculous and it shows a problem of design.
When I have a document that I want to export pdf, latex, rtf ... then I have a visitor and different visitors
for each format!

That would be insane. Loading on demand is indeed important. Java does it pretty well, Pharo should do it too.
But infrastructure (even a basic one) is needed for this.

This is orthogonal. You have a design problem. I think that this is a problem to have to load Artefact even if I never ever
generate pdf.


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Re: Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....

In reply to this post by abergel

On 27/6/14 13:38, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
But this solve only partially the problem. How do you reference a class then?
I cannot write Smalltalk at: #myclass all the time
Another solution would be to put the code that does the exporting in a different package, but this is quite some work.

Sounds that you got the answer. Modularity is not magic but really important.



On 27 Jun 2014, at 04:32, Nicolas Anquetil <[hidden email]> wrote:

We could do it by creating a stub class (PDFPage and/or PDFCircleElement in Alexander's example) with a special "new" that would first load the required package ?


On 26/06/2014 21:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
next time you will be buying stuff in a supermarket you will think about me because you will not buy all the goods
in all the rows, Just the one you think you will eat and this is the same with Moose.
Why we cannot load XML parser when needed.
Because JSON, SVG, XML.... and output depends on the scenario.

I perfectly agree. Ideally, the image should be small, and support loading on demand. However, as fas as I know, there is no such infrastructure in Pharo. How can I load code only when it is needed?
I cannot realistically rewrite expressive like 

PDFPage new add: (PDFCircleElement new)

((Smalltalk globals includesKey: #PDFPage) 
ifTrue: [ Smalltalk globals at: #PDFPage ]
ifFalse: [ “Gofer invocation to load PDF Exporter” 
Smalltalk globals at: #PDFPage ]) new add: (Smalltalk at: #PDFCircleElement) new

That would be insane. Loading on demand is indeed important. Java does it pretty well, Pharo should do it too.
But infrastructure (even a basic one) is needed for this.



On 26/6/14 18:05, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Because if I do something like:
GET2ApplicationExamples new examplePopulationAndArea

I want to be able to export this very cool graph as a PDF by clicking on export. It is rare when I use GraphET without exporting to PDF.

Alexandre Bergel

On Jun 26, 2014, at 11:55 AM, stepharo <[hidden email]> wrote:

PS: why do we need artefact (GraphET2 uses it and NeoCSV to me this is wrong), XML,  loaded into Moose by default

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Re: Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....

Java has probably the best solution for this. As you soon as you need a class, it is automatically loaded in memory :-)
User do not have to care about all this...

Alexandre Bergel

On Jun 27, 2014, at 5:04 PM, stepharo <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 27/6/14 13:38, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
But this solve only partially the problem. How do you reference a class then?
I cannot write Smalltalk at: #myclass all the time
Another solution would be to put the code that does the exporting in a different package, but this is quite some work.

Sounds that you got the answer. Modularity is not magic but really important.



On 27 Jun 2014, at 04:32, Nicolas Anquetil <[hidden email]> wrote:

We could do it by creating a stub class (PDFPage and/or PDFCircleElement in Alexander's example) with a special "new" that would first load the required package ?


On 26/06/2014 21:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
next time you will be buying stuff in a supermarket you will think about me because you will not buy all the goods
in all the rows, Just the one you think you will eat and this is the same with Moose.
Why we cannot load XML parser when needed.
Because JSON, SVG, XML.... and output depends on the scenario.

I perfectly agree. Ideally, the image should be small, and support loading on demand. However, as fas as I know, there is no such infrastructure in Pharo. How can I load code only when it is needed?
I cannot realistically rewrite expressive like 

PDFPage new add: (PDFCircleElement new)

((Smalltalk globals includesKey: #PDFPage) 
ifTrue: [ Smalltalk globals at: #PDFPage ]
ifFalse: [ “Gofer invocation to load PDF Exporter” 
Smalltalk globals at: #PDFPage ]) new add: (Smalltalk at: #PDFCircleElement) new

That would be insane. Loading on demand is indeed important. Java does it pretty well, Pharo should do it too.
But infrastructure (even a basic one) is needed for this.



On 26/6/14 18:05, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Because if I do something like:
GET2ApplicationExamples new examplePopulationAndArea

I want to be able to export this very cool graph as a PDF by clicking on export. It is rare when I use GraphET without exporting to PDF.

Alexandre Bergel

On Jun 26, 2014, at 11:55 AM, stepharo <[hidden email]> wrote:

PS: why do we need artefact (GraphET2 uses it and NeoCSV to me this is wrong), XML,  loaded into Moose by default

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Re: Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....

In reply to this post by abergel

2014-06-27 8:38 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]>:
But this solve only partially the problem. How do you reference a class then?
I cannot write Smalltalk at: #myclass all the time
Another solution would be to put the code that does the exporting in a different package, but this is quite some work. 

Have you explored instructing the compiler to accept unloaded class names and then associate those names with a block which load the package?


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Re: Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....

In reply to this post by abergel
Do you think that you do not have to define dependencies?
Don't be naive do you think that having bloated appliactions in Java is not the problems of DSI?
It is. We met some of them in the context of synectique.

The solution is to think modular.

Java has probably the best solution for this. As you soon as you need a class, it is automatically loaded in memory :-)
User do not have to care about all this...

Alexandre Bergel

On Jun 27, 2014, at 5:04 PM, stepharo <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 27/6/14 13:38, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
But this solve only partially the problem. How do you reference a class then?
I cannot write Smalltalk at: #myclass all the time
Another solution would be to put the code that does the exporting in a different package, but this is quite some work.

Sounds that you got the answer. Modularity is not magic but really important.



On 27 Jun 2014, at 04:32, Nicolas Anquetil <[hidden email]> wrote:

We could do it by creating a stub class (PDFPage and/or PDFCircleElement in Alexander's example) with a special "new" that would first load the required package ?


On 26/06/2014 21:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
next time you will be buying stuff in a supermarket you will think about me because you will not buy all the goods
in all the rows, Just the one you think you will eat and this is the same with Moose.
Why we cannot load XML parser when needed.
Because JSON, SVG, XML.... and output depends on the scenario.

I perfectly agree. Ideally, the image should be small, and support loading on demand. However, as fas as I know, there is no such infrastructure in Pharo. How can I load code only when it is needed?
I cannot realistically rewrite expressive like 

PDFPage new add: (PDFCircleElement new)

((Smalltalk globals includesKey: #PDFPage) 
ifTrue: [ Smalltalk globals at: #PDFPage ]
ifFalse: [ “Gofer invocation to load PDF Exporter” 
Smalltalk globals at: #PDFPage ]) new add: (Smalltalk at: #PDFCircleElement) new

That would be insane. Loading on demand is indeed important. Java does it pretty well, Pharo should do it too.
But infrastructure (even a basic one) is needed for this.



On 26/6/14 18:05, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Because if I do something like:
GET2ApplicationExamples new examplePopulationAndArea

I want to be able to export this very cool graph as a PDF by clicking on export. It is rare when I use GraphET without exporting to PDF.

Alexandre Bergel

On Jun 26, 2014, at 11:55 AM, stepharo <[hidden email]> wrote:

PS: why do we need artefact (GraphET2 uses it and NeoCSV to me this is wrong), XML,  loaded into Moose by default

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Re: Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....

In reply to this post by hernanmd
with such solution we will obtain bullshit.

This is the way squeak removed etoy: full of terrible case statements.

In vw you have bindings that are resolved when used but this is just one  part of the story.

when you have a document and multiple outputer you should start to see how you can structure them
in a way that your model is independant  from the outputers.

Alex will feel the pain if one day he has to port GraphEt to VW and for some strange reason
they want to use another frameworks than artefact or one of the used packages do not work in VW.

Good luck.

Now we can continue not to trust in modularity but we should not come back and cry when it will hurts
because it will hurt.

2014-06-27 8:38 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]>:
But this solve only partially the problem. How do you reference a class then?
I cannot write Smalltalk at: #myclass all the time
Another solution would be to put the code that does the exporting in a different package, but this is quite some work. 

Have you explored instructing the compiler to accept unloaded class names and then associate those names with a block which load the package?


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Re: Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....

In reply to this post by hernanmd
This would be a nice small project. But I am however not sure that i really want this behavior.
It depends on the situation


On 28 Jun 2014, at 02:07, Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]> wrote:

2014-06-27 8:38 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]>:
But this solve only partially the problem. How do you reference a class then?
I cannot write Smalltalk at: #myclass all the time
Another solution would be to put the code that does the exporting in a different package, but this is quite some work. 

Have you explored instructing the compiler to accept unloaded class names and then associate those names with a block which load the package?


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Re: Since you think that I could be ranting for nothing....

In reply to this post by stepharo

2014-06-28 4:24 GMT-03:00 stepharo <[hidden email]>:
with such solution we will obtain bullshit.

You can insult proposals and ideas all around, but I saw Smalltalk/X does something like that, and you named the VW bindings, so it could be a good choice for Pharo if implemented correctly (with a state machine).

Sadly I cannot do it now :(

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